


Name :Angela Dawne Girouard
Birthday : December 22, 1982
University : SMU
Degree : Astrophysics
Home Town : Halifax
Height : 5'0
Eye Color : Brown
Hair Color : Brown (usually)
Qualities You Like In People : I like people who are funny and who are
different. not the average prissy person, those are yucky. oh, and people
that you can have those silence moments with that aren't akward are always good.
i don't know if that made any sense.
Qualities You Dislike In People : Prissy, stuck up, and just plain mean.
Hero : Spiderman. he rocks.

"The best things in life are always naked."


Actor/Actress : Christina Ricci
Game : MASHO
Hobby : Hanging out with friends. I'm addicted to ICQ.
Breakfast : Cereal Bars
Lunch : Nachos
Dinner : Pizza
Dessert : Candy
Drink : Spruce Beer

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