{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\ul\f0\fs20 The Context Of...\par \ulnone\par \i\f1 picking at my peeling cuticles\par the pain so disproportionate if\par you consider the size of my fingers.\par I do consider.\par \par playing air guitar in \par a disturbing fashion with \par a pen top, fading off into \par "space," smiling because I \par know I'll be famous.\par \par These are the things I do \par behind my drawn blinds,\par drawing, formulating regret,\par recalling conversations \par where I rushed the words\par I analyze to death.\par \par Convince myself that\par I'll convince my friends\par soon enough that \par I'm worthy \par of the time spent \par wasting time that\par we'll forget.\par \par Telling them I was \par writing and reading,\par studying and thinking,\par but I was only thinking\par and not of art or \par literature, but of me\par and me in the context of \par their lives, their worlds;\par \par and only how to alter \par that position as such\par a variable in algebra.\par \par Would the Earth\par stop revolving\par if I were to stop\par breathing?\par \par I think so.\par In fact, I know.\par \par So I have a drink\par smelling my fingers\par and smoking pot,\par sneezing, and not\par exercising anything.\par Not even thought\par or free will.\par \par I've even lost my \par faith in God or the \par lack thereof. So in \par the 'existential vaccuum'\par I ponder overpopulation\par and decide competition\par means I'll give up and \par that I should. \par \par Girls\par are too hard to \par break.\par \par Revel in defeat,\par and somehow manage\par to still feel \par self-pity and dwell\par on abstract depression.\par }
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