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The beautiful me and my digimon.. yes i am a Digi destined. But i love those hunky Poketrainers. Isnt life odd?

Of the Infamous Team Rocket.. This island offers the best of Kojiro..and Kosaburo
(and some of them together *tee hee*)But this Site is rated PG so all may come to the island!

Satoshi and Otoshi, is it just me or are there alotta "shi"s in this anime? *giggles*

For my all time favorite Pic! dun dun dun dun....

This is where the Bishounen Introduce themselves.. ready guys?
The Infamous Kojiro!I travel with Musashi and Nyase, were always chasing the Twerp and his Pikachu.. but when were not on the run I like to eat. Anything sweet and fancy I Love.. and in my spare time i like to look at Pictures of myself *giggles giddily*

Names Kosaburo..Part of Team Rocket two..were better then those losers Musashi and Kojiro.. What do I like to do in my spare time? Insult the two losers

Watashi wa Satoshi-kun! I'm going to be the worlds greatest Pokemon Master! I travel the world searching and battling with Pikachuu by my side. Pikachu was the first Pokemon I ever got and now we're best friends! Team Rocket is always trying to steal Pikachuu.. YOU CANT HAVE MY PIKACHU TEAM ROCKET! grr

Konnichi wa *bows* I am Otoshi.. I have a dream to be a Pokemon master just like Satoshi, I met him back when Team Rocket was trying to steal my badges. It was not fun but everything worked out for the best.Marowak and I have never been inseperable ever since.

+The Kojiro Picture book+
+ The Kosaburo Picture Book +
+ The Satoshi Picture book +
+ The Otoshi Picture Book +
+ My Adopted Pets +

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