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MTV Cribs


Ok, I LOVED this interview...  Bas allowed MTV camera crews in to film his house, and show off some of his interesting collections.    You'll see a LOT of kiss stuff, J & H memorabilia (look closely in the garage and you'll even see the lab set from the play... VERY cool), his comics, his doggie Wolverine, his family, and cars.  I was fortunate enough to visit his    house once, so it was fun to see it again and bring back a great memory for me...  (hey, you cleaned up the three feet of papers off the dinning room table! hahaha)

I put up 2 versions of MTV Cribs... a small real media version (1.8mb), and a larger windows media version (5.3mb)...   If you've got the time or the bandwith, I suggest you download the big version so you can see clearer details.

Real Media 1.8 MB             Windows Media (better quality) 5.3 MB

The photos on this page are still photos from the show.

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Sebastian with his younger son London, and with his beautiful wife Maria

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Trying on his Jekyll robe, and Hyde jacket

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I've stood in front of that poster myself outside the theater many times... (sigh)

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Bas' comic collection

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Admiring his saved Gene Simmons blood... yummy. 

(I guess you should be careful what you reach for in his fridge... no, that's not strawberry topping for your ice cream.)

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Gee, Sebastian likes Kiss?  Really?  I never would have guessed.

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Showing us around the house, and garage.