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//Welcome to Whisper's "Evanescence In New York" special. Bringin you all the info, the pix,
and even some short-ass video clips of Evanescence performing at Webster Hall in NYC !

//Before The Show

I got my cab to head to Webster Hall around 2PM, and as my cab was turning the corner onto 11th St., where
Webster Hall is, who do I see on the street corner ? But, the band ! The guys all hopped in to my cab so I
couldn't actually meet them. But I diden't really care because the person I was dying to meet was left, Amy Lee.
She was standing on the corner while a guy was trying to hail a cab for her. So before anything I whipped my
'Fallen' CD out and walked over to her. She looked at me and I said, "Amy Leeeee." And she laughed and
said,"Heyyy, what's up ?". So I walked closer to her and showed her my CD asking her if she could sign it, and of
course she did. Then I told her I would be coming to her show tonite to which she replied, "Yea, I hear it's gonna
be cool. We're really gonna rock out tonite." And I was still so awe-struck I just replied, "I KNOW !" followed by a
"Thank you so much for signing my CD !" and she sweetly replied "Aw, your welcome !" while hopping into a cab.
What a great way to start out my day !

Picture Of Signed CD

//The Show

After watching Revis, Trapt & Finch play, it was finally time for what I was waiting for all night, Evanescence.
They came on at about 10:30-10:45, opening with Going Under. They sang every song off of 'Fallen' except My
Immortal and Hello, they even included Even In Death. Their performance was infused with adrenaline. People
were rockin their heads, jumping up and down, crowd surfing. It was crazy. Then Amy said, "Ok, we're gonna sing
one more for you." And the crowd whaled, "WHISPER!!!". And that's exactly what we got. And I'm not just saying
this because I'm an Evanescence fan, but the concert was honestly AMAZING !

//The Pictures

**pictures 18-26 courtesy of all others copywritten by Michael Lombardo,
may not be used without permission (c) 2003

//Video Clips

Ok, these are realllllllllly short video clips of them performing last night, just to give u a slight feel of what it was like, and they are all in .AVI format. And hey, it's better then nothing.

Clip One

Clip Two


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//Reviews Review