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3 weeks of pleasure!!! 6 gigs & a weekend of decadence in London!!!!

Toilet Boys



Guy n Rick

Pretty Boy Floyd

Pretty Boy Floyd

Brent Taime

BM guitar hero

Brent Taime

Taime n me

Ste Taime

Shari Steve Ste Keri

Ste ? Rick Cheezy

Rachel Stamp
Every now & again a period of time comes along were you go to loads of gigs, drink too much, sleep little, travel too much, but have a bloody good time….
  • Friday 25th Jan TOILET BOYS + Sonic Boom Boys at Bradford Rio’s.
  • Saturday 2nd Feb FASTER PUSSYCAT + Pretty Boy Floyd at Bradford Rio’s
  • Thursday 7th Feb RACHEL STAMP + Halo at Manchester Uni
  • Friday 8th Feb FASTER PUSSYCAT + Pretty Boy Floyd at Dudley JB’s
  • Saturday 9th Feb FASTER PUSSYCAT + Pretty Boy Floyd at Notts Rock City
  • Saturday 16th Feb RACHEL STAMP + Halo London Astoria
    First off was the TOILET BOYS, support came from those punky/sleazsters SONIC BOOM BOYS, who were enjoyable. The Toilet Boys rocked big style, unfortunately hardly anybody saw them. Pity cos they missed a classic blend of posing, pyrotechnics & fire eating, On top of that the main ingredients good music, old & new from the bands repertoire. They hung out & signed Cd’s, posed for piccies & chatted straight after the gig. No rest the following night & the following Friday as I was Djing at the Napier Rock pub in Blackburn.
    Next up the first gig on the FASTER PUSSYCAT – PRETTY BOY FLOYD tour. Missed NEON BOMB tonight, but the bar was cosy!!! PBF were better than expected, the leather LP, enjoyable tho it is, wouldn’t find its way into my top 100 of all time, I’m more impressed with the new stuff & tonight it all sounded great. The only original member in the band were Steve Summers - they had Big Bang Babies' Keri Kelli on guitar, ex-Newlydeads drummer Dish and Queeny Blast Pop/City Girls Boys' Lesli Sanders on bass. Now some fans may have been expecting the original line up for FP, Taime with blonde hair etc, but I got what I’d expected. Taime with his Newlydeads look, Brent not looking much different than he did 10 years ago & a mixture of great songs, tho starting with the remixed version of Bathroom Wall might have been the wrong move... But hell its good & we were soon rocking along to original songs from the first 2 Lps & you’re so vain, unfortunately nothing from whipped... I love the Newlydeads stuff, so was quite happy to hear there songs & the Motochrist song sounded really good, another band to look out for. After the gig the band did some signing & they had run out of some merchandise, ah well Paul the nice man at the stand said they would have more for the rest of the tour.
    Rachel Stamp & the start of 3 gigs in a row... great.... First of all was HALO & I was quite impressed, not just me either, 3 mates with me agreed.... Rachel Stamp are always good & tonight was no exception, the new stuff sound great too. And what’s this a change of image, darker.... Ye I know they do regular subtle changes, but they didn’t seem as glam as usual....
    Right I’m really looking forward to seeing Faster Pussycat in Dudley, even tho some people have been less than impressed with them... (Although 90% of people I spoke with or read on the net thought they were great). Luckily my partner & I had booked into the Station hotel, across from JB’s, our first time at this venue. We went for a pub lunch in town & on returning to the room found FP booking into the hotel...! I tried not to hassle him too much as he said he was knackered....! All glammed up & ready to go just after 7 we hit the venue. Drinkies followed by a long natter with Paul at the merchandise stall, taking old rock n roll!!!! Once it got busy we started talking to more fans, which of course means for more throat lubrication!!!! Neon Bomb, truthfully we were not too impressed, tho the sound quality didn’t help.... PBF came on again all bounce & enthusiasm, banging good sing a long choruses, & I’m rocking down the front, well impressed....! JB’s was quite well attended & we stayed down the front apart from toilet & bar breaks!!!! Taime came out after the gig recognised us from the hotel, I bought him a drink & he chatted to us for about 30mins. We also got talking with other guys from the band, Danny etc, then the tour manager Kris. Before we left the guy selling T-shirts gave us 3 posters!!!! We got the photos developed straight away before heading for Notts.
    We went in a Rock pub there while trying to find a cheap hotel. Kris the tour manager was there so we hung around with him before following PBF to a signing, one of them remembered me from the front at the previous gig!!!!!! After finding a hotel away from the centre we headed back to the pub for some food & pre gig drinks. Hey there was Kris again & he asked us to join him with some friends, later to be followed by Brent M coool. After the gig the bands were having a few drinks in the pub & we were invited, well it would have been rude of us to say no!!!!!! Anyways the gig was good, too many assholes in the crowd tho, did a brill Motorhead cover tho!!!! As well as Primemover…. Back at the pub Steve & Keri from PBF were having some fish & chips, so being a cheeky bastard I asked if they would sign some photos after they’d eaten, they asked us to join em… “oh well go on then!!!!!” Later other band members came in & Brent nicked my drink & the bar was shut!!! Anyways we got kicked out of the pub & headed back stage with the bands minus Brent who had to retire to the hotel, ha, one drink too many!!!!! After many drunken conversations & watching the interesting activities of band members & groupies (us!) we left for the hotel & froze whilw waiting an hour for a taxi!!!! Good times, for which I’m just recovering, oh shit London on Thursday!!!!!
    Ye another weekend in London & another Rachel Stamp gig. They were great of course, but I had enjoyed them more in Manchester….. maybe I was tired after too many gigs & nights out!!!!! next page. front page.