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The Town of
Torbay, Newfoundland


Torbay was incorporated as a Town under the Newfoundland Municipalities Act in 1972. It has a seven-member elected Municipal Council including the Mayor. The staff consists of a Town Manager, a Town Clerk, an Assistant Town Clerk, a Recreation Director and other outide workers.

The council is responsible for all the usual municipal services, including 134 local streets, water and sewer services, snow clearing, and garbage collection. They are also responsible for the Torbay Volunteer Fire Department, Torbay Parks and Recreation, Torbay Public Library and Torbay Heritage Musuem.

The present day council consists of Mayor, Cyril Power and Coucil Members, James Cantwell, Robert Codner, Dorthy Keating, Jim Lacey, Peggy Roche and Mary Thorne-Gosse.

Last updated 1997.

Last updated September 16, 2003.

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Shelley O'Brien
28 Doyle's & Quigley's Lane
Torbay, NL
A1K 1A7