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Here's the third page of Jist pictures^^ Jist is of course mine char and the pics all belong to their artists^^. On to the third round of pics!

Kawaii! Lil Chibi Jist

A sooooo kyuuuuuute lil chibi Jist piccy that just turned on on the FPFC Art Board one day.^^ It's by a dude named Stephen. Everybiddy say THANK YOU STEPHAN!! Good peoples.

*ROAR* DIE!!!!

BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! XD Well by know you know that's Tita in the foreground and Jist with da big old Manga Mallet, but whoze that he's chasing? That's Azurea another char on the GD2KMUSH. She really knows what buttons to press to get a reaction, dun she?

Buh? Nani?

This was a b-day prezzie from Ferdinator! Jist looks a bit surprised don't he? Well you would be too if an interdiminsional pocket pixy just plucked you outta your home via her pocket! That's Pocketta that did that btw.^^ She's one of Ferd's chars an mascot for his soon to be linked site. (IE when it's up again^^)

[ . . . ] Jist the Stampede

... this.. is THE coolest thing EVER. JIST THE STAMPEDE!!! *composes self* Okay so this is Jist dressed up as Vash the Stampede from the GREAT anime Trigun. If you havn't seen it GO see it. It's gonna be the next big thing!^^ Drawn by Lacan of the FPFC.

OO Mad Jist!

I wonder who pissed him off that much... it coulda been the man that changed him into what he is now... and murdered his family. Well... whoever it is Jist is gonna get them. Maybe it's somebody that hurt Tita! OO (I dun think Jist would get pissed enough that he'd rip his shirt off though^^;;)Drawn by Lime of the FPFC!^^

Fly Fly! Freedom

Jist on a good day here.^^ This is drawn by WEXAL (go to the links and see his page!). One day wittle Jist will learn how to fly^^. He might need the help of an air blast spell to get him up there but he'll be able to do that too^^.

Mrenk! Jist and Ryo-oh-ki

Awwww another cute piccy.^^ Jist and wittle Ryo. That's an apple in Jist's hand just in case you can't tell.^^ Jist's hand so big it kinda looks like a cherry or something. Oo ^^ This piccy was drawn by Ryan Goldfoxx.^^

*sniff* Weeping time...

This piccy here is by The Mad Puffin. You can find a link to his site on.. the links page!:) Here's a scene that happens all to often... poor Jist can't take it anymore and just starts crying. This piccy may have a few inaccuracies...(Tita too tall, Jist's hair too short.. etc) but I love it anyway.^^

Naughty Tita! Oh my!oo

2nd part of the above pic, also by The Mad Puffin of course. Here Tita tries a bit OOC way of making Jist cheer up abit.^^; I must say it would make him stop obsessing over what he is...^^. I just love Jist's tail in this piccy.^^

Dramatic looking^^ Dramatic Lighting

Here's Jist with his crossbow again. This piccy is by a guy named Raven. (You can find a link to his site on the links page.^^) I just love the way this pic is inked. The shadows are so crisp and dramatic looking.^^

Oki take me back a page.