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Who Am I ?

I am a girl, i am in high school. This is really my first web page (well, the first one that works...) I hope you enjoyed the homepage.

The usual...

ok, i am female, 5'7",long dark brown hair, blue eyes, athletic/average build, white (if thats not pollitically correct, then im "really fair skinned")

about me..

ok, with that out of the way... i live on planet earth (hint: thats the spinning ball at the top of the page...) and i breathe oxygen, (like you do) and i am just a normal person. I think im writing this for those of you who clicked on this link... Anyhow, i like school, band, church, dance team, dancing in general, writing, learning, photography, drawing, reading, music, breathing.... (you know, basic teenage stuff) I also like guys,,, (you know, the male of the species...) theyre okay... (ha-ha). I know youre reading this, MUM, and i love ya for it... you have always been there 4 me and i love you and you know it. (i had to tell that to the world).

what i like

I like alot of other things.. good music.. good books.. my friends (hi out there!)

I Dont know if this was any help, but oh well... thats all i have to say 'bout meself for now

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