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Fighting Wings of Torayan Weyr
Also see Dragonriders

Artwork courtesy The Harper's Window

All personas marked "Adoptable" may be written up and adopted as player characters. Visit the Adoptables page for details!

Riders in italics are temporarily out of the Threadfighting wings due to injuries.

There are spaces available in all the PC wings. The remaining spots are filled with unnamed NPCs.

High Altitude Wings

HighStrike Wing - Weyrleader's Wing

Mid Altitude Wings

Borealis Wing
FlameKiss Wing

Low Altitude Wings

StarFire Wing - Queens' Wing
NightFire Wing - NPC
Weyrlings' Wing

High Altitude Wings

HighStrike Wing - Weyrleader's Wing
Wingleader: Weyrleader T'vir, bronze Rylenth- Annii
Weyrsecond T'zor, bronze Kazith- Rachel

T'mas, bronze Ogath - Cori
J'orn, bronze Mamanith- Michelle
D'rod, bronze Jinoth- Leland
J'ker, bronze Gelmiryth- Rachel
S'van, bronze Valianth- Michelle
Nyssa, brown Taloreth- Rachel

Searchrider F'lyn, blue Piloth - NPC

G'sef, blue Alcheth- Merry
Aliana, green Torayeth - Rachel

Taraha, green Ziyath - BoD run NPC
J'zri, green Lelioth- Merry
Oriana, green Omegath- Jade
F'zeok, green Cocoreth- Mitch


Mid Altitude Wings

Borealis Wing
Wingleader: R'vynn, bronze Wynnyth- Leland
Wingsecond: K'rell, brown Tanith - Cori

J'rel, bronze Corinth - Adoptable
L'dy, bronze Kurageth - Adoptable
G'riff, bronze Ashiranth- Krystin
R'ven, bronze Fozleth- Annii
S'bien, brown Azreealth - BoD-run NPC
N'dok, brown Gelemereth-Leland
Taelesin, brown Tajeth- Merry
K'saren, brown Orinth- Jade
I'rik, brown Aranath- Adoptable
P'nir, brown Sinoth- Millard
C'nary, brown Oreoth- Adoptable
V'nik, brown Imraith- NPC Rachel

Famke, blue Lynxath -Adoptable

L'nen, blue Riyith- Rachel
T'kaz, blue Taramath- Anne
Aren, blue Casyroth- Leland
B'laj, blue Gabrieth- Jade

Hiriyi, green Amryth - NPC, Rachel
Ica, green Spirith- Amanda
Yelana, green Britith- Rachel
Hawke, green Laireth- Amanda NPC

FlameKiss Wing
Wingleader: Y'san, brown Fayth- Jade
P'dor, brown Chedeth- Mitch

M'kirrin, bronze Valyth- Anne
Q'thor, bronze Thadath- Adoptable
R'mel, bronze Glitenth- J.R.

F'ryn, brown Tolenth - Leland
H'ram, brown Griffith- Jade
P'dor, brown Chedeth- Mitch
V'rin, brown Mith- Anne J'ver, brown Rhyth- Rachel
L'ren, brown Kenoth- NPC, Jade
M'kor, brown Ariluth- Rachel
F'dero, brown Olorith- Kari
C'tol, blue Jaqith - Leland
Kiria, blue Minath - NPC, Melinda
Searchrider K'dar, blue Orlanth- Jade
Sh'ess, blue Buceteth- Michelle
K'fic, blue Asenath- Merry
Edizba, blue Cseth- Michelle
E'finn, blue Kierth- Kari
Pellina, blue Avyth- Adoptable
Kerri, blue Ultrith- J.R.

Xi'an, green Inyth- Merry
Mairad, green Callyth - NPC
Jenelzerra, green Neerrath- Angel
Alane, green Myrnith- Leland
Riyshah, green Kysareth- Rachel
Nyshira, green Shantith- Rachel


Low Altitude Wings

StarFire Wing (Queens' Wing)
Wingleader: Weyrwoman Kalina, gold Pirenth - Rachel
Wingsecond: Open

F'lint, bronze Maireth - Anne

E'rzen, blue Matroth - Adoptable
Emaria, blue Makasith - Adoptable

J'ryll, green Calibeth - Adoptable
Reilen, green Scyranth - Jade

Elayn, green Jolinth- Anne
Mochai, green Ildath- Adoptable
Kallista, green Sirrath- Jade
Aleen, green Anathoth- Cori

NightFire Wing

Weyrlings' Wing
Wingleader: Weyrlingmaster K'rei, brown Ilarynth- Rachel
Wingsecond: A'drue, bronze Jonyth - Amanda
Weyrlingmaster Assistant: Mnaira and Wenlath - Adoptable
Weyrlingmaster Assistant:
N'mor, brown Rakaith - J.R.

Weyrlings not yet able to fly Fall are listed on the Weyrlings page by class.


Members: If you do not see your riders here, or if your riders are not listed correctly, please let us know and we'll fix it right away.

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