The Alan Fox Band
"Ju Ju Ear Rub"

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1. Be My Pretender (2:13)
2. Waxahachie Whirlwind (3:42)
3. Ain’t Nobody Owns The Blues (4:22)
4. Baby Be Good To Me (3:25)
5. I Got I Want (3:51)
6. Because We Ended As Lovers (3:47)
7. Your Fault (3:31)
8. High Price (3:50)
9. Ju Ju Momma (4:28)




1. Be My Pretender
alan fox

If you could say, you want to love me, I could try to love you

If you decide, you want to touch me, I could try that too!

Simple lives, Simple stories
Simply say that you'll
Be My Pretender

If you decide you want another, I could be there for you
If you decide, you want to cover, I would try to love you!


If could see the voodoo magic! You could feel the sunlight
If you could know, the power of insight, you would know the answers!


2. Waxahachie Whirlwind
donnie pendleton



3. Ain't Nobody Owns Them Blues
alan fox

Well I say ~~ To my brother ~~ Yes I say,
What’s this trouble hanging over me.
Take It back, ~~ Please, just take it back!
But it seems ain’t nobody own them blues, but me!

Yes I say ~~ To myself ~~ Yes I say,
What’s these troubles coming over me.
Take um back, ~~ Please, just take um back!
But it seems ain’t nobody own them blues, but me!

(Turn around)
My baby wants to touch me, ~~ My bottle wants to sooth me,
But this pain inside ~~ is killing me.
My landlord says that the rent is due, ~~ I tell ’em I don’t give a damn.
Cause this pain, ~~ This pain is killing me.

Lord ~~~ Lord take me back! ~~ Just Take me back.
To that place, ~~ that place that they say we have no pain.
Cause if my soul wants to go! ~~ then just let it go!
Cause it seems Ain’t Nobody Owns Them Blues But Me.

(Turn around)

4. Baby Be Good To Me
(Ross Vannelli, Eric Tag, Trevor Veithch)"The Cauze"

Sunlight creeping in through my window
I won’t let another day go slipping away this time

Darlin’ lately I feel you drifting
I see you intentions slipping I don’t know what’s on your mind

So Baby be good to me I’ve be good to you
Tears me apart to be loosing you
Maybe then you and me can see it through our love

Late night shadows of lurking danger
Maybe it’s certain strangers just doesn’t want us together

I know, it’s just not an easy answer
It’s so easy to turn away, but it’s harder to stay forever
You say, this love ain’t over, but maybe it’s me, try and make me believe,
That there’s nobody else can come in between our love.


5. I Got ~ I Want
donnie pendleton

Been out all night~~eyes burning from the night
It’s been three long days woman won’t you take me home and treat me right

Cause I like your style~~I like the way you make me smile
Won’t you take me by the hand and love me on that long cold country mile.

Cause I got your name~~~burn inside of my brain
And it’s a Shame~~~that you don’t feel the same.

Cause I know~~you got girl you got what I need
Like a gambler needs his dice like a junky needs his vice I’m begging Please!

Don’t walk away~~what can I do to make you stay
You know I got a romance plan ain’t no repo man can take away

Cause I got your name~~~burn inside of me
And I’m not the blame~~~for all your misery


Cause I got your name~~~burn inside of my brain
And it’s a Shame~~~that you don’t feel the same.
Cause I got your name~~~burn inside of me
And I’m not the blame~~~for all your misery

6. Because We Ended As Lovers
(stevie wonder)



7. Your Fault
alan fox

Shut-your face, you’ve had enough to say,
I’ve heard you gripe about it, every single day.
You won’t listen, so, why should I care!
Sometimes you’ve got to go, then, maybe you’ll learn.
I know it’s hard for you, but it’s, harder now for me.
To keep my mouth shut so, maybe you’ll see. (that it’s)

Your Fault – Your Fault – Your Fault, Baby It’s Your Fault!
Your Fault – Your Fault – Your Fault, Baby It’s Your Fault!

You seem to think that I’m the cause of your despair.
You seem to think that everybody needs to care.
I never understood that, you’re the only one,
That needs attention and that thinks they’re number one.

I know it’s hard for you, but it’s, harder now for me.
To keep my mouth shut so, maybe you’ll see. (that it’s)

Your Fault – Your Fault – Your Fault, Baby It’s Your Fault!
Your Fault – Your Fault – Your Fault, Baby It’s Your Fault!

People tell me stories and say they ain’t lies
Taking those pictures and saying it’s fact that it’s
Your Fault – Your Fault – Your Fault, Baby It’s Your Fault!

People tell me stories and say they ain’t lies
Taking those pictures and saying it’s fact that it’s
Your Fault – Your Fault – Your Fault, Baby It’s Your Fault!

Well sing it High, sing it low, sing it tall, sing it short,
Sing it loud, sing it soft, sing it—sing it with eyes that say,
Your Fault – Your Fault – Your Fault, Baby It’s Your Fault!
Your Fault – Your Fault – Your Fault!

8. High Price To Pay
alan fox

Baby, Why Don't we just touch anymore
And Baby, Why Don't we just talk anymore?

You broke my life just by being a fool.
But I don’t know, just what to say!

You broke my heart just by playing around.
So I don't know! -- It’s a high price to pay!

It’s A—High --- Price to Pay For A Lady!
It’s A—High --- Price to Pay For A Lady!
It’s A—High --- Price to Pay For A Lady!
It’s A—High --- Price to Pay For A Lady!

Baby, Who are these strange people I see?
And Baby, What are these strange papers I read!

You broke my life just by being a fool.
But I don’t know, just what to say!

You broke my heart just like playing around.
So I don't know! It’s a high price to pay!

It’s A—High --- Price to Pay For A Lady!
It’s A—High --- Price to Pay For A Lady!
It’s A—High --- Price to Pay For A Lady!
It’s A—High --- Price to Pay For A Lady!

9. Ju Ju Momma
alan fox

Ju Ju Momma! Don’t you take me for a ride!
Ju Ju Momma! Don’t you take me for a ride!
Just read my hand, then you’ll understand, I got the blues.

Ju Ju Momma! Don’t you ask me where I’ve been!
Ju Ju Momma! Don’t you ask me where I’ve been!
I’ve been hiding in the shadows, with my whiskey, wine, and gin!

Black Magic comes and it goes, so I know you will know,
Ju Ju Momma!
If you can see all the magic with
Ju Ju Momma! -- Momma!
Momma! -- Momma!

Ju Ju Momma! I need a place to hide.
Ju Ju Momma! I need a place to hide.
The Baka Bokor Man is lookin’ for me, cause I know - I hurt his pride.