Review of
Johnny Crash - Neighbourhood Threat

Although they reportedly hate the comparison, Johnny Crash sound almost exactly like AC/DC. It is not only that singer Vicki James Wright's vocal chords and phrasing happen to be identical to the dead Bon Scott, but the rhythm section of bassist Andy Rogers and drummer Punkee pound out a tight, catchy beat highly resonant of those seminal Australian hard rockers. And the easy sleazy wit is there too. 'Hey Kid' is the tale of a rebellious kid who "attended the school of Hard Knocks", while 'No Bones About It' is a tune about strippers ("feed my kitty with a 10 dollar bill").

But while the subject matter is still the same old teenybopper fodder, Johnny Crash does it well. While 'All The Way In' ("I'll be up to my neck in love"), with its cloned AC/DC mid song breakdown, 'Trigger Happy' and 'Axe To the Wax' may not be the most groundbreaking tunes, it's easy to see that these guys at least know how to rock hard. Even if it is all copped.

Reviewer - NF