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"Vision  is  Everything"

June 21, 1998
Dear NAABS Members, Supporters, and Friends:

It is with the deepest of regrets that I must inform you of the disbanding of NAABS. It is a dark day for us all.

As founder of NAABS, I watched it grow from a gleam in my eye to one of the most respected organizations in the world. How proud I was when I first sang the official anthem, when I first saluted our flag, when I was sworn in to the office of President. I treasure these memories, and they will never leave their special place in my heart.

I watched with a joyful tear in my eye as the Committee began sorting out and running the day-to-day affairs of NAABS, quickly taking it into the spotlight of the world.

But as the months passed, that tear turned to one of sadness. I noticed that the Committee had started searching for and finding loopholes in the Constitution, giving themselves more and more power. I saw NAABS' original, true, pure purpose become one of lies, deceit, and greed. When the Committee declared organizational martial law, I decided that they had gone too far, and that they had tarnished NAABS enough. Due to Constitutional restraints, as Supervisor of the Committee I was powerless to do anything. And there was only one thing I could do as President: disband NAABS. The decision was a long and hard one, but eventually I realized that the Committee must be stopped at any price. And that price, unfortunately, was NAABS and all the hopes and dreams that went with it.

I am pleased to say that our chapters in Ancient Greece ran smoothly and made many accomplishments. This leads me to believe that this world, our world, just isn't ready for this yet.

The remaining differences in all membership dues will be returned as soon as possible. However, I have been informed that all spent dues and contributions will remain tax-deductible.

Nowhere in this document did I write out the full name of NAABS, only the acronym. I did this so that anyone not familiar with us and our movement does not despair over what we failed to accomplish, and therefore does not lose hope that it will ever be accomplished.

Be proud of yourselves, friends. You were a part of something bigger than yourselves, something that had the potential to change the world, if given the proper chance. Let us all hope that it will someday get that chance.

So, it is with a sad and heavy heart that I take down, for the last time, our plaid flag which waved proudly in the breeze outside our National Headquarters.

Thank you all for your vision and support.


Katie Zajdel

Founder and Former President of NAABS

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