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~Souls Of Faerun~

~Rp Ways of Faerun~(OOC)

Hey all!! For those that still remember me in the old forum,I say welcome back, for those that don't then I welcome you. I welcome you all to a forum that once used to play in the realm of Rhydin,now will be taking place completely in the realm of Faerun, Hometown to the Forum Leader and DM. To those that were with me before I introduced to you a different style of rp that had a lil mix of rhydin/AD&D, well now I am going to go full fledege into the realm of D&D and using the 3rd edition rules and reg's with alil of house rules. For all of you newcomers to the AD&D and/or rp in general then i'll be able to set aside some time and teach you how to rp in this forum anyhow I hope to you that know me I see you again and to those to Faerun!!

~Godspeed to all, Lord Magnus Falconhand III(LordMagnusIII)

Features of This Style:

Those you that are in the forum or others that are just visiting that wish to give any new ideas for the forum, or comments of the forum pages then click on "voices of faerun" below,"Eyes of Faerun" is just to look at the comments made, thank you:

Voices of Faerun Eyes of Faerun

,~Laws of the Land~,~Forum Lists~,~Forum Character Sheet~,~SOF Forum/Guild Applications~