†Shell Baby†


Michelle ♥'s John

Death came into the world because of sin.
I was born in July.
Fun to be with.
Difficult to fathom and to be understood.
Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Takes pride in oneself.
Has reputation.
Easily consoled.
Concerned about people's feelings.
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.
Moody and easily hurt.
Witty and sparkly.
Spazzy at times.
Not revengeful.
Forgiving but never forgets.
Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
Guides others physically and mentally.
Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
Caring and loving.
Treats others equally.
Strong sense of sympathy.
Wary and sharp.
Judges people through observations.
No difficulties in studying.
Loves to be alone.
Always broods about the past and the old friends.
Waits for friends.
Never looks for friends.
Not aggressive unless provoked.
Loves to be loved.
Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
I have brown eyes.
People with brown eyes are very attractive, adorable and love to make new friends.
Will do anything for that special person.
Kind and polite.
Can make anyone laugh or cheer them up.
Loves to please the one they care for or love.
And are the greatest kissers of them all. Seriously.
Take the quiz:

True Christian
You are humble, gracious, kind and extremely Christ-like. You believe in the bible as your law, but read it in its original language. Perhaps you're not a scholar, but you're not an armature either. You normally don't feel church is acceptable for your form of worship, and if anyone believes different from you, you might try to learn something from them.

Take the quiz:
What Star Wars Character Are You?

Luke Skywalker
Your upbringing was very sheltered and you long for freedom

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