Books Available from Robert Noyer
"The Grey Baron"
Note: On July 4, 2008, Robert Noyer passed away. These books are no longer avaiable through this website.
Robert Noyer aka The Grey Baron has written Slice of Life columns for the Winchester (VA) Star from 1989 until 2000. Of his best 77 columns, about ten percent concern flying, the rest about travel, growing up, and people--but almost all are humorous, with an occasional splash of "airplane dust" for old eyes. These feel-good pieces appeal to all readers, young, old(er), flyers, drivers, couch people. 176 pages, paperback. $7.95+$1.50 shipping & handling ($9.45 total) |
The Grey Baron is back! He has combed through his columns "Tales of The Grey Baron, Noyer at Large" in Aviation Digest, written between mid-1993 and early 1997, and reprinted them for pilots and wannabes to enjoy again. Plus an additional chapter of a few longer pieces. Most stories are short, humorous, and can be read in any order. Just the thing to have while waiting at the airport, car rental, or the weather. And your significant other will like Flying Tales, too. 230 pages, paperback $8.95+$1.50 shipping & handling ($10.45 total). |
Special! Order both books for $17.00 postpaid! |
Ordering Instructions: To order with check or money order, send the correct amount to: Dinosaur Press 1316 Darlington Drive Winchester VA 22603 Orders can also be placed with Mastercard, VISA or direct withdrawal from your bank account through PayPal, a free online service. To pay for these items using PayPal, simply click on any of the PayPal links above, or click on the link below to register with PayPal, and use the "Send Money" command to send the desired dollar amount to me at: Thank you! Robert Noyer (The Grey Baron)