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I'm becoming numb...Version 3, and I think the title will be staying this way, until I really put some time and/or effort into this site :Þ Anyway, this time I'm linking to stuff I actually have here, instead of having it just sit there isolated. And I finally attached the CSS Stylesheet to this page. So all is good. (Quenya Translation)

So here's the stuff
Videogame Music Modules. Impulse Tracker versions of some music, tracked by me.
Boardie and CRFH M:TG cards. Also made by me, but I don't own M:TG or any of its concepts, so don't sue me.
The CRFH!!! Family Tree. Took me five hours to build, using the original JPEG version as a reference. But it's easier to update :)
LiveJournal which most of you already know, but I'm putting here anyway :)
And this is me during the National Championship (Mexico). I'm the one in the black/white striped shirt.

Link No. 1: CRFH!!! If you're seeing this page, it's probably because of this.

Link No. 2: Bob and George. Megaman sprite-based comic. It's not that he's an idiot. He's just programmed that way. Or so they claim.

Link No. 3: Queen. Favourite group in the world. Probably not as good as the Beatles or Pink Floyd, but then again, I made this page, so I get to choose what's in it and what's not :)

Irrelevant Link No. 1: MTGNews. One of the best (if not the best) M:TG sites on the net.

Irrelevant Link No. 2: Judge Certification Program. If you plan on applying for a M:TG certified judge, this is the place to go.

©2001-2002 by
Made in Mexico by Mexicans
Last Updated: