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Home Introduction Gameplay Card Guide Card List Collector Levels

Submit Info
This site could always use some help so if you would please submit information on the following subjects and I'll post it on my site giving credit to you.
  • An easyer guide on how, when, & where to get the cards.
  • More datailed & accurate description of the rules.
  • A highly detailed & accurate introduction.

    Submit pictures
    Any Pictures that pertain to Tetra Master would be helpful, below is a list of what is need most.
  • A moving gif(a picture that moves) maybe of the game grid.
  • Any pictures of cards or the card menu or game grid.
  • A table with the name and picture of the cards.
    Submit HTML you may also submit Advanced HTML, below is a list is what is needed.
  • Away to play tetramaster over the computer using dice or java chatrooms etc.
  • A list of all 100 card and their status in a nifty little frame/list.
  • Detailed polls.
  • Card Quiz
  • A way for visitors to submit high colletor levels and it be posted for other visitors to see.
  • Any other cool HTML that you think would lighten up the site.
    Submit Music midi/wave
  • The Battle Music for the Tetra Matser Card Game.
    Submit Comments or Questions If you have any questions or comments pertaining to Tetra Master Please notify me.
    Send all info, pics, HTML, or comments & Questions to Kuraj Riapsed@Legend of