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e-Warbirds e-Warbirds Species Studios
P-51 Mustang

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08/31/06 - Due to lack of player interest and hectic schedules, e-Warbirds is on an indefinite hiatus. Remember that using e-Warbirds Moderator you can still host your own mini-games. It's available from the downloads section. Tiffany and Jason both want to express their thanks to all the players whose interest kept e-Warbirds alive so long.

12/19/05 - I will NOT be processing e-Warbirds turns on Sunday night, 12/25/05 at midnight EST, and Sunday night, 01/01/06 at midnight EST. Other than these two days, e-Warbirds will continue as usual during the holidays. I hope the end of the year finds everyone in good spirits!

08/05/05 - I am going on vacation, e-Warbirds turns will resume around Midnight EST on August 21. Sorry for the inconvenience. Remember that you can host your own mini games with e-Warbirds Moderator which can be found on our downloads page. Be sure to read the readme file, and happy flying!

09/21/04 - e-Warbirds is up and running again! I will be sending a newsletter out this weekend (Sept 25 or 26) to encourage all the players in my database to return. If you do not recieve a newsletter or if you signed up after January 2004, you may need to sign up again. e-Mail the server with questions or use the forum, I'm only too happy to help!

06/02/04 - No e-WB Turns for a while: I lost most of my e-Warbirds data. I'll try to let you all know when I can get back up and running, but it may be a while. If you newer players (before the switch in December) would re-submit signup requests, I'll save them on the hotmail server until I can get Jason's old data.

05/22/04 - The scores are being reset. Most Valuable Player: Wing (110 pts). Most Valuable Newbie: TBone (102 pts). Top Squadron(s): Tie between Wolf Pack and Mighty Hummingbirds, both 7 vics and 4 defs. See the Forum for details, and to post questions or comments.

02/23/04 - New Scenario "Stooping Hawks" begins on 02/29/04, and will last a maximum of 45 turns. Featured aircraft: Curtiss F9C-2 Sparrowhawk, and Nakajima Army Ki-27 Nate. Stop by the Scenario section for more info on how to join and play in scenarios.

02/02/04 - I added a cute little mouseover function to the webmap. Enjoy! -Jason

01/21/04 - I've got a challenge for all e-WB players! How would you all like a NEW version of Aviator, with several new features? I'm not allowed to elaborate on its features just yet, but I've seen the work-in-progress, and it's going to be awesome! Jason began work on it long ago, and he says he'll finish and release Aviator version 3.0 if we can get at least 20 players regularly flying in the arena and regularly sending in turns. How about it, folks? Get your friends in on the action! Get your enemies in on it too! Tell your brothers and sisters! Tell that wierd guy who works down the hall from you! Trust me, you WANT Aviator 3!

01/18/03 - We're trying out a new points system, for details, suggestions, or feedback see the postings in the forum. If this system seems viable and is generally liked, we may reset the scores soon and see how it does with a fresh start...

01/09/03 - With the New Year: New Changes!
e-Mail messages to the server should now be addressed to, Turns will be processed *approximately* midnight EST Sunday night through Thursday night. Also, you all are aware that the title of Sysop has changed hands. Let's talk about fixing the point system! Give me ideas on the message board.

11/25/03 - No Turn run Thursday or Friday this week due to Thanksgiving holiday, which affects 66% of players currently in the arena. Play will resume Mon. 12/01/03.

3/18/03 - Scores will be reset at the end of March. The plan right now is to have a score reset every 3 months.

12/11/02 - e-Warbirds Moderator has been released for beta testing. Download it here!

12/10/02 - Major changes made to the way combat works. Go to the forums for more details.

12/09/02 - New Feature: The e-Warbirds Player Finder. See where other e-Warbirds players are, and leave your own post. Lets spread e-Warbirds across the globe!

12/07/02 - We now have a new, unbroken, message board. Come and leave your two cents.

5/23/02 - e-Warbirds has a new look! Enjoy! And don't forget to check out Hearthunter's new site!

e-Warbirds, artwork, and all other materials contained on this page are copyright © 2002 Jason Pierce.

Problems with this page? email the Web-Mistress.

e-Warbirds e-Warbirds Species Studios