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Pantheon Rank System

Naive 2d20
This rank is for those who enter and has not choosen a Pantheon to belong to. May advance once the application been approved to Apprentice rank.Unlimited

Apprentice 2d24
This rank is gained once the player decides on a course of direction, Pantheon or Freelance. Must be at this rank for 1 weeks before attaining Soldier.Unlimited

Soldier 2d26
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM or spar and score it. They must have held this rank for 2 weeks before attaining the next rank.Unlimited

Veteran 2d28
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM,SM,HM and score it. They must have held this rank for 2 weeks before attaining the next rank.Unlimited

Knight 2d30
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM,SM,HM,DM,MPC and score it. They must have held this rank for 2 weeks before attaining the next rank.Unlimited

Marshal 2d34
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM,SM,HM,DM,AA,MPC,MCC and score it. They must have held this rank for 2 weeks before attaining the next rank.Freelancer at this rank will follow the ranks on the Freelancer page. There may be 5 per Pantheon

Baron/Baroness 2d36
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM,SM,HM,DM,AA,MPC,MCC and score it.They must have been in a 2TM,2SM,2HM, 1DM. They must have held this rank for 1 month before attaining the next rank..
There may be 4 of each per pantheon

*Count/Countess 2d38
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM,SM,HM,DM,AA,MPC,MCC and score it.They must have been in a 2TM,2SM,2HM,1DM,1AA. They must have held this rank for 1 month before attaining the next rank..
There may be 3 of each per pantheon

*Lord/Lady 2d40
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM,SM,HM,DM,AA,MPC,MCC and score it.They must have been in a 2TM,2SM,2HM,1DM,1AA,1MPC. They must have held this rank for 1 month before attaining the next rank..
There may be 3 of each per pantheon

*Earl 2d42
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM,SM,HM,DM,AA,MPC,MCC and score it.They must have been in a 2TM,3SM,3HM,2DM,2AA,1MPC. They must have held this rank for 1 month before attaining the next rank..
There may be 2 per pantheon

*Viscount 2d44
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know how to follow a TM,SM,HM,DM,AA,MPC,MCC and score it.They must have been in a 2TM,3SM,3HM,2DM,2AA,2MPC. They must have held this rank for 1 month before attaining the next rank..
There may be 2 of each per pantheon

*Kings/Queens 2d46
This rank determined if they can attain the next rank, for by this rank they must know it all.They must know how all powers work within the game. They must have held this rank for 1 month before attaining the next rank, they must submit a deity app and be approved.
There may be 2 of each per pantheon

*Angels/Demons 2d48
This rank, they must know all forms of combat and powers.This is a special rank, for Angels and Demons can not attain Deity status.
They may forge a Soul weapon of +3.
A younger may have 1 Angel or 1 Demon A Greater may have 2 Angels or 2 Demons or 1 of each
A Elder may have 3 Angels or 3 Demons, or a combination of

Younger Deity 2d50
Listed below

Greater Deity 2d55
Listed below

Elder Deity 2d60

*In order to advance to Younger Deity, you must be of King/Queen or WarLord rank, the fight must be 1 to 1, no AA's,no outside help in any form. Anyone can kill a Deity if his/her rolls are good, but doing so will not advance that person to Deity status. From Knights to Lords, if they slay a Deity, they will be granted the next rank. Likewise, if anyone kills someone of 3 ranks higher than him/herself, that person's rank will be raised by one. This cannot be done through MPC, MCC, or AA.The winner must have held the prior rank at least for 2 weeks

Anyone can apply for Deityship, is to present your case to the Council OOC. The Council valuate:
Role Playing Skill
Interactions with others
Time to devote to the position

We do consider if your charcter good or evil, how he/she fits in the cosmos. We believe that a balance must be maintain for the good of the game. However, we look more at the OOC aspects, then the IC aspects.
There is a one month probation period in which to set your realm and interaction with the other members of the council, and your activeness online, if approved.

*Gaining Greater Deity from Younger: The character must be a Younger for at least 2 IRL month, and have an establish order(15 or more players) in order to challenge a Greater for his/her position. If the Younger wins, then the Greater falls to Younger. If the Greater wins, then the Younger falls to the rank of King for 1 IRL week then regains Deity rank. Please note that this must be done alone, 1 on 1 basis.
Elder deities are the most dangerous and powerful players in the game. Achieving the rank of Elder Deity is the greatest accomplishment one can make. When a Greater Deity has been placed into Elder Deity status, all of their true powers are unleashed and the key to eternal life is unlocked. An Elder Deity is shown respect by even their most hated enemies, and their word is final. Elder Deities are the role models of the game, there for they must be extremely wise in their decisions and not make any rash moves.

Forming your own Pantheon: Approval from the council must be attained. However, a Greater can establish a new Pantheon by submitting a request detailing the why, the need and most important of all, the Storyline aspect. This is not a fly by night Storyline, which will be considered greatly of the depth it took to create and maintain such.