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My Journal
Thursday, 18 March 2004
Ugh I was so sick today. It was gross.....umm I didn't do anything of coarse...I just watched Tv and fun! I hope I feel better tomarrow lol!


Posted by rock3/wetnaps at 6:29 PM EST
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Wednesday, 17 March 2004
I was sick today,....I was fine when I came to school and 30 minutes into spanish class then I felt really naseated and I felt really hot so I asked Mrs. Sand is I could go to the bathroom and she said yes so I went and I still felt bad so I came back and asked Mrs. Sand to go to the clinic. Then she said no because she wasn't sure if I could leave because we had ten minutes of class left! I was so pissed off and I felt horrible. Then I went to P.E. then to the clinic then the lady at the clinic told me to go back to class cuz I had no fucken fever! ERGH! So I went to P.E. and then to Dr.Dean's class, then I felt bad in there and then I went to Math and felt really really bad and asked Mr.Gieseke if I could go to the clinic again and I got a pass and went. Then they took my temperature and I had no fever.....then they were going to send me back to class, but the nice clinic lady (with brown hair) said that I could call my I did and I went home.....Thank god! I'm feeling a little better which is good......nothing else really happened today.....17 days till I see my best friend Meg! I can't wait....ttyl byez!


Posted by rock3/wetnaps at 1:54 PM EST
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Tuesday, 16 March 2004
What type of rock are you...
The Sex Pistols
Old school punk! You just say what you have to say
regardless of what everyone else thinks!
You're one of my most favorite types of
music... You're raw and uncut! You're
surrounded by hype...just don't let it make you
go insane...

Yay Sex Pistols! Wooh!

Posted by rock3/wetnaps at 10:43 PM EST
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Today/First Entry!
My First Entry!

Umm this is my first entry....uhh...I dunno..I decided to check out this sight thing....I dunno if it wil lwork out...I'll probably end up deleting it or something :) w/e! Umm...I guess I'll talk about what happened today!

My day...

Well this morning my mom woke me up at like 8:50 and I was like omfg mom! So I had to rush and get my ass to school! I was really tired cuz I had a big weekend and there was no school on monday so for some odd reason I was even more tired....Then Mrs. Sand was being all mean to me and Shamini today. I asked Shamini a question about the weather and Mrs. Sand got all mad...then she asked me what season it was in this picture and I was about to answer and then she called on someone else I was like you bitch! Then in chorus (my favorite clas.....not) we had to sing with the 8th graders in the was boring.....then in Dean we had a stupid essay and I failed it cuz I only had read to page 20...Then in math I got a stupid 64 on the test....lunch was ok....I caught 7 gold fish in my mouth and caught 3 in my hat! Wooh! Then the rest of the day was ok.......Except for when my mom told me my Step dad was coming back hehhehheh my life is going to be in hell then.......I dunno....I can't really complain about could have been worse....

Posted by rock3/wetnaps at 10:05 PM EST
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