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Thank yous n' Legal issues

Ok... first of all I would like to thatnk all the creators of all the wonderful animes and magnas out there, to list the names would take forever though, Thanks for all the wonderful ideas like gundams, evas, saiyans, fusion, and all the other wonderful things out there!

Now to the issue that I have to address....

I Nai the creator and founder of this rpg am making NO Money off of this RPG and if I was it wouldnt be much at all, I am simply adopting ideas and blossoming new ones in my head, there is NO religious discrimination as well as other forms of discrimination here. I do not care what anybody beleives because for one this is an online game not real life and two I already get enough discrimination for practicing my religion and I DONT like passing that along! Ok I think I got it all out, if theres anything else, just email me at.... THANX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!