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Our Baby

Wow, having a baby. Sometimes it still seems more than a bit unreal. Then I look at the pictures and ... tada.. Very Real. My wife and I had looked into one another's eyes for the first time just a touch less than six months prior. We had known one another for a good deal longer, lifetimes maybe, but that is another story.

Florida... some people, especially those from other places, have the idea that it is all sunshine and palm trees and gentle tropical breezes, a paradise. Ok, so the climate is warm, but warm does not paradise make. Maybe I am a bit jaded, as that Hell hole was my home for better than three decades, but freedom there is a thing only for the rich, and we were NOT. We went there from our home in Austria to finish my business there, so that I could put that place behind me once and for all. We accomplished it, living for weeks in a bloody tent in a state park for twice what we would have paid for a damned nice room in a hostel here. The park was in the swamps, which may have been the only good thing about that trip except, that it is over. My child, your first few weeks of existence, just bare weeks after you were conceived, were spent in a place were it was almost as hot and wet outside for mommy and I as it was inside for you.

But, Austria, cold and dark before noon, well maybe a bit later, was Paradise for us on our return. Creator willing, someday we shall live again in a place of gentle tropical breezes, but my daughter or son, I promise you... No Florida!

On this picture you are 9 weeks old. It was taken on the day of our wedding! Unfortunately this was also the day when I got sick. The transatlantic flight, the pregnancy and probably the lack of decent drinking water in the swamp caused a few of my veins to plug up: Thrombose! But very slowly (and with the help of everyone around me, especially your daddy and your big sister, Martin and many many doctors) I started to recover.

On this picture you are 13 weeks old. We had to check on you via ultrasound almost every week because of the injections I had to get.

Now you are 22 weeks old, I do not have to go to the hospital anymore everyday, because your daddy is giving me the injections. Last week we saw you on the ultrasound again. You are already too big to get a nice picture for this page, but you are very beautiful. We do not know yet, if you are going to be a boy or a girl (would you like Samira?)

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