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Sic and Demented By Design

"The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing. Too often, it seems, I've succumbed to less than admirable compulsions driven by this furiously reprehensible machine of mine. So many things inside that I can do without, desires and urges and whatnot. So extraneous. By the time I write here again, I hope to be as cold as the moon that lights the night."

This is Sicaveli here from at one of my new homes, Sic and Demented by Design. I want to start by saying thank you to my Demented counter part maupin for inviting me to be on this page. Its a work of art, and I couldn't be proudier (if thats a word). Ok, and now enough with that crap, heres some links for you to check out.

Look for Mwk midwest jackmove and Sicaveli Diary of a Drug Addict coming soon. Hit this page up regularly too for updates and new features. I got like five other web sites I gotta work on too so I'm out. Check my news posts on this page and on And look for my ass on if you kind find me. Much fam love.