This is my website dedicated to my recent role-play characters. Do not use any of the images here unless stated otherwise or else Shannon will whup some ass. Okie, ciao. Oh and meet the narrators of this site. S-ko and L-ko. Uh, yeah, I stole it from SKU. But.. uh, so anyways. They're the weird ones with the weird converstations. Mwahahahaha! Oh, a couple of character images were drawn by Asagi and Juno from ACCENT. It's pretty obvious which ones are. Thanks so much, Asagi and Juno!

Which torture do you prefer?

Feigned Innocence (Kourui Nekokaburi)
Tainted Angel (Mizu Kaze)
Leather Baby (Tombe)
Bitter Savior (Anastasia Roman)
Goddesses Only (The Me Section!)
Lonely Dreamer (Star)
