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Here's the fourth page of Jist pictures^^ Jist is of course mine char and the pics all belong to their artists^^. On to the fourth round of pics!

EEEEP! Jist's Nightmare

Here's a really great pic by Nagi-oki. Poor wittle Jist had a nightmare! (That's Azurea on his right side and Tita on his left, in both the dream and reality). I think he watched too much Sorcerer Hunters before bed. Doesn't he just look soooo cute cowering under the covers?^^

Ready your bow! The archers

Here's Jist and Sabrina Ironforge, the two bow users of the adventuring group Jist is in. Use quiet differnt bows, as you can see. Jist has a crossbow..(which is mainly wood not metal like it looks in the pic^^;;) and Sabby has a long bow. More elfish for her.;) Fitting as she's halfelf.^^ The elf shown by the pointy ears.. the fact she's only half by the red hair. Drawn by Ryan Goldfoxx^^

Look he can smile! Little Smile

Awwww, Jist looks so cute here with a lil tiny smile on his face.^^ I like how the piccy is shaded so pretty.^^ Caelestis did this one, you can find her site on the links page.^^ Only thingy not supermegagreat! about piccy is no shirt! Jist is too shy not to wear a shirt!^^;;

Awwwww, so cute and unsure. Touch my heart

Here's Jist standing there all nice and pretty in his current clothes, aaaaand the little necklace Tita got him.^^ It has a nice little pendant on the end with the inscription 'To Jist from Tita. Forever.' on the back. Tita has a matching one, and the pendents glow when they're close together.^^ You might be thinking.."Hey! I've seen this one before!" Well yah. But now its colored! By me!^^ I think this is one of the best Jist piccies I ever have got.^^ (Also think its one of the best coloring jobs I have ever done.*^^*)

Awwwwwww^^ Cute little soldier boy Jist.

This cute little piccy was drawn by a guy by the name of Khymerion. You can go check out his page on the links page.^^ Jist looks soooooooooooooooooooooo*takes breath* oooooo kyuuute! here^^. In a spiffy green uniform.. that kinda reminds me of the Utena anime/manga for some reason. oO ^^

Be a tree!! Totem pole.

I wonder what they're hiding from... whatever it is has them scared and scared good! Eeeeeeek!^^ Just in case you can't tell the girl on top of Jist is Tita (of course^^). And as for that thing on top of her... its some sort of native american tree spirt. I'll have to ask da artist, BAR-1, da name later. ... oh! I know!^^ Jist and Tita are hiding from the lil thing on Tita's head... that things this pretending to be a tree is a fun game.^^

1k! 1000 hits!

Yey! This piccy is by Nagi-oki congradulating this site on getting its first 1000 hits! Jist with 2 of Nagi's chars, Janjihirra (PC from the MUSH) and Bastet, Janjhiira's mommy. Heheheh poor Jist. Lil brain 'bout to blow up. Hope Tita won't get too mad at him.^^ Awww lookit Nagi even drew Jist's necklace on him.^^

SD or Chibi? Awwwwwwww!

Here's a cute piccy of and SD/Chibi Jist drawn by Halo. I just love how cute lil Ryo looks sleeping on his head.^^ Which is something she does quiet often as there's lotts room for a lil kitty up there.^^ Its colored by me!^^ Look it! I drew the background in photoshop.^^ Yah its just a rock but I like how it turned out.^^

hehehhe^^ Drink your rootbeer responsibly.

Okay this piccy has a story behind it. Erin/haLo's cousin was saying Jist looked like a girl! Feh on him!;p So she drew this picture. Its one of his chars, a garg named Jarret, hitting on Jist after one too many Rootbeers.>) mwahahhaha!!^^

I like! Lil Jist

The line art on this picture is by GD11 and the rest is all by me!!^^ A Jist that looks oooh about 11 or 12 years sitting on a log in the forest.^^ I really like how I got the background to go with this picture.^^ Photobackgrounds can be really hard to get in there good. oO;;;

Oki take me back a page.