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The Basics

Before you begin RPGing here, you need to know a few basic things. For one, keep things realistic. I don't mean realistic as in no mythicals and such (because that is definately allowed), I just mean realistic as in no flying contraptions, no cars, no modern clothing.
Secondly, you don't have to speak like Shakespearean Literature. Yes, they were very proper back then, but you don't need to use a lot of "Thy" "thee" and "doth." Most oftenly, the words are used incorrectly, and its just embarrassing! But feel free, you can use it if you want.
Third, everyone must have a title. Title refers to your "position" in our medieval society. For instance, someone who lives in the village and owns their own home or business is a Peasant, yet someone who works for a Lord or the King and is bound to that land by contract is a Serf. Ladies are servants to the Queen, Knights are servants to their God, King and Country, and Lords are of Noble blood, and usually servants to the King and Queen.
Fourth, spread yourselves!. Take a chance - instead of joining as a Lady (especially if you already play one) or Lord, join as a Serf or Peasant! They can be fun too.
And finally, last but not least, place yourself in the era. That means, actually BE the character. Don't bring disputes into the game unless its part of the game - and don't bring personal things (such as RL things) into your character unless it can better your RP'ing. I understand that emotions carry over - but if someone makes a joke and you take it personal, how were they to know it was something you took seriously?

Now that you understand the basics, who will your character be?
Lords and Ladies are people of nobility and old blood that have money, etc. All unmarried ladies who join without a father must live in the castle, attending the queen as a lady in waiting. Lords joining need only schedule an audience with a king to have a manor granted to them.

Knights are strongly religious people who fight hard for their king, sacrificing their lives if need be. Also considered to be noblemen, knights are always invited to banquets, balls, etc held by the royal family...and are even occasionally elected to marriage to a princess, though most often they marry the daughters of noblemen.

Merchants may join in the marketplace. Merchants are looked down upon by most - save the instance in which they are selling something may choose to sell anything from horses to jewelry.

Serfs are share croppers that work for a Lord. You must inquire to a lord to gain this position. A serf works, lives, and raises his family on the land alotted to him. Rarely do they move up in class unless they marry into a wealthy family.

A peasant is a person who lives meagerly, holding a profession such as a blacksmith, baker, butcher, etc inside the kingdom's walls. These people are hard-workers with strong family relations, and often daughters and sons of peasants go on to become attendants and companions for the royal family, or knights. Young sons of peasants may be elected as paiges - otherwise known as knights in training.

A servant is an extremely poor individual who is either homeless or living in extreme poverty. Servants who wish to gain employ may interview at the castle for work as a maid/butler, attendant, drudge, or other kitchen worker.

You may join as a horse or any other type of pet to be sold in the marketplace, or any mythical teacher. Remember, they didn't have specific breeds of horses back then; they had big bodied horses (used for carriage and knight work), and then small petite ladies horses, used for light riding.