
The Hellmares

Atalanta - Hellmare mount of Ellyn, Corwin's daughter. Speed is definitely the arena for this mare; there is a running debate whether or not she can outrace her sire Morgenstern. She is a chestnut, with socks and a narrow blaze.

Balius - Conrad's Hellmare stallion, and twin to Xanthus. He is dark gray, with a silver mane and tail.

Blade - Hellmare in Julian's stable. This mare has apparently, for reasons unknown to EVERYONE, adopted Julian and Morgenstern as her own. She was the dam of Atalanta and Valadan, Morgenstern's Hellmare children. She is a bay mare, with a star and socks.

Cheyenne - Sand's Hellmare. Ironically, one of the brightest of the Hellmares but one of the slowest. She has learned to read and write (rather clumsily). She is a bay roan.

Ciaran - Hellmare on loan to Digit. He's a black horse, barely out of adolescence.

Comanche - Hellmare, daughter of Cheyenne. Mount of Aidan, son of Sand. She is a red bay, with pinto markings.

Ixion - Hellmare stallion that belonged to Queen Vialle. Shortly after Sand's reappearance, this grey stallion arrived in the Palace stables and insisted, through Cheyenne, that he wanted to be ridden by Vialle. So, with Random's consent and Sand's assistance, the two formed a close partnership, with the Hellmare acting as her eyes. At the time of Vialle's death, Ixion attached himself to Random.

Kells - Hellmare stallion of Fenneca, Fiona and Mandor's daughter. He is a pale green, with a dark star shaped somewhat like a Celtic knot.

Rhythm - Hellmare stallion of Kaylana, Random and Vialle's daughter. He seems determined to protect his rider, despite the fact that she is no longer the irresponsible girl she once was. He is a dark brown, with a white spotted blanket and a thin blaze.

Sandpiper - Hellmare mount of Ander, Sand's estranged son. She is pale, pale tan, with a dark tear-track around her eyes.

Thalia - Yet another Hellmare, the mount of Aphrodite, daughter of Llewella. She is light brown.

Valadan - The not-too-bright Hellmare son of Morgenstern and Blade. Apparently, most of his inheritance from his mother was a shorter stature and nicer features. In demeanor and friendliness, he is just like his sire. He is black.

Xanthus - Hellmare stallion of Isbel, Julian's daughter, and twin to Balius. He is a chestnut.


Other Notable Creatures

Hellhounds - Still around. One pack is on lease to Julian's son Valerian, but the rest are still under Julian's control.

Irish Wolfhounds - Yes, Flora brought them with her to Amber. Random is not amused.

Julian's Hawks - A group are on lease to Valerian, but the rest are exclusively Julian's.

Kaylana's Wolves - Not much more than your standard highly enhanced wolf pack, loyally dedicated to Kaylana. They were her first protecters, and will probably be her last.

Morgana - Pet raven of Mordred. A bird with a remarkable grasp of the English language and lockpicking skills.

Morgenstern - Julian's... beast. Still around, despite numerous wishes otherwise, and the "proud" father of two Hellmares. Not that he pays attention.

Owls - Remora's group of nocturnal birds is rarely seen in Amber, unless one is in the gardens on a dark night.

Ruffian - Horse of Alice, graddaughter of Ellyn. Possibly a Hellmare or descendant of one. She is grey.

Shasko - Corwin's blue mount from Chaos ("Blue Horse, Dancing Mountains", "Hall of Mirrors"). No one is quite sure just what Shask is - shapeshifting horse, demon, lizard...

Tiger - Ah, yes. Who can forget Merlin's brightly-striped horse? Apparently not him; the stallion is now a fixture in the stables of Chaos.

"Wolfie" - The infamous "wing-dog" of Bastion's. Originally an Irish Wolfhound (the third one Flora gave her son), he was altered somewhat.


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