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You walk along a simple trail, with trees and forests on either side of it. Soon you come to a clearing and see houses made with fine golden straws as the roof, people buying food from the storekeepers. Turning around, you see several horses prancing around, men fighting over who gets what. You see several rodes to the left and to the right, then right behind you a huge castle. Assuming the castle is the home of the royal family you walk down the roads. Blacksmiths, bakers, shoemakers, talk to you as you walk by, wondering if you need something. You see the royal castle gates open, with several guards walking out of them.. They look at you, and walk off, ingoring the peasants they see everday. The prancing of a massive horse is heard as a young woman guides him up to you, staring down in apparent curiosity. Dismounting, she offers her hand, smiling sweetly.

"You must be new to the village. I'm Sonya, from Ireland. Welcome to Dawnspell."

After shaking hands quickly, her brillant copper stallion shoves her forward lightly, and she trips, falling into you. Righting herself, her fingers flutter to her stallion's bridle as she remounts, urging him into an earth shaking gallop, and clutched in her palm...your gold filled pocket. Glancing over her shoulder, she grins..

"Welcome to Dawnspell!"

Livestock Paddocks

Corr Street
Runaway Lane

Blair Road
Midway Road

Livery Stables

Town Square
House Deeds (To Request A House)

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