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Midi PlayingSmooth

1)NO MAKING ACTIONS FOR TAKEN CHARACTERS! If it isn't your own, then don't post their actions.

2)No killing characters without GM (Jet Vega) permission.

3)Keep language under PG-13 level and no graphic displays of sex.

4)Try to post at least three times a week. If you're out of town, tell us before you're gone so your character won't get killed or left behind or anything. But, there is a post limit of 15 {leeway of 20} posts per person a day.

5)Here are the message headings:

OOC: Out of character- anything in your post that is coming from you not your character

OT: Off topic- Not having much anything to do with the game; not too many of these please.

Ruling: If it's directed towards you, it means you did something the GM didn't approve of. If one is issued to you, don't take it personally. Just learn from it and keep having fun (just stay reasonable).

RSP: Response- not extremely necessary, but recommended for responding posts

(ex. ): Put this at the end of your message to let someone know you're waiting for a response from them. If you're tagged and you don't respond for a week, you'll get busted for it.

And finally, put your characters name/codename at the top of your post so we know who it is (ex. =Logan=)

6) Stay in sync with how your character 's personality goes. Toad wouldn't sit in a corner and cry if someone calls him a freak. Logan wouldn't sit in a coffee shop to feel "emo". Scott wouldn't cuss out anyone. You get the picture...

7) Please no god moding or powerplaying. I do not see anything wrong with having powerful characters. According to some peoples standards, Logan is a godmode character. Juggernaut is a godmode character. Toad is a power-play character.

Fortunately, these aren't my standards. Just keep it real. Life ain't all roses and glory. Throw some nasty stuff at your character. Let 'em get injured. If you're god moding or power playing, I'll let you know offlist. If you keep doing it, then you'll be in trouble, but don't get too stressed over that one. I'm all about creativity verses complaining.

8) Be righteous...

9) Character limit is 4. Sorry, but over four characters, it becomes difficult to keep up with.

10) No more characters that are sons/daughters of characters such as Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth, Professor X, or Logan. They are only allowed in special cases (such as if its a character from the comics with that relation). It doesn't make sense for Logan to suddenly have a bunch of children he didn't know about all crop up at the same time.

11) Membership in the Brotherhood or X-Men must be done through role play. Both groups are secret and it doesn't make sense for anyone to just walk up to Mystique or ring the Institute's doorbell and say 'I wanna join.'.

12) You can't just state that your character already knows established characters such as Cyclops or Nightcrawler. Unless you've already discussed this with the respective players before playing, and got their approval, it can't happen. This is a basic common courtesy so the players involved know what's going on.

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