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New Egypt

We are Vengeance of Chaos. We were started in honor of our Lord Set. We build this army to prepare for his awakening and to fight along his side in the Gehenna. Set is the god of chaos. In which will exist by. Set was the brother of Osiris and grandson of Ra the sun god. But, when he faught against his grandfather for killing his parents he was cast out of that part of Egypt and banished. Unlike his cowardly brother Osiris who sided with his grandfather out of disloyalty to his very own parents. Now there is an ongoing war between between Lord Set and his nephew Horus which is a mummy and his minion seek to destroy Lord Set and his followers. Well, as you can see they are failing. We grow stronger daily and they cannot stop us. We will crush all advisaries in our way and that try and hinder us from waking Lord Set. So if you seek to join us in our conquest then feel free to do such. But, know this. Any act that is not fit for our ranks and could cause a lot of trouble for us will be dealt with. Harsh discipline is what we live by. So just know that before you carry on any further.

Founders of VoC

Vengeance of Chaos Is exactly as it sounds, chaotic and thrilling. Ruled by two Kings Lord Onyx Star, and Tragic Destiny, as well as two queens Natasha Bonaparte and Mysery S. Moonblade. Between each of them they own an amazing and withstanding amount of power and intelligence. Located in the New Egypt, there is a sense of something different represented by this group. Only time can tell for now what they can create and overpower. Change is here in the form of Chaos.

¤ The Free Member Right ¤ Any member within VoC has the right to belong to any other forum/guild they wish, and join freely, without the fear of being punished by the VoC government. You may also be of any race, gender, religion and alignment that you wish without fear of punishment, as well as practice any sort of job/religion without fear of prejudice.

¤ The Right of Silence ¤ No High Council member, at ANY time, may breach AA contracts, take away reg. numbers or generally punish any member of VoC for having altercations with their friends, family, etc. Everyone will be treated equally in VoC and the forum will not allow favoritism in any way. If any High Council member is caught doing the named acts, no matter how high they are within the forum, they will be charged and sent to trial..

¤ The Right to Trial ¤ Anyone accused of wrongdoing such as treason, etc., has the right to a trial within the forum and be given a chance to defend themselves in front of the Grand Judge and Leaders. They also have the right to a lawyer, and to bring witnesses for defense..

¤ The Right to One's Dignity ¤ No citizen within VoC may in any means degrade one's name with knowledge that their accusations are false..

¤ The Right to One's Privacy ¤ No member or High Council member in VoC may forcibly request entrance into one's home or other personal, private property with the threat of punishment if the named member does not comply. No member or High Council member may threaten punishment to force non circumstantial evidence away from anyone, nor try to force knowledge or information from a member..

¤ The Right to Defend ¤ Any member, upon severe provocation, may kill an intruder in their home, after at least three verbal warnings to leave, if another member whose behavior towards them is proved to be unreasonably violent, harassing, or the like, without fear of punishment for murder..

¤ The Right to Protest ¤ Any member within VoC may voice their opinions and express their views and thoughts freely in a peaceable and civil manner..

¤ The Right of Law ¤ The High Council may not at any time dictate rules that conflict with these basic member rights. They may, however, add to these rights as needed, or properly amend these rights without desecrating the focus of the named right..

¤ The Mun's Right to Ignore ¤ The mun of any member of VoC reserves the right to ignore any free forum RP that endangers the lives of their character, as well as any actions taken by forums that are not recognized by VoC, unless that character is in the said forum..

¤ The Mun's Right to Refuse ¤ The mun of any VoC member has the right to refuse to participate in adult, X rated situations, such as rape, child molesting, etc..

¤ Ignorance ¤ The act of ignorance within the realms of VoC will not be tolerated and will be seriously taking into account when such members are on trial or up for any sort of promotion within the standings of VoC. This is meant for enjoyment, and VoC does not mean to step upon anyone's rights to be themselves. However, such acts can and will be detrimental to any further decisions..


Lord Onyx

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