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Stu's Biography and Pictures


Full Name: Stuart, John, Domonik, Kennedy

Nicknames:  Stu, You’re Grounded!

Birthday: August 14

Hobbies: Being Grounded, Hockey, Playing Violin and Guitar, Golf.

Favorite Drink: Mello Yello

Favorite Food: Perogees (Per-Oh-Gees)

Instruments Played: Violin, Guitar, Piano and Vocals.

Favorite and Influential Bands: BSW, Nirvana etc.

Who You Want To Someday Meet: Steve Yzerman

Equipment Used: Yamaha Guitar and Amp

Who Inspired You To Make the Music: BSW, I went to the Mozart museum in Switzerland(????) and saw a violin and said “oh baby I wanna play that thing” so I smashed open the case when no one was looking and hid it under my coat. About 10 years after that I took up the guitar.

Favorite Movies: Back to the Future (all), Bill and Ted, Shrek, etc. 

Favorite Sports: Hockey and Golf and seeing how many times I can hit my brother without getting grounded (the record is still 1).

Favorite Quote: “Nobody Cares” – Stu N BSW

Anything Else You Want To Add: Mello Yello – That shit’s good.


Give the Fans a Little Background Story: I have Fans?! I’ve been playing violin for 11 years (see background story above). I started playing guitar at the beginning of 2002. I have also been playing piano for quite a while now.


I currently have no pictures. I Hope to Post them too.


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