Chakat Redtail

Name: Chakat Redtail
Father: Chakat Starryeyes
Mother: Chakat Whitepaws
Siblings: Corran Whitestripe
Marital Status: None
Cubs: None
Age: 20
Occupation: Student

My Furry Code
FFMt2admrw A+ C* D H+++ M+++ P++ R++ T++++ W- Z# Sh++ RLU/- a cm+ d+ e+ f+ h* iwf++ j+ p sm+

Chakat Redtail, child of Starryeyes and Whitetpaws, started life in a quiet backwater corner of Canada as a small chakat, with one older brother, an adopted tigertaur named Corran. Shi quickly showed signs of intelligence at an early age and was quite bright in grade school and by the time shi graduated high school, she graduated with honors. Although getting into the bad group at hir university caused hir to drop down to a local community college, Redtail continues hir fascination with annoying hir brother while exploring other furries and just basically doodling. Attempts at relationships seemed promising, but after two disastrous failures in hir university years, Redtail has decided that shi better wait until the right one comes along and so shi pretty much keeps to hirself.

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