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Ralston Johns

-- ORDER? there is no order, this is just music samples--

WELCOME!! You finally made it!

Read on and enjoy some tunes.

just dont take anything within a Prod Reduction Production.

College has started again. its Sept 18 2006.

On the real side of things, these next listed songs are written, recorded, and mixed by me; the good ol' fashion way in my room at school, with a little, shitty microphone and my acoustic guitar - '73 Epiphone, a prime Gibson product.

If ya like it, give me a shout.

I want to give some recognition to the boys up north - Dr. Jeremiah Rabishi and Martin R. Mcviccer, for without them, I wouldn't be a musician.

I pretty much did these in one take, not putting too much time into them yet because I lack equipment to make it sound the way i want it to, the way it needs to be. These seem to be quieter versions of the songs, but right now WHO CARES, turn up your god damn stereo or computer speakers and listen to 'em. If ya like it, let me know, at, or

ENJOY, and take no guff from these fucking swine.

If ya want to listen to one song over the others, click STOP on the ones you don't want to hear, and PLAY on the other; if ya want to hear em all at the same time, by all means, go for it.




Prod Roeland - "Jaten Sie Kreis"

Prod Roeland - "Flower of Life"

Prod Roeland - "In Her Beauty Lie"

Prod Roeland - "Parentance Guidal"

Prod Roeland - "Morgan Diaries"

Prod Roeland - "Drugs Are Bad"

Prod Roeland - "Slower Flower"

Prod Roeland - "Wasted"

Prod Roeland - "BackwardStep"

Prod Roeland - "Heard Voices"

sHHhh... you can't hear this.


PARICIDal interests.

for all your Dr. Jeremiah Rabishi and friends needs.

Martin R. McViccer and his pearly tunes of GOD DAMN!!

For some more of the random useless shit I say..

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I must mention some names... of course...

  • BeJong Roachworthy III & Prod Roeland
  • Dr. Jeremiah Rabishi & Martin R. Mcviccer
  • Taylord and Matty T. , Niloc
  • Caveman Dave and Robbie Fraser
  • Meghan Morwood