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Halloween 2003

Skeleton Dance - CU

Doug and Erin - Hard Ass Goth and Maggie

Doug - Hard Ass Goth

Josh R. - Seperoth (sp?) with cool smoke effect from a cigarette somewhere in front of the camera

Josh R. and V dancing

V - Goth Doll

V dancing

Kat - Fairy

Pat - Satyr

Pat dancing with the glow sticks

Duff - Joker

Karen - Vampire Pirate

Duff and Karen complete with product placement

Duff and Karen - Joker and Vampire Pirate

Wolfy - Vampire

Clown kills Duff while Karen watches

The Green Dress Goddess Costume (very pretty)

Jesus Christ!!!!

Buddy Christ!!!!

The guy in the Strait Jacket (he went to the resturant like this and made his girlfriend feed him LOL)

People outside for a smoke break

The DJs for the night's music


More Dancing

Look, more dancing

You guessed it, more dancing

Pat Dancing

LOTS of dancing

and Finally.....Pat and V dancing