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Equipment Lists

Enhanced Body Armor

Enhanced Body Armor: E.B.A.
Simple device really.
Thin fabric covers the body, right over your clothes. Enhances your physique 
visually( handy if you don't have one) as well as physically. F=+2cs A=+1cs S=+1cs E=+2cs Can be used for up to 2, 4, 8 hours (depending on the model) before exhaustion(Stats go down to poor) hits hard and the wearer needs to sleep for 8 hours. the suit comes in black, silver, blue, camo green, and gold. It is also gender specific. (Male in a female suit will look female.)

(taken from twilights webpage.)

Lot Six

Lot Six was created by Dr. Dennis Terral for the Project. A steroid derivitive that enhances physical prowess and enhanced his senses in some cases it enhanced regenerative processes within the body and they bodies ability to resist both Diseases and Toxins. The problem with this is that most of those who survived the process became amoral killers with little conscience and a low frustration tolerance level. There is a 90% chance that Lot Six will kill the character, if they survive then the following occurs.

Ability Increase: 
+2 Ranks Fighting (Max of Amazing) 
+1 Ranks Agility (Max of Amazing) 
+2 Ranks Strength (Max of Remarkable) 
+2 Ranks Endurance (Max of Remarkable) 
+3 Ranks Intuition (Max of Monstrous) 

Standard Features: 
Enhanced senses or Tracking: (1-50 Enhanced, 51-96 Tracking, 97-00 Both) 
Resistance to Disease and Toxins: (1-50 Toxins, 51-96 Disease, 97-00 Both) 
Natural Weapons or Claws: (Choose) 

Antimatter Extrapolator
This pistol looks much like the standard handgun. However, it is far more deadly than any typical handgun.

  • Antimatter Blast: The Weapon fires a tight beam of antimatter particles up to a range of 1 area. When solid matter and the antimatter beam meet, the result is an explosion, as a minute amount of physical matter is instantly transformed into energy. Resolve attacks on the Force Column. If the target is struck, he suffers Unearthly force damage, as the meeting of his very atoms with the antimatter particles triggers an explosion; even though this is considered a force attack, the blast itself is considered an energy attack against a target's Body Armor. In addition, the force of the explosion can cause Slams or Stuns (Yellow or Red results, respectively) like a blunt attack. This weapon can also affect individual items of inorganic matter such as walls, doors, and so forth. The pistol can be fired once per round, and has enough ammunition charges for 10 shots.

    Genome Toxin Grenades
    These grenades disperse a unique type of nerve toxin that only reacts to aberrent DNA in a victim's body. There has been a complete mapping of standard genes in the human body done (the Human Genome Project) that allows this kind of chemical technology. The gas does Rm neurological damage each round to anyone with superhuman genetics or alterations - unfortunately, some innocent bystanders are affected by this toxin. Anyone with obviously genetically based maladies (Down's Syndrome, etc.) will be affected like a mutant or altered human. There is a 30% chance of this toxin affecting alien humanoid physiologies also. The toxin cloud is 20' by 20' by 10' high and lasts for 5 rounds.

    Phase Rockets
    Fired from a standard LAW rocket cylinder, this rocket has a computerized warhead with a proximity sensor set for 1 foot. When the sensor goes off, the rocket goes out of phase long enough to travel 18 inches, then triggers two explosions. The first destroys the phasing apparatus, causing the rocket to come back into phase. The second detonates the missile a microsecond later. The result is Monstrous damage that bypasses any natural or inorganic body armor, resistances. Collateral damage is minimal, Excellent damage to anything within 10' of the explosion.

    Mutant Power Intensifier
    This ray gun was created by Hank McCoy. When striking a character it increases his power level up to CL3000 rank. As most mutants could not control power of this magnitude so this is not a desirable result. The intensifier can also be set to return the character back to normal levels although this usually wears of within a few years and the characters power return to dangerous levels.

    Stasis Gun
    A short, metal rifle with a forked barrel. When fired, the weapon emits a stream of energy upto a range of 1 area. If the target is hit, he is caught in the stream and surrounded within a super hard energy shell. At this point the shell has Incredible material strength. If the stream is maintained for a further full round the stasis shell solidifies, gaining apermanent stength of Unearthly. Victims held within the stasis shell "freeze". They have no need for food, air orwater. Nearly all body functions are suspended. They can however, see, hear, smell and feel what is happening around them. The stasis shell is permanent until physically broken or by reversing the gun's polarity and draining the shell. The gun can fire once per round and is capable of 10 shots before requiring a recharge.

    Celonite Powersuit: by Keith Kilburn.
    The Celonites are a race of Benevolent Aliens that used their abilities to spawn the Celonite Power suits to benefit other races across the Universe. The suits or symbiotic in nature and bond with the user after the first wearing...Typically two people are chosen, one to wear the suit and the other to help ensure the wearers humanity.

    There is never more than One Celonite suit to a planet, although wears from different worlds do occasionally meet. The suit comes with an instruction booklet that can only be read while in the suit. Of all the races given Powersuits humans seem to have the most problem keeping their booklets

    It should be noted that the Ch'doth Predators consider Celonite Powersuit wearers to be the ultimate prize. Taking not the Head. But the Suit.

    Ability Increase:
    +2 Ranks Fighting (Max of Amazing)
    +1 Ranks Agility (Max of Incredible)
    +3 Ranks Strength (Max of Amazing)
    +4 Ranks Endurance (Max of Amazing)
    +2 Ranks Intuition (Max of Incredible)

    Standard Features:
    Body Armor: Remarkable
    Holographic Vision: (combination of clairaudience/Clairvoyance): Remarkable
    Lightning Speed: Monstrous
    Flight: Amazing
    Lingustics: Poor, R/W Instruction booklet. As a side-effect the wearer can only understand all other languages if they are spoken.
    Magic Detection/Truesight: Amazing
    Heat Emission: Remarkable
    Shrinking: Remarkable
    Telekinesis: Remarkable
    Invisiblity: Remarkable
    Focus: Monstrous
    Polymorphic: Suit may change its appearance to anything the user desires
    Regeneration: The suit will repairs rips and tears, possible even an entire suit from mere scraps.
    Super Breath: Strength rank ability to inhale or exhale gases.
    Auto Hypnosis:Psych rank, Target(s) nust be looking at the user.
    Cosmic Awarness: Amazing

    All of the powers come from a Celonite powersuit.
    Will only work on user.
    Has no Resistance to Magic or Psionic's.
    These powers are all listed in the Instruction manuals given to the weilders of the Powersuits and powers can be bought at 800 karma a piece.

    Hulkbuster Body Armor
    This black metal battlesuit is an apparent variation on the Mandroid armor design, upgunned to handle the Hulk.

    Ability Increase:
    +1 Ranks Agility (Max of Excellent)
    +2 Ranks Strength (Max of Remarkable)
    +1 Ranks Endurance (Max of Remarkable)

    Standard Features:
    Body Armor: The armor's osmium-steel hide provides Amazing protection vs. physical and energy attacks.
    Energy Blast: Most other systems and sensors have been bypassed to provide an Unearthly neuro-stunner, with a two-area range, which inflicts full Energy damage on its target.