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My In-Depth Interview With Severina

Okay! Here goes my first real life interview! Ladies and gentlemen, meet Severina, an extraordinary author on!

Matt: Is Severina your real name and if not, how did you come up with it?

Severina: No Severina isn't my real name. I got it from a Mission UK song.

Matt: Your stories deal with many varied topics. What do you think is your greatest fic?

Severina: My greatest fic? Wow, well all of them have their good points and their bad points. I like them all for a reason and I hate them all too.


Matt: What's your favorite Anime character?

Severina: Vampire Hunter D

Matt: Haven't seen it yet. Heard it was good.

Matt: How did you find out about and how long have you been writing?

Severina: I stumbled across it one day. I haven't been writing FF very long, just about 6 months.

Matt: Hey! Me too!

Matt: Everyone likes pie. What's your favorite kind of pie?

Severina: Well I too love pie. You just can't beat pie. I would have to say that Apple Pie is my fav pie.

Matt: Mmmmm... apple pie...

Matt: Who's your favorite author on FFDN (And if it's not me, I won't cry)?

Severina: Lady Valtaya and of course, you

Matt: Huh? Me!? YAY! (Jumps up and clicks his heels together)

Matt: Any personal favorite sites out there aside from FFDN?

Severina: Depends on my mood, i'm always looking for random shit

Matt: Wanna give some shout-outs to your homeys on my site, G? (I'm sorry)

Severina: Nah, I'm not all for shout outs. (Still recovering from jet lag)

Matt: What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Severina: How big a Klondike Bar?

Matt: The biggest Klondike Bar ever.

10.) What WOULDN'T you do for a Klondike Bar?

Severina: See above answer.

Matt: Hmmmm... now where am I gonna get a Klondike Bar that size? Hmmm...

Matt: Is there really no wrong way to eat a Reeses?

Severina: There is truly no wrong way to eat a Reeses. The way I eat them is the only REAL way of course, It is a practiced art that will one day be taught by yogis in the high mountians of the Himialyas and require 3 tasks, strengh, intelligence and baking to learn the secret art.

Matt: Screw Klondike Bars! I wanna learn how to eat a Reeses!

Matt: If I have five oranges and I put two on the table, how many oranges do I have left?

Severina: You still have 5, you're holding three and you put 2 on the table. (you never said you gave any away or ate any)

Matt: Thankfully you aren't a stupid as some of my friends (Not that I'm saying you're stupid or anything... uh...)

Matt: If you go to Heaven (Or whatever place of Afterlife that your religion believes in), what do you want God (Or Allah, or Buddah, or whatever) to say to you?

Severina: "That was pretty fucking hilarious don't you think?"

Matt: The above answer is pure genius.

Matt: Boxers or Briefs? (Shut up, Adam)

Severina: Being of the female persuasion, I have to say I wear neither.

Matt: Wait, are you trying to tell me you aren't wearing any underwear right now? Whoa...

Matt: A gigantic bug creature from Mars has suddenly crawled out from Mount Everest. What do you do? What do... you do...?

Severina: I scream and run like a little sissy

Alright! That's it! You can check out everything Severina's written at the below link! Now, let me leave you with the quotes Severina left me:

"Anything that cares only for beauty can't handle getting close, because from close up, nothing is only beautiful." -Jane Mendelson

"Sometimes everything you want is not everything you need." - Unknown

Catch you later! BOOYA! - Matt Cruea

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