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Here's the first page of Jist pictures^^ I got too many to fit them all on one page!OO ... :D Jist is of course mine char and the pics all belong to thier artists^^. On to the pics!

First one ever! First Jist

This here is the first EVER Jist picture I got. It's by that lovely lady know as Dragoness, you can find her page in the links section. The coloring is by me^^. Doesn't little Ryo-oh-ki look sooo cute on his shoulder? He's wearing the clothes he showed up on Jade in in this pic. Poor Jist had to look really hard around his house for clothes that could almost fit him :(. He now has nice clothes that fit.^^ yey!!

Awww, kawaii!! Baby Jist!

This here piccy is by my very good friend Glenn. (You can find his page in the links section too). He got on a Jist drawing kick on day and.. here's baby Jist! Course Jist this age would acutally be a human.. but it's a cute not real pic.^^ And awwwwww wouldn't Jist like he is now have made a kyooote baby?!^^

People are too good to me! Chibi Jist

This piccy is drawn by Dizzy (her sites on the link page^^) and colored by Dragoness! This is a real suprise pic.. one day the line art just showed up on the FPFC art board.. next day colored version did.. I didn't hafta bug anybody fer them!:D And no Jist doesn't have hayfever so this pic is not followed up by flaming sneezes;). (Jist can breath fire! .. and it happens at the most inappriopriate times^^;;)

Oooops! Water Sprite Encounter.

Here's another piccy by Dizzy. Poor Chibi-Jist fall down go boom! Jist is very clumsy.. he's getting better but still isn't used to his new body. What happend in this piccy is he saw something odd in the pool and leaned over to see.. and got off balance (not like he's ever really on balance...) and boom fall down. The something odd was little Cheyenne.

Victory!! Quick ChibiJist.

Wai! A piccy of Jist with his crossbow. Yap he uses a crossbow, he flat out REFUSES to use a sword or an axe or any other weapon like that. Glenn drew this one too^^. He got the fangs there! So many people ferget em -__-; ^^ and while his crossbow does look a bit larger then it should as this is a chibipic of Jist.. it's a pretty large bow. It's 3ft wide and a bit longer. 'course Jist can wield it like it was light as a feather and he's got pretty good aim.^^

...:`( ... shock of reality...

This picture is by the Great Fred Perry, artist and writer of Gold Digger and Legacy. Poor Jist... every now and then.. he.. just.... can't handle being what he is... this is a "now" picture by the way.. not something that happend when he first was changed. He's still having lots of trouble dealing with the fact that he's not human anymore. I figure this was as he was getting ready to take a bath, hence lack of a shirt, then he saw himself in the water and... it all just hit him.. poor Jist...

'T-tita!!!' Jist yelling.

I drew this one! Me! And I colored it too!! I drew this after a RP on the MUSH where Tita (more info on her on the 2nd page of pics) got hurt.. I don't remember exacly what happend.. but I do remember Jist's reaction and how he felt. He tends to sorta loose it anytime ANYTHING happens to Tita.

Clampic Jist crying

This is the first every Jist piccy I drew that I didn't immeditatly toss in the round file.^^; Dunno why he's crying.. ah well, Jist doesn't need any particular reason to cry. Sometimes even Jist doesn't know exacly why he's crying. I promise some not crying Jist piccies to come^^;;

Fly fly fly my pretty! Fly boy

Here's another piccy by Glenn.^^ It's a chibi Jist flying! Jist can fly.. well glide OKish but.... his landings really need work. He just needs the proper motivation to try harder though.. and he'll get that in an upcoming RP.>)

THE FUTURE!! Future Jist!!

hehehehe Aaahh.. this was a great TP.^^ Oki now the lowdown on this picture... well.. see Jist has some dragon blood in him.. so he's a bit long lived and one day on the MUSH.. a Jist from 100 years in the future decided to pop by and say hi.^^ It really helped that the now Jist was sleeping for a few days due to an accidental dose of week sleep. So anyway.. here's Future Jist!:) GD11 drew him and I colored this piccy^^. As you can see he's alot happier.. and has alot longer hair. oO

Okay now time to go back to the pic index page.