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29 Aug 2005

Today is Stephanie's first day of school. Good luck, Stephanie!! I love you!! :)

09 March 2005

Happy 18th birthday, Stephanie!

10 January 2005

Today, Stephanie and I got together!! After such a long road, we finally made it this far!! The rest will be relatively easy, considering how much it's taken to get here.




Spontaneous Man Loves His Girl!!

I assume that only Stephanie will view this page, as I made it for her out of boredom and it gave me something somewhat constructive to do while I thought about her. I figure if I'm going to be thinking about her, I might as well be writing about her. :)

On this site, you will find various things that I see fit to put on here, naturally. Included may be song clips I have recorded, lyrics I have written, stories I may write, thoughts on random things, and umm...oh yes, many many praises for Stephanie!!

Hope you enjoy the site. I am enjoying creating it. Oh, and the guy in the picture is Rivers Cuomo, Weezer's frontman.



Stephanie and I met at BYU in June of 2003 while attending EFY. I immediately noticed her and started a conversation with her on our way to dinner. I found out that she has a beautiful voice and is a perfect match for me.

The week went by without much activity, due to the fact that she was sick all week. After a week or two went by, Stephanie emailed me and we started talking regularly over the phone (I lived in Colorado) regularly and I eventually ended up moving out to Salt Lake to be close to her.

After a complicated and twisted road, we finally officially got together on January 10th, 2005 and have been in an interesting relationship since, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love her.
