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This is my page to stand up and declare my love. Weasly twins, my true loves, Sirius Black, my hottie, Lupin, the nice guy, and... I know most of you won't believe it unless you've read Draco Dormiens, but... I love Draco! It's true, deep down inside, the love is there. Also, this is not some satanic shrine, okay, I don't actually worship anyone or anything on this page, or on my site, I just couldn't think of anything else to call it! So, here are my pics and quotes of my beloved men. Enjoy!


Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, Fred and George Weasley


Hilarious interview with Fred and George

"I don't believe you," said Goyle slowly, but there was fear in his small eyes.
"For instance, I could tell everyone that you sleep with your night light on, you wear frilly pink underwear because it makes you feel pretty, and your secretly in love with Crabbe - you've got a photo of him under your pillow." Draco said.
-Draco Dormiens

Harry and Draco leaned over, staring, as writing appeared on the blade, carved into the metal. It was blackened with age and looked as if it had been there forever. Descensus averno facilis est.
"What does that mean?" asked Draco wonderingly. Lupin looked as if he didn't quite understand either.
"It's Latin," he said. "It means Easy is the Descent Into Hell."
"That's cheerful," said Harry.
"Are you sure it doesn't mean "have a nice day'?" said Draco hopefully. "Or "this sword is worth a lot of money'?"
"Or "'I belong to a massive git'?" suggested Harry.
"No," said Lupin. "It means what I said it means." Both Harry and Draco looked uneasy.
"I dunno what that's about," said Draco. "But it sounds bad."
-Draco Sinister

"Viktor Krum?" repeated Lupin, raising his eyebrows.
"Hermione went to Bulgaria with Viktor Krum last night," said Draco, who seemed determined to act as Greek Chorus. "And she wrote Harry a letter, but I've been telling him I don't think she meant it, because I mean if you've ever seen pictures of Krum he's only got one eyebrow and Potter here might not be winning any beauty competitions, but--"
"That's impossible!" said Lupin, who was looking both exasperated and amused.
"It isn't," said Draco. "He really only has the one eyebrow."
"I meant," said Lupin, "that Hermione er, running off with Viktor Krum to Bulgaria is impossible."
-Draco Sinister

"Salazar Slytherin was not the nicest man," said Lupin. He stood up. "With your permission, Draco, I'd like to take this sword back to my office and look at it more closely."
"Go ahead," said Draco, who was now looking at the sword with suspicion. "But no running in the hallway!" he added as Lupin turned to leave. "That thing is sharp."
-Draco Sinister

"It's more than that," said Lupin, "This sword is what is known as a demon blade. You can kill absolutely anything with it: demons, vampires, immortal monsters, even the risen dead."
"Great," said Draco. "That'll be a lot of fun at parties. 'Hi, my name is Draco Malfoy and I can kill absolutely anything, what can YOU do?'"
-Draco Sinister

"Your imagination. Can you imagine a happy memory? Make something up? A fantasy."
"One of those things where I'm sitting on top of a pyramid wearing sun-god robes and being pampered by half-naked temple virgins?"
"If that makes you happy," said Harry, looking dubious. "May I remind you that we're going for happy here, Malfoy, not, er..."
"Right," said Draco, opening his eyes and grinning. "Happy. Okay." He screwed his eyes shut again, and concentrated. Harry watched the moonlight playing over Draco's face, making dark semicircles under his eyes, printing the shadow of leaves against his pale skin, and thought, he's going to be my brother. My brother. He willed it to seem real to him, but it didn't.
"Okay," said Draco, opening his eyes. "Got one."
"Yeah?" said Harry curiously. "What is it?"
"If I told you it involved Hermione, a feather boa, and the theme music from 'A Summer Place,' would you be angry?"
"Yes," said Harry.
"So don't ask," said Draco.