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2.27.03 Hey All, I know that I havn’t updated this site in the last month, and I really apoligize. Truth be told, I’ve been posting all the updates on the .01 board. Anyways, Here’s whats up in our world these days.

We have quite a few shows coming up in the month of March. Heres the listing.

March 15th at the Hudson YMCA
W/ Maxxed Out TBA

March 21st at the Java Joint in St. Cloud
W/ Blind Shake,North of Emerson

March 28th at the Depot in Hopkins (Tentative)
W/ Nuke

May 23rd at One2One in Madison, WI
W/ Once More Forever, Profet

We hope to see alot of people at these shows. We havn’t had one in quite sometime. As for the CD recording, We have been writing new songs and
are now ready to record it. As for when it will be released, I am sorry to say that we will have to push the release back to Late Spring. But with that, we promise extreme satisfaction. Thanks to all who have stuck with us in these last two years. We are in a small drought right now, and promise to be out of it this coming month. Thanks Again

Adam, Mark, and Josh


***Also, we now have an Mp3 site! On it, we have Earbleed and Bite The Trend. Click the link  here.***


Radically Strapped
Out Spring 2003
0.1 Records


1.) Finally, I’ve Lost It
2.)Enough Said
3.) Bite The Trend
4.) Too Close...
5.) Path Pre-Determined
6.) Ear Bleed
7.) Leaving Town
8.) Rumors
9.) Forgive the Rain
10.)Tired Of
11.) Losing Feeling*