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Here's the second page of Jist pictures^^ Jist is of course mine char and the pics all belong to thier artists^^. On to the second round of pics!

Awwww. Jist and Tita

There she is! That's Tita! She's Jist girlyfriend.*^^* This piccy is by GD11/GDkitty (he uses both nicks^^). You might be wondering 'bout her right arm.. well it's.. a long story. Short version is yes thats metal from the elbow down. And that brings us to another little quirk of poor Jist's... he can't touch people. Well he CAN touch them.. but it sets off a bad physical reacion.. kinda like hyper blood lust and.. lets just say he prefers not to touch. But Tita doesn't care about all that^^ And he can touch her metal okay^^ Yey Tita!

Heheh^^ Jist and Ryo.

Hehe^^ I made Glenn's sister draw Jist too!>) I kinda like how she made his ears on the top of his head.. do wonder why she gave him a sorta rat tail though. oO Doesn't Ryo look soooo cute in this piccy?^^ And lookit! There's his backpack too!^^

Get it Ryo! Happy Halloween!

I didn't even have to ask for this piccy.. Glenn's sis just drew it!^^ I like it^^. Happy Jist!.. might be a bit less happy once Ryo gets his tail though... eek!;) Hmm.. you know Jist could mebbe fit in on Earth okay on Halloween.. bet he'd always win best costume!^^

Try to guess what it is! Jist poloroid.

'nother piccy by Glenn.^^ Here Jist got a hold of a poloroid camera. He tried to take a piccy of just Ryo.. but his hands don't work that good so.. he messed up. Ooops... know Jist.. in a snowstorm?O_O

This piccy was drawn by Bryan Tallman. I like how Jist's claws are in this piccy... really shows how much of a pain they are to deal with.. his crossbow is amight small though.. but oh well^^. One thing thought... Jist has like.. a SUPER weakness towards cold.. touch him with an ice cube and he'll scream. So... this piccy is one of those.. neat but could never really happen.. unless that's not really snow.. hm...^^

one of the best RPGs ever! Cosplay time!

Hunter_GD drew this piccy^^ Didn't he do a great job?^^ This piccy is part of a large cosplay pictures with chars from the MUSH dressed as chars from the great viedo RPG Lunar! Here's Jist as dragonmaster Alex and Tita as Luna!^^ I really like how Hunter got thier heights right.. Jist is 8ft tall and Tita is only 4ft!! OO

Blue! Picture time!

Hehhe, its funny cuase it's true! Poor Jist would run and hide if he saw somebody gonna take a picture of him. This pic is drawn by a guy named Gen... that seems to have dropped offa the net. oo I just love the amount of BLUE in the piccy^^.

Kawaii!! Tita and her b-day prezzie!

Here's another pic by Bryan Tallman. It's Tita with her birthday present, a char named Kayana made her a plushie Jist.^^ And she just loves it sooo much! You might notice Tita has more metal on her arm in this picture.. well this is a current one.. it's a long story but the metal sorta.. grows. Now it's all the way to the base of her neck. Tita's not to crazy about that.. but Jist doesn't mind at all^^ just means more Tita he can try to hug^^.

Mrew! Ryo-oh-ki

Oh okay so this isn't a Jist piccy... but Jist took the picture!:) It's Ryo-oh-ki! Ain't she so cute?^^(Draw by Glenn)

Awwww.. Contentment^^

Awwww isn't this piccy soooooo cute?^^ It's a sketch that the great Dragoness got for me from Fred Perry at A-Kon^^. Doesn't wittle Ryo look sooooooo happy?^^ She knows that Jist'll keep her safe from all the baddies on Jade.^^ I figure this piccy is set before Jist met anybody else.. when Ryo was his only friend in the whole wide world.^^

Oki take me back to the picture index!