Feed Store

Here you can get all the feed and supplement.

If you are a stable owner, and have feed included in your Boarding price, you will need to buy feed for the boarders' horses. The minimum requirements are Field Hay, Grain, and Oats.

If you are a boarder, and are on a boarding plan that includes feed, you don't have to buy anything. But you might want to buy Supplements and Treats.

If you board your horses, and feed is not included, you will need to buy your own feed. Talk to your stable owner about storing feed in their barn.

Please scroll down the entire page to find already made packets of food, supplements, pulp, treats.

Before you order any Feed, please read the Feeding Amounts page to see how much feed to feed to each of your horses.

Also check out the basic Feeding "Rules", to keep your horse as healthy as possible.


Field Hay

50 bales:$125.00

100 bales:$225.00

The most popular feed. Can be fed alone with other supplements, and also makes a great base to mix in other hay types.

Coastal Hay

50 bales: $150.00

100 bales: $275.00

About the same as Field Hay, but a finer cut and less dust. Can be fed alone with other supplements, and also makes a great base to mix in other hay types.

Alfalfa Hay

50 bales: $150.00

100 bales: $275.00

Very rich. Don't feed much.

Peanut Hay

50 bales: $125.00

100 bales: $225.00

Very rich. Don't feed much. Similar to Alfalfa Hay. A very popular item in Indonesia.

Clover Hay

50 bales: $175.00

100 bales: $330.00

Clover is a very rich feed, second only to Alfalfa. It works well to add a little snack in a horse's diet, or to be mixed with another base hay.

Lucerne Hay

50 bales: $150.00

100 bales: $275.00

Lucerne is very leafy, and will go to seed if not used fast. It also molds easily. It has a very low phosphorous level. But it is one of the richest hay sources of calcium. Should not be fed alone, but good when mixed.

Silage Hay

50 bales: $175.00

100 bales: $330.00

Silage is for horses with breathing problems, such as Heaves.

Brome Hay

50 bales: $150.00

100 bales: $275.00

Brome Hay is a highly nutritious leafy forage. Many horses like the taste of Brome.

Fescue Hay

50 bales: $175.00

100 bales: $330.00

Fescue Hay is harvested from Tall Fescue Grass. Fescue Grass is a very hardy grass, survives droughts, resists insects and disease, and stands up well to heavy livestock traffic! Is safe for all horses over the age of 1 year old, and that are not in foal. Fescue Hay is deadly to foals under 1 and Mares in Foal.

Meadow Mix

50 bales: $150.00

100 bales: $275.00

A Field Hay base, with a delightful mix of Timothy Hay, Rye Grass, Cocksfoot, and Clover Hay.

Legume Mix

50 bales: $150.00

100 bales: $275.00

A Field Hay base, with a perfect blend of Clover Hay, Alfalfa Hay, and Lucerne. Lucerne is very leafy, and will go to seed if not used fast.

T&A Blend

50 bales: $95.00

100 bales: $175.00

A perfect blend of Timothy and Alfalfa. 3 parts Timothy to 1 part Alfalfa. Not recommended for all-around feeding. A feeding plan could be all Field hay one month, and a T&A Blend the next month. Or a T&A Blend every few months.

Mixed Hay

50 bales: $50.00

100 bales: $90.00

A mix of lower quality Field Hay. Will have scraps of Timothy OR Clover, whatever happens to be leftover. Not recommended for show horses or breeding horses. Because our feed quality is so high, these "leftovers" would be good enough for a small pony, or even a horse kept at grass, or not at a showing level.

Bamboo Grass

50 bales: $35.00

100 bales: $60.00

Horses in Japan and China often eat Bamboo Grass when other hay is not available. Not recommended for show horses.

Rice Straw

50 bales: $25.00

100 bales: $40.00

In Japan and China, Rice Straw is often fed as an addition to the horse's other feed. Low in nutrients, but provides chew time.



50 pounds: $20.00

100 pounds: $35.00


50 pounds: $20.00

100 pounds: $35.00

Oats have the second highest level of protein of the other "specialized" feeds. It will give your horse an extra energy boost, but may make him somewhat hyper if fed in large quantities. Oats are hard to overfeed, and are the most popular. They are a high energy source, and a heating food. Excellent for even the cold winter months.

Sweet Feed

50 pounds: $25.00

100 pounds: $45.00

A rich, high calorie feed. Good for adding weight to horses, or just an extra boost at times.


Two servings: $10.00

Bran is a laxative made from wheat hulls. Bran needs to be fed wet, so it is not dusty and light. If you heat it up slightly and crush the bran, you will have what is called Bran Mash. Your horse's calcium-phosphoris balance will be disturbed if fed to much. Don't feed except when needed to clean out the system or use as a laxative. You can mix with oats, and/or chopped carrots and apples. Don't use as a normal part of your horse's diet. NOTE: Not sold by the pound, we are selling in a two serving amount.


50 pounds: $25.00

100 pounds: $45.00

Easier to overfeed than Barley or Oats. This has the highest level of protein than any of the other "specialized" feeds. Gives lots of energy. Do not feed moldy corn because it can cause brain damage and even death.


50 pounds: $25.00

100 pounds: $45.00

Harder to digest than Oats. Easy to overfeed. The highest amount of Protein. Soak in water for 2 hours, so it expands in the water, not in the horse. Good for winter months, and to bring horses back up to their prime.

Linseed Meal

5 pounds: $35.00

Feed Linseed Meal as a protein supplement. Use to supplement the diet, do not feed less of what you are already feeding. Use 2 ounces a day added to the feed. Linseed Meal has a laxative effect, and so can be fed in higher quantities if a laxative is wanted.

Grass Nuts

50 pounds: $25.00

100 pounds: $45.00

Grass Nuts are made of compressed Spring Grass, 98% of all nutrients are preserved. An excellent choice for stabled horses, with little or no pasture time. They are also an ideal supplement for the winter months, to keep a stabilized diet. If feeding in winter months, do feed other products to keep weight on.


50 pounds: $25.00

100 pounds: $45.00

Pre-flaked Maize. You need to cook it before feeding, to make it easier to digest. It is useful to put weight on a horse who is too thin. But should not be used for a horse who does extreme exercise, because it stays in the stomach for a long time. Maize is also a high energy food. Very good for winter months as well.

Soy Bean Meal

50 pounds: $30.00

100 pounds: $55.00

Soy Bean Meal is a light golden color, looks similar to Grain. Soy Bean Meal is similar to Heavy Course Bran. Very nutritious, a good feed for many horses.


Fruit is smashed to make juice that people drink, or extracted to use as flavorings for other animal feeds. The pulp that is left over is treated with Limestone to bind it and add minerals. Horses like Fruit Pulp for it's flavor, and gives them lots of chew time.

Beet Pulp

50 pounds: $15.00

100 pounds: $25.00

Beet Pulp is a fibrous substance that is left over after the Sugar Beets have had their sugar extracted. Beet Pulp is very digestible as well. It doesn't have a lot of nutrients. Also is a good product to put weight on horses, and for horses with teeth problems, because it doesn't need much chewing. It is also great for horses after surgery. Horses also like it cooked, like a Bran Mash, but Beet Pulp is a much better choice than Bran. Also try stirring it in with grain, to make it more appetizing.

Sugar Cane Pulp

50 pounds: $15.00

100 pounds: $25.00

The sugar from a sugar cane is extracted for use as normal table sugar. The cane that is left over is treated with Alkali to make it more digestible. Commonly fed in Australia. Good treat for horses but don't feed to much.

Apple Pulp

50 pounds: $15.00

100 pounds: $25.00

Carrot Pulp

50 pounds: $15.00

100 pounds: $25.00

Carrots contain beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, thiamin, magnesium, and folic acid.

Orange Pulp

50 pounds: $15.00

100 pounds: $25.00

Oranges contain lots of vitamins and minerals, and are highly nutritious.

Grapefruit Pulp

50 pounds: $15.00

100 pounds: $25.00

Grapefruits contain lots of vitamins and minerals, and are highly nutritious. Some horses like the tartness of grapefruits, instead of the sweet oranges.

Mixed Pulp

50 pounds: $10.00

100 pounds: $18.00

A combination of Oranges, Grapefruit, Apple, etc. whatever happens to be leftover.


Chaff is a fiber that is dust free, it is excellent for slowing down the horse's eating. It improves digestion for the horse to eat slowly.

Mixed Chaff

50 pounds: $20.00

100 pounds: $35.00

This mixed Chaff is a combination of Hay Chaff, Oat Straw Chaff, and Grass Chaff. This is made of some of the scraps of chaff we have leftover. These "leftovers" would be good enough for a small pony, a horse kept at grass, or even one that is not at a showing level.

Hay Chaff

50 pounds: $35.00

100 pounds: $65.00

This level is commonly added to the feed of Competition Show Horses.

Oat Straw Chaff

50 pounds: $25.00

100 pounds: $45.00

This level is commonly added to the feed of leisure horses, and horses competing at the lower levels of competition.

Grass Chaff

25 Bales: $125.00

50 Bales: $250.00

Grass Chaff has a much higher level of nutrients than Field Hay does. Grass Chaff can be mixed half and half with another hay, such as Field Hay. NOTE: Sold in bales, not pounds.

Mollassed Chaff #1,

Molichaff, Mollichop

50 pounds: $45.00

100 pounds: $85.00

Also called Molichaff and Mollichop. This is Hay Chaff with molasses added to the Chaff during processing to make it more appetizing if not mixed into another feed. Mollassed Chaff is good to add a little of it to a plain hay, like Timothy.

Mollassed Chaff #2,

Molichaff, Mollichop

50 pounds: $35.00

100 pounds: $65.00

This is Oat Straw Chaff with molasses added to the Chaff during processing to make it more appetizing if not mixed into another feed. Mollassed Chaff is good to add a little of it to a plain hay, like Timothy.


Almond Hulls

50 pounds: $30.00

100 pounds: $55.00

In South America, Mediterranean, Australia, and even in California, almond trees flourish. The almond fruit that surrounds the hard internal nut is dried, called the Almond Hull. They are similar to a peach. Almond Hulls are a good source of fiber, and have digestible energy, phosphorus, and calcium, but they don't have much protein.

Peanut Hulls

50 pounds: $30.00

100 pounds: $55.00

A good fiber source.

Sunflower Seed Hulls

50 pounds: $30.00

100 pounds: $55.00

A good fiber source.

Soybean Hulls

50 pounds: $30.00

100 pounds: $55.00

A good fiber source.

Rice Hulls

50 pounds: $30.00

100 pounds: $55.00

In Japan and China, Rice Hulls are commonly fed as an addition to the horse's other feed. Low in nutrients, but provide chew time. NOTE: These are a MUCH better quality hull than the ones sold in the Bedding Company.

Lupine Hulls

50 pounds: $30.00

100 pounds: $55.00

A commonly fed feed in Australia. Lupine is a semi-tropical garden flower. The seeds of the Lupine plant are used in feeds.


In winter when horses don't drink enough water, these would be good. Enough moisture helps prevent colic.

Turnip Greens

50 pounds: $10.00

100 pounds: $20.00

These have a very high moisture content. They have a low nutrient value, but help satisfy a horse's need to chew.

Beet Greens

50 pounds: $10.00

100 pounds: $19.00

These have a very high moisture content. They have a low nutrient value, but help satisfy a horse's need to chew.

Mustard Greens

50 pounds: $10.00

100 pounds: $19.00

These have a very high moisture content. They have a low nutrient value, but help satisfy a horse's need to chew.

Radish Greens

50 pounds: $10.00

100 pounds: $19.00

These have a very high moisture content. They have a low nutrient value, but help satisfy a horse's need to chew.


50 pounds: $10.00

100 pounds: $19.00

These have a very high moisture content. They have a low nutrient value, but help satisfy a horse's need to chew.

P E L L E T S & C U B E S


50 pounds: $50.00

100 pounds: $90.00

You can add pellets to your grain or oats to add an extra boost, without having to use specialized supplementary products. There are a mix of vitamins and minerals in these pellets. If you are going to feed pellets: Add 1 pound of pellets to every 24 pounds of grain for the average horse. Add 2 pounds of pellets to every 23 pounds of grain for a horse doing moderate work. Add 3 pounds of pellets to every 22 pounds of grain for a horse doing heavy work. Add 4 pounds of pellets to every 21 pounds of grain for a racehorse, steeplechaser, and nursing mares.

Senior Pellets (Feed once a month)

100 pellets: $10.00

A rich feed, high in calories, designed for horses 15 and older. Older horses don't like to eat as much, and are normally too thin. This blend of pellets will encourage them to eat, and because of it's high nutrient and calorie balance, they don't need to eat very much to stay in their prime. You may consider feeding another grain type product with these pellets.

Alfalfa Cubes

50 pounds: $50.00

100 pounds: $90.00

If you don't want to feed Alfalfa Hay, these are a great alternative! Full of minerals, vitamins, and protein. Just make sure to decrease the amount of hay that you feed. A 50-lb bag will last about 3 months for one horse, but will vary depending on breed, size, and exertion.

Beet Cubes

50 pounds: $40.00

100 pounds: $75.00

If you don't want to feed Beet Pulp, this is a great alternative. Compressed and preserved beets are a great snack or for use in a weight gain program.

Beet Pellets

50 pounds: $40.00

100 pounds: $75.00

If you don't want to feed Beet Pulp, this is a great alternative. Compressed and preserved beets are a great snack or for use in a weight gain program. These pellets have grain in them as a base.

Milk Pellets

50 pounds: $40.00

100 pounds: $70.00

If you have a foal who is just being introduced to feed, this is a great starter to get him chewing "real" food. Filled with vitamins and minerals.

F R U I T S & V E G A T A B L E S

Fruits and Vegetables have a over 75% moisture in them. Horses don't drink enough water in winter, and water helps prevent colic. They are good all year round, and especially in winter. Don't feed frozen.

It would be safer to feed your horse a whole fruit or vegetable rather a chunk. Chunks can get stuck in a horse's throats. If your horse has dental problems, grate the fruit or vegetable with a kitchen grater, instead of chopping it. You can also cut them into long slices instead of chunks.


1 pound: $3.00

5 pounds: $12.00

Carrots don't have as many calories as apples do, making for a great all-around treat. They contain beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, thiamin, magnesium, and folic acid.


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

A tastey treat that most horses love! The seeds can be toxic, but the horse would have to eat many pounds of apples to be harmed. As long as you don't feed your horse many pounds of apples a day, everything will be ok. Horses like the seeds, too!


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

A great treat, and they contain a very high level of potassium. They are great for reviving a horse who is drained of energy. They work similar to Electrolytes.


1 pound: $8.00

5 pounds: $35.00

A very flavorful fruit, filled with healthy vitamins, enzymes, and minerals.


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

Horses will eat the whole orange, including the peal! They contain lots of vitamins and minerals, and are highly nutritious.


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

Horses will eat the whole grapefruit, including the peal! They contain lots of vitamins and minerals, and are highly nutritious. Some horses like the tartness of grapefruits, instead of the sweet oranges.

Seedless Grapes

1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

Horses also like grapes. They have an extremely high water content as well.


1 pound: $7.00

5 pounds: $31.00

In Tropical areas, horses eat whole Coconuts; the fruit, flavorful juice, and even the rind! If you want your horse to feel like he is in the Bahama's, this is the way to go. :O)


1 pound: $7.00

5 pounds: $31.00

In the Middle East, the seeds are taken out of dates. You can then take them and smash them together to make a great treat!


1 pound: $3.00

5 pounds: $12.00

Horses love the crunch of Celery, and it provides vitamins and minerals. Don't feed too often, the horses will get tired of them very easily.


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

A root vegetable, commonly fed to horses in Europe.


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

A root vegetable, commonly fed to horses in Europe.


50 pounds: $50.00 p>100 pound: $75.00

In Europe and the Netherlands, Potatoes are often fed to horses. They are usually fed raw, but some horses like them cooked like a Baked Potato. Horses can eat up to 20 POUNDS in one day (When fed only potatoes).


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

Yams are similar to a Sweet Potato. They are popular in tropical areas like Indonesia.


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00


1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00


Sugar Cubes

1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

A traditional treat of sugar, held together with corn syrup.


1 pound: $3.00

5 pounds: $12.00

Peppermints are a classic treat that has been fed for over 30 years. Peppermints are not the healthiest treat you could give, but they don't freeze in winter and won't mold at all. Type in if you want soft or hard Peppermints:

Cinnamon Munchies

1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

A great tasting cooky-like treat with cinnamon flavor.

Horse Cookies

1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

A tastey treat for a special occasion. Made with a special blend of oats, carrots, apples, and molasses

Baked Snacks

1 pound: $3.00

5 pounds: $12.00

Made from a combination of high quality grain products and molasses. They have been baked to a crisp.

Heart Shaped Crisps

1 pound: $7.00

5 pounds: $31.00

Made with alfalfa, oats, molasses, barley, apples and carrots.

Vitamin Treats

1 pound: $6.00

5 pounds: $24.00

Made with alfalfa, oats, molasses, barley, apples or carrots. Type in if you want Apple or Carrot flavor:

Apple Treat Chews

1 pound: $7.00

5 pounds: $31.00

Soft, chewy Apple Treats. Made with real apple.

"Oats and Apples"Treats

1 pound: $5.00

5 pounds: $21.00

100% natural substance that all apple-loving horses will love! Made with apples, oats, water, molasses, and wheat flour.

Treat Wafers

1 pound: $11.00

5 pounds: $50.00

100% natural wafers. Wheat, Apples, Oat, Molasses, vitamins C & E. Ingredients are a rich source of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, selenium, and zinc. They contain no artificial flavorings, colors, or preservatives.

Healthy Cookies

1 pound: $12.00

5 pounds: $55.00

Formulated for horses, full of healthy substances such as vitamins, fiber, protein, and amino acids.

M I S C .


5 pounds: $10.00

Seaweed is a great product for young horses. Very popular in the UK.


25 flowers: $50.00

50 flowers: $75.00

In Australia, people often feed their horses sunflowers. The seeds are a source of unsaturated fats. Sunflowers have thiamin, folic acid, niacin, magnesium, copper, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, and iron! They are extremely healthy for horses, and horses often like the taste. They have a medium protein level, and contain a lot of fiber.


1 pound: $15.00

5 pounds: $25.00

In Great Britain, horses are fed Acorns, after they have fallen to the ground and fermented. They do contain tannins, which could cause injury to the lining of the digestive tract if fed in large quantities. But it takes many POUNDS of nuts to do the horse any harm. We suggest getting only one pound at a time.

Locust Bean Pods

1 pound: $15.00

5 pounds: $25.00

In some parts of the world. Locust Bean Pods are fed as treats.


One Dozen: $3.00

Five Dozen: $13.00 Many horses like eggs, and they are a great source of protein. Very popular in Ireland and sometimes the UK. One or two fed daily are ideal for a hard working horse. Mix with feed to give a good consistancey.

Cod Liver Oil

Half Gallon: $12.00

One Gallon: $20.00

This is useful for building a resistance to disease. A very popular item in the UK.


Five Pounds: $20.00

Ten Pounds: $35.00

In India, Ghee is often mixed into the horse's grain. Ghee a clarified butter used in India, and has lots of fat and calories. It is highly digestible. Excellent for putting weight on horses.

M O R E M I S C .

Salt Block

One Block: $10.00

Five Blocks: $45.00

A salt block should be provided to each horse. Horses need lots of salt to replace what is lost during the daytime's activities. Salt also aids in digestion.

Mineral Block

One Block: $20.00

Five Blocks: $90.00

This is a salt block, with extra minerals included. If you are feeding any other kind of supplement, this is not recommended.


One Dose: $10.00 E

lectrolytes are administered after a hard workout. They replenish the body for what it lost during the exercise. Contains 18 amino acids, chelated minerals, and B-complex vitamins. Replaces twice the amount of minerals lost during one hour of strenuous workout. Contains enough for one dose.

Quieting/Calming Aid #1

One Dose: $20.00

Three Doses: $55.00 (use 1 dose on each horse)

A natural quieting solution. Contains absolutely no L-Tryptophane. Contains only natural and herbal blends, without drugs. Use 4 hours before shipping or competition. Relaxes and soothes jitters, without dulling his senses. This product will not cause drowsiness. Contains enough for one dose.

Quieting/Calming Aid #2

One Dose: $10.00

Three Doses: $25.00 (use 1 dose on each horse)

Contains L-Tryptophane and natural herbal blends. Use 4 hours before shipping or competition. Relaxes and soothes jitters, without dulling his senses. Contains enough for one dose.


These supplements are not food. They are a combination of vitamins and minerals. Each one comes with enough for one horse, for one month. A horse can have up to two supplements a month.

Sport Horse Supplement $20.00

Broodmare Supplement $20.00

Stud Supplement $20.00

Foal Supplement $20.00

Sore Muscle Supplement $20.00

Contains Vitamin E and Equine Selenium compound. Designed for horses who are suffering from sore muscles and "tie-up".

Sore Joins and Pain Supplement $80.00

Contains 75% pure Yucca in an alfalfa base with anise. Yucca relieves pain and help sore joints, as well as increasing mobility of joins.

Hoof Supplement $20.00


Packets coming soon

Email: WILDCATBJ@aol.com