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Character Bios 2

Heeeere it is! The second part of my long list of characters. Enjoy!


Edgar's twin brother and the former prince of Figaro, Sabin abandoned his home kingdom for a life that was his and his alone to control. Don't get me wrong. This guy cares deeply about his home and his brother, he just can't stomach the weight of ruling. But where politics fail him, he more than makes up for in strength of body and character. You gotta admire a guy who can stand his ground when defending his friends and his beliefs, as well as total a train with the help of a friend or two. Sabin joins the group after the escape from Figaro with Edgar, having finally decided upon the death of his Master to use his skills to help save the world! Sabin can use the wonderful 'Blitz' ability. This allows him to show off some of his awesome fighting moves, so long as you enter the right combinations on the controller.


Infused with magic when she was just a child, we know little of Celes' family background. What we do know is that she was raised by Cid, the Empire's top scientist, and is and excellent fighter. She worked for the empire until she realised that they were rotten to the core (as most people do). Once she decided that the empire was wrong, she was procclaimed a traitor and put in a dungeon. But Locke, ever eager to help a fair maiden, came to her rescue and convinced her to join forces with him and the rest of the gang. Celes naturally agreed, and overtime she and Locke became close friends, watching out for each other all the time. Celes has the handy 'Rune' ability. This allows her to absorb any magic used on her and her party for one turn and transfer it into HP. Pretty cool, huh?


Withdrawn and aloof, Shadow is a lone-wolf assassin who's only companion is a dog named Interceptor. For the longest time he wafts in and out of your party like a wave of mist, before he finally decides to join forces on a more permanent basis. At one point he even works for the Empire! But at heart Shadow is a good person, haunted by memories of feelings and people he had blocked out to keep the pain of they're loss away. He can't even admit to himself how truly good and caring he is at heart, prefering to think of himself as a cold-hearted, selfish no one. Shadow can 'Throw' weapons or special items at enemies. This ability can really help ease a battle, but whatever you throw does not come back.