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Bluehaven was once a quiet fishing community, the hundreds of islands were dotted with small settlements, each doing a respectable business in the charter and fishing businesses. Those outside Bluehaven were awed by the beauty that befell them as they traveled through the land. Soon, the small fishing villages grew larger as they expanded with lavish inns, and taverns to accomodate the growing tourist industry.

Fishing almost died out forever, save for a few outlying islands, most of the countries efforts were put into the needs of it's guests. Extremely lavish resorts sprung up, covering the inner islands almost completely. Dignitaries, Rulers, wealthy land owners, and even the middle class poured into Bluehaven to be spoiled and pampered.

In the northernmost islands live the tide Sylven community of NorthHaven, the city sprawls with above and below sea dwellings, a marvel of ingenuity and brilliance. The sylvens tend to shy away from the beliefs of their southern counterparts, though one of their own rules the country from Raijgia, the former Sylven capital.

Sovereign Graid elected himself ruler of all Bluehaven only 9 years ago, and suprisingly was not opposed in doing so. Most of Bluehaven's citizens were too busy worrying about their next guest to even care who wanted to elect himself as their official. So Graid quietly went about his way, making sure to go through the proper channels to make it all legal, and before the people knew it, Sovereign Graid was taxing them and laying down laws.

It didn't take long for the people of Bluehaven to realize the genius of Graid, he made laws that benefitted all, and helped to ensure that the nation's guests were well received. Graid soon built a huge tidal palace on a red sand beach in Raijgia, where he lives to this day, resented by his Sylven brothers up north, and worshipped by the resort keepers to the south.

Recent History

Today, Bluehaven is only rivaled in wealth by Solenthe, and stays true to their tradition of welcoming. They have no real army to speak of, save a few palace guards and Village sentries, they believe that no one would want to destroy or conquer something of such beauty. The people of Bluehaven aren't the most worshipful of their goddess Lady Kaylorian, but they do pay ample homage, and thank her for her blessings upon their lovely land. Bluehavenites have no enemies to speak of, or atleast they think as much.

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Bluehaven's Feudal System