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1349- Nashville, TN. 3/28/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/4

1349- Quebec City, CAN. (dark) 4/2/2007 20min. (mas.) 4/3

T.S.O.L. St. Louis, MO 11-24-86 (Official) 45min 4/5

Tad Chicago, IL 3-17-91 40min 4/3

Tad Ann Arbor, MI 4-10-90 (2nd gen.) 50min 5/4

Tad Toronto CAN 4-11-90 40min 5/3

Tad Phoenix AZ 4-19-90 35min 5/2

Tad Hallandale FL 7-22-95 (1st gen.) 50min 5/4

Tad Leafy Incline..." Promo 5min 5/5

Tad '"Plauge..." Promo 5min 5/4

Tad Stumblin' Man" Promo 5min 5/4

Tad '"Woodgoblins..." Promo 5min 5/5

Tad- "Busted Circuits and Ringing Ears" h.v. '08 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Tad Italy 11-89 15min 3/4

Tad '"Dementia..." Promo 5min 5/5

Tad+Hellwitch Backstage Party 7-22-95 (1st gen.) 15min 5/5

Tank Nightlife TV show ' 25min. 3/5

Tank early promos '(2) 10min 4/4

Tank- Boston, MA. 5/17/1985 60min. 4/4

Tank- Rotterdam, HOL. 8/15/1997 30min.(3rd) 4/3

Tankard Holland '87 45min 4/3

Tankard Music Box TV '87 30min 3/4

Tankard Chemical Incasion" Promo 5min 5/5

Tankard Morn After..." Promo 5min 5/5

Tankard- "Space Beer" promo ' 5min. 3/5

Tankard- "Fat, Ugly and Still Alive" home video '06 290min. (mas.) 5/5

Tantric- Latrobe, PA. (OFF.) '01 15min. (mas.) 5/5

Taproot- "Again..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Taproot- inter. CAN. TV '00 10min. (1st) 5/5

Taproot- Minneapolis, MN. 5/8/1900 35min. (3rd) 4/4

Target Home Video #2-(w/T.S.O.L./ Bad Brains/Circle Jerks/Cramps) CA. '82-'85 30min. 4/5

Tears For Fears Hallandale FL 11-21-93 (1st gen.) 100min 4/5

Ted Nugent "Cat Scratch Fever" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Ted Nugent Rockpalast '76 TV 25min 3/4

Ted Nugent Midnight Special TV '79-81 30min 4/4

Ted Nugent- Rock Palast GER. TV '76 60min. 4/5

Ted Nugent- Conan O' Brien show 4/1/1999 10min.(2nd) 5/5

Ted Nugent Midnight Special '80 20min 4/4

Temple Of The Absurd Promo 5min 5/5

Tempus Fugit Miami 5-5-89 30min 5/3

Ten Foot Pole Lighthouse Pt. ,Fl. 10/3/1997 20min.(1st) 5/5

Teratism- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 6/17/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Teratism- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 2/24/2007 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Terror- Salem, N.C. 8/4/2003 30min. (1st) 5/4

Terror- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 5/16/2004 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Terror 2000- "Faster..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Terrorizer Normandie 7-6-88 25mn 3/3

Terrorizer (Live+Rehersal) CA '87 70min 3/2

Tesco Vee's Hate Police Boston MA 1-6-91 55min 4/4

Tessaract- UKRAINE 3/4/2006 30min. (mas.) 4/4

Testament "Low" promo ' 5min.(2nd) 5/5

Testament "Greenhouse" promo ' 5min. 4/5

Testament "Nobody's Fault" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Testament "Return to..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Testament Maimi, FL 2-23-91(3rd gen.) 45min 5/4

Testament Houston TX 8-14-88 35min 4/4

Testament German TV '89 5min 4/4

Testament inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Testament Monsters of Rock Fest. ITALY TV '92 25min. 4/5

Testament inter. Latin Amer. MTV '96 15min 5/5

Testament '"Low" Promo 5min 5/5

Testament '"Souls..." Promo 5min 5/5

Testament Schweinfurt, GER. TV 5/20/1988 20min. 4/5

Testament Houston, TX. 10/31/1997 65min.(2nd) 5/4

Testament Hallandale, FL. (little shaky) 11/7/1997 70min.(mas.) 5/3

Testament- "Practice What..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Testament- "Live in London" home video '05 85min. (mas.) 5/5

Testament- Santiago, CHILE '97 85min.(1st) 4/3

Testament- inter.+live clips "Atomic Bunkier" show '99 10min.(1st) 5/5

Testament- inter.+studio clips (OFF.) '99 10min. 4/5

Testament- S.F., CA. (soundboard) 9/29/1987 55min. 3/4

Testament- Philadelphia, PA. 11/14/1989 85min. (2nd) 3/4

Testament- inter.+live S.F., CA. cable TV 4/22/1995 10min. 4/4

Testament- Pennsauken, N.J. 3/11/2000 60min.(2nd) 5/3

Testament- Pennsauken, N.J. (diff. ang.) 3/11/2000 45min. (1st) 5/2

Testament- Dynamo Fest, HOL. TV 6/3/2000 15min. (1st) 5/5

Testament- Milan, ITALY 5/11/2005 75min. (mas.) 5/3

Testament- Santiago, CHILE 4/30/2007 90min. (mas.) 5/3

Testament (w/J. Murphy)- unplugged jam ' 25min. 4/5

Testament (w/J. Murphy)- live ' 35min. 3/3

Testament-(w/Lombardo/Murphy/ DiGiorgio!) San Francisco, CA. 8/28/1999 70min. (2nd) 5/4

Testify Anger..." Promo 5min 5/5

Testment- "Electric..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Texas Chainsaw Massa.-Q&A sess. w/Gunnar(Leatherface)+Ed(hitchiker) FL. 11/9/2003 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Texas Terry and the Stiff Ones- Hamtrack, MI. 5/99 45min.(4th) 4/4

Texas Terry and the Stiff Ones- L.A., CA. (OFF.) 6/28/1999 35min.(2nd) 5/5

Thanatos- Portugal 8/14/1998 25min. 4/4

The Elite(ex-Death mem.!)- recording session Springfield, MO. 12/26/2003 25min. (1st) 5/5

The Elite(ex-Death mem.!)- Springfield, MO. (set #1) 12/27/2003 45min. (1st) 5/4

The Elite(ex-Death mem.!)- Springfield, MO. (set #2) 12/27/2003 55min. (1st) 5/4

Therion Sweden 4-10-93 40min 5/5

Therion Sweden 4-11-89 35min 5/4

Therion Sweden 5-6-92 45min 4/3

Therion Buenos Aires, ARG 5-95 (1st gen.) 70min 4/4

Therion Santiago, Chile 8-11-95 55min 3/2

Therion Zug Suisse 9-11-93 30min 4/4

Therion '"Beauty In..." Promo 5min 5/5

Therion Salonica, Greece 5/3/1997 35min. 3/4

Therion- Wacken Fest., GER. (OFF.) '01 45min. (1st) 5/5

Therion- Gaia, EUROPE 10/24/1998 55min.(2nd) 4/4

Therion- Moscow, RUSSIA 12/15/2005 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Therion- "Therion Goes Classic" ROM. TV 12/9/2006 105min. (1st) 5/5

Therion- Wacken, GER. (OFF.) 8/3/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/5

Therion '"Black Rose" Promo 5min 5/5

Therion (w/orchestra!)- Mierlo, HOL. 5/21/1999 65min.(2nd) 4/4

Thin Lizzy Chinatown Promos '(3) 10min 4/5

Thin Lizzy Live And Dangerous '78 Home Video 50min(1st) 5/5

Thin Lizzy- Sight and Sound Show U.K. TV '83 40min. (mas.) 5/5

Thin Lizzy- "Dedication" home video '91 55min. (1st) 5/5

Thin Lizzy- "The Rocker: A Portrait of P. Lynott" h.v. '96 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Thin Lizzy- Boynton Beach, FL. 1/25/2001 85min. (mas.) 5/4

Think Shit Canada, Alma ' 25min 4/2

Thor Live '83-84 (Official) 15min 5/5

Thor London, U.K. '84 55min. 4/4

Thor '"Keep the Dogs Away" Promo 5min 5/5

Thor '"Let The..." Promo 5min 4/5

Thor- inter.+"Knock 'em..." promo CAN. TV '85 5min. 5/5

Thor- Garner, N.C. 9/25/1998 40min.(1st) 5/3

Thorns of Carrion Indianapolis IN 4-30-94 5min 4/4

Thorns of the Carrion- Lakewood, OH. 6/17/2000 35min. (2nd) 5/4

Thornspawn- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 12/1/1901 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Thornspawn- San Antonio, TX. (low vocals) 12/4/1999 40min.(1st) 5/4

Thornspawn- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 12/7/2002 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Thornspawn- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 6/17/2006 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Thornspawn- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 2/24/2007 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Threnody- Berlin, GERMANY '95 10min. 4/3

Thrill Kill Cult '"Cooler Than..." Promo 5min 5/5

Thrill Kill Cult '"Sex On..." Promo 5min 5/5

Thrill Kill Kult ABC TV 10-93 5min 5/5

Thrill Kill Kult Miami FL 11-24-91 50min 4/5

Thrones of Scorn Corona, CA, 11/29/1997 20min.(1st) 5/4

Thrust N.Y.C. 1/6/1995 45min. 4/4

Thunderchimp- S.F., CA. 11/12/1997 35min.(2nd) 4/5

Thus Defiled Bradford, U.K. 9/22/1996 40min. 3/3

Thy Infernal Portland, OR. (B+W) 6/2/1996 10min. 4/5

Thy Infernal- Portland, OR. 9/5/1998 20min.(1st) 4/4

Tiamat "Cold Seed" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Tiamat Berlin GER 10-29-93 25min 3/4

Tiamat Durmersheim 1-16-93 40min 4/3

Tiamat Sweden 12-15-90 35min 5/4

Tiamat inter.+ promos German Viva TV in Italy 4/97 20min. 4/5

Tiamat Dusseldorf GER TV 4-16-95 40min 5/5

Tiamat Krakow, POL TV 8-96 45min 4/5

Tiamat inter.+"Wild..." promo Mexico MTV '94 15min 4/5

Tiamat Leon, Mexico '95 65min. 2/3

Tiamat Krakow POL TV '95 (Official) 40min 5/5

Tiamat '"Gaia" Promo 5min 5/5

Tiamat '"Sleeping" Promo 5min 5/5

Tiamat '"Whatever..." Promo 5min 5/5

Tiamat Vasteras, SWED. 5/24/1991 40min. 4/4

Tiamat- Rome, ITALY (outdoor) 7/10/2004 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Tiamat- St. Petersburg, RUSSIA 7/7/2007 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Timeghoul St. Louis, MO 8-29-92 40min 3/2

Tinieblas Las Piedras P.R. 3-24-96 25min 5/3

Tinieblas Cagus P.R. 4-6-96 30min 3/2

Tinieblas Mayaguez P.R. 7-12-96 30min 5/3

Tirant Sin (pre-Can. Corpse) Buffalo, N.Y. 6/12/1987 25min.(2nd) 5/4

Toadies Philadelphia PA 3-5-95 60min 5/5

Today is the Day- "Realization" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Today is the Day- Wheaton, MD. 6/23/1998 30min.(1st) 5/3

Today is the Day- Montreal, CAN. 3/15/1999 35mn.(1st) 5/3

Today is the Day- Columbus, OH. 3/21/1999 45min.(1st) 5/4

Today Is the Day- Wheaton, MD. 8/12/1999 45min.(1st) 5/3

Today is the Day- Cambridge, MA. 8/30/2000 35min. (2nd) 5/4

Tokyo Blade- "Live From London" home video '85 60min. (1st) 5/5

Tokyo Shock Boys- AUSTR. TV ' 10min. 4/5

Tom Angel Ripper- Wacken, GER. 8/8/1998 20min. 4/4

Tomahawk- Vilar De Mouros, PORT. TV 7/20/2003 55min. (1st) 5/5

Ton- Cleveland, OH. 5/14/1999 15min.(1st) 5/3

Tony Iommi "Careful with that Axe" Japan TV show ' 50min. 5/5

Tool Montreal Can 11-29-96 (1st gen.) 90min 5/5

Tool Sunrise, FL 12-10-96 (1st gen.) 85min 4/5

Tool San Bernadino 3-3-95 85min 4/4

Tool Philadelphia, PA 5-2-92 50min 4/5

Tool NYC 5-3-92 35min 3/4

Tool- "Aenema" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Tool- inter.+"Schism" promo CAN. TV '01 15min. (1st) 5/5

Tool- GERMAN Viva TV special '97 40min.(2nd) 5/5

Tool- Phoenix, AZ. 6/23/1992 50min. 4/4

Tool- Lewiston, ME. 7/8/1998 90min.(3rd) 4/3

Tool- Toledo, OH. 7/22/1998 100min.(2nd) 5/3

Tool- Sacramento, CA. (OFF.) 8/25/1998 95min.(1st) 5/5

Tool- Indio, CA.(little obstructed sometimes) 10/10/1999 55min.(2nd) 5/4

Tool- N.Y.C. 5/20/2001 120min. (2nd) 5/4

Tool- Columbus, OH. (OFF.) 9/14/2001 120min. (2nd) 4/4

Tool- Sacramento, CA. 7/13/2002 100min. (1st) 5/4

Tool- San Diego, CA. (sometimes obstructed) 8/5/2006 85min. (1st) 4/3

Tool- Athens, GREECE 12/16/2006 95min. (1st) 4/3

Tool Nottingham, ENG 5-22-93 35min 3/4

Tool Sober..." Promo 5min 5/5

Tool Track #1 Promo 5min 5/5

Torment Mexico 4-1-95 30min 3/3

Torturer San Miguel 12-28-91 30min 4/3

Torturer Chile 12-30-88 30min 4/3

Torturer Lima Peru 9-12-92 45min 3/3

Total Chaos Lawrence,KS. 6/23/1995 35min. 4/4

Total Chaos- "Complete..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Total Fucking Destruction- N.Y.C. 5/11/2000 20min. (1st) 5/2

Total Mosh- Santiago, CHILE 6/5/1998 15min.(2nd) 4/2

Totten Corpse Chile 12-30-88 30min 4/3

Totten Corpse San Miguel 12/28/1991 20min. 4/3

Tourniquet- "Video Biopsy" home video '92 45min.(1st) 5/5

Tourniquet- "Pushin' Broom" home video '95 35min.(1st) 5/5

Toxic Holocaust- Quebec City, CAN. 5/20/2007 45min. (mas.) 4/4

Toxic Reasons Howard WI 2-16-90 15min 3/3

Toxodeth '"Impulse" Promo 5min 5/5

Traces Of Death ' 80min 5/5

Traces Of Death 5 REAL death/gore/carnage!!! sick!! '00 90 min. (mas.) 5/5

Traces Of Death II ' 80min 5/5

Traces Of Death III ' 80min 5/5

Traces Of Death IV ' 70min 5/5

Tragically Hip- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/24/1999 60min.(mas.) 5/5

Transgressor Sapplo Japan 1-10-92 30min 5/4

Transmetal Promo 5min 5/5

Travail St. Louis MO 2-25-95 (Official) 55min 4/4

Travers, Pat '"Snortin Whisky""State""Crash" '80 (Japan TV) 15min 3/5

Tree Detroit,MI. 9/23/1997 35min.(2nd) 5/5

Tree St. Louis, MO.(official) 10/2/1997 35min.(3rd) 5/4

Trenchmouth Licoln NE 11-30-94 45min 5/4

Tribulation Upsala Sweeden 2-27-88 30min 4/4

Tripping Daisy Gotta Girl" Promo 5min 5/5

Tristania- MEXICO '00 75min. 3/3

Tristania- "Midwintertears" home video '98 40min. 4/4

Tristania- San Bernardino, CA. 11/10/2000 30min. (1st) 5/5

Tristania- Kiev, UKR. 2/29/2008 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Triumph "Allied Forces" live (off.) '82 65min. 4/5

Trivium- "Download Fest/N.Y.C. '06" home video '06 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Trivium- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/1/2007 40min. (mas.) 4/4

Trouble S.F. CA 20min 20min 4/4

Trouble Corona CA 4-12-96 (2nd gen.) 25min 4/4

Trouble Shamburg IL 5-14-93 70min 4/4

Trouble Milwaukee 7-25-87 35min 3/3

Trouble Chicago IL '85 15min 3/3

Trouble inter+live (Off.) '85 25min 3/4

Trouble Ft. Lauderdale FL 8-90 (1st gen.) 10min 5/5

Trouble Inteviews+Promos '90-93 35min 5/5

Trouble Run To The Light... Promo 5min 5/5

Trouble- "Psychotic..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Trouble- "Live In Stockholm" home video '05 120min. (mas.) 5/5

Trouble- Bridgeville, PA. 4/2/2008 90min. (mas.) 5/4

Trouble Philadelphia 6-17-90 (2nd gen.) 45min 5/5

Trouble '"Memories..." Promo 5min 5/5

Trouble (w/Floodgate singer!)- New Orleans, LA. 2/22/1998 60min.(2nd) 5/2

Trust- France TV '81-'85 30min. 3/4

Tsjuder- Rome, ITALY 1/31/2005 40min. (1st) 5/4

Tura Satana- San Antonio, TX. 10/22/1997 40min. 4/4

Turbo- EURO. TV 4/16/1988 20min. 4/4

Turmoil "Burning" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Turmoil- Portland, OR. 4/5/1999 30min.(1st) 5/2

Turmoil- Moosic, PA. 11/27/1999 25min. (1st) 5/3

Turning of the Gears- Corona, CA. 8/28/1998 25min.(1st) 5/4

Twisted Sister Live Wire Show N.Y.C. '83 10min. 5/5

Twisted Sister "Come out and Play" home video '85 30min. 5/5

Twisted Sister- "Stay Hungry" home video '84 60min.(2nd) 5/5

Twisted Sister- Brooklyn, N.Y. 6/18/1979 120min. (3rd) 4/4

Twisted Sister- Camp Casey, KOREA (OFF.) 5/5/2003 85min. (1st) 5/4

Twisted Sister- "Live At Wacken" home video 8/2/2003 110min. (mas.) 5/5

Twisted Tower Dire- Raleigh, N.C. 7/10/2000 70min. (1st) 5/3

Twiztid- Columbia, MO. 2/9/1998 15min.(1st) 5/5

Two- Somerset, WI. (off.)(soundboard) 5/23/1998 35min.(1st) 5/5

Tygers of Pan Tang O.G.W.T. show '81 10min. 5/5

Tygers of Pantang- promo '81 10min. 4/5

Type O Negative "My Girlfriend's..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Type O Negative "Love you to..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Type O Negative "Cinnamon Girl" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Type O Negative "Black..."+"Christian.." uncens. promos (cuts) 10min(1st) 5/5

Type O Negative inter.+clips Break This show 1/97 10min. 5/5

Type O Negative Interview 10-29-94 35min 5/5

Type O Negative Brooklyn NY 11-26-93 75min 4/4

Type O Negative Stutgart Germany 12-91 75min 2/3

Type O Negative NYC 3-3-90 75min 3/4

Type O Negative Ft. Lauderdale FL 4-3-97 (mas.) 85min 5/4

Type O Negative Atlanta GA 5-31-92 70min 3/4

Type O Negative Black #1 French TV 5-31-95 5min 4/5

Type O Negative Miami FL 6-25-95 (2nd gen.) 40min 4/5

Type O Negative Milwaukee 7-29-95 (1st gen.) 70min 5/3

Type O Negative Tallahasee FL 8-28-94 70min 3/3

Type O Negative inter. MTV H.B. Ball '94 5min.(2nd) 5/5

Type O Negative inter. + 3 promos S.F., CA. cable TV '97 25min. 4/5

Type O Negative '"Black #1..." Promo 5min 5/5

Type O Negative- "Christian..." promo (dif. version) ' 5min. 5/5

Type O Negative- "Everything Dies" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Type O Negative- "After Dark" home video '98 60min.(2nd) 5/5

Type O Negative- inter.+"Love..." promo Garage H. JAP. TV '99 10min.(1st) 5/5

Type O Negative- Bizarre Fest. GER. TV 8/22/1999 85min.(2nd) 5/5

Type O Negative- St. Paul, MN. 2/22/2000 75min.(1st) 5/4

Type O Negative- Sunrise, FL. (little obstructed first 10min.) 3/26/2000 70min.(mas.) 5/5

Type O Negative- Sunrise, FL. (OFF.) 3/26/2000 70min. (mas.) 5/5

Type O Negative- Sunrise, FL. (little obstructed first 10min.) 3/26/2000 70min. (mas.) 5/5

Type O Negative- Rock AM Ring GER. TV 6/2/2007 35min. (1st) 5/5

Type O Negative-inter.+"Love..."+ +"My.."promos H.S.N. JAP TV '99 15min.(1st) 5/5

Typhon- Bucaramanga, COL.(autofocus) 5/3/1997 60min.(2nd) 5/4

Typhus- Flushing, N.Y. (OFF.) 10/28/2006 20min. (mas.) 5/4

Tyrannicide Drexil Hill PA 10-7-89 65min 5/4

Tyrant- Pasadena, CA. cable TV 3/29/1990 30min. 3/5

Tyrant Sin NY (Pre Can. Corp) '88 5min 3/3

Tyrant Trooper Plainville, CT. 2/11/1996 50min. 4/4

U.D.O. Giants of Rock'91 Finland(off.) 7-6-91 (some color flaws) 10min 3/4

U.D.O.- "Nailed To Metal" home video (OFF.) '03 125min. (mas.) 5/5

U.D.O.- "Thundervision" home video (OFF.) '04 85min. (mas.) 5/5

U.D.O.- Chelyabinsk, RUSSIA TV 5/3/1998 40min. (3rd) 4/5

U.D.O.- Solvesborg, SWEDEN 6/12/1999 65min. (2nd) 5/4

U.D.O.- Hartford, CT. 6/3/2000 70min. (1st) 5/4

U.F.O, History of UFO Home Video ' 100min 5/5

U.F.O. Mechanix/Obsession/Promos ' 15min 4/5

U.F.O. Don Kirshners ' 5min 3/5

U.F.O. Dortmund Germany TV 11-20-80 (Official) 75min 4/5

U.F.O. Birmingham UK 7-22-84 (Official) 20min 3/4

U.F.O. London (Off.) '75+77 30min 4/4

U.F.O. Interview+Live U.K. MTV 8-14-95 10min 5/5

U.F.O. San Bernardino, CA 8-1-95 (B&W) 85min 4/5

U.F.O. Chicago IL 8-25-95 80min 4/4

U.F.O. Spain '83 10min 4/4

U.F.O.- Don Kirshner+early promos ' 30min. (1st) 5/5

U.F.O/Uli Roth- Legends Of Rock" Donnington, U.K. (OFF.) 6/23/2001 95min. (1st) 5/5

U.K. Subs- "Live From London" home video '85 55min.(2nd) 5/5

U2 N.Y.C. 11-22-81(off.) 55min 4/5

U2- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 3/26/2001 115min. (mas.) 5/4

Udo- "They Want..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Ulcerous Phlegm Schorudorf GER 12-14-91 35min 4/4

Ultimate Revenge Home Vid.w/Venom/Slayer/Exodus '84 (1st gen.) 60min 5/5

Ultimate Revenge 2-home vid. w/Death/Dark Angel/Forbidden 30-40min each band ' 4/5

Ultraspank- Lawrence, KS. 10/28/1998 30min.(2nd) 5/4

Ultraspank- Detroit, MI. 11/21/1998 30min.(1st) 5/3

Ultraspank- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/2/2000 25min.(mas.) 5/4

Ultraspank- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 8/23/2000 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Ulver "Vargnatt" promo (B+W) ' 5min. 3/4

Ulver- "Shape Shifting-1st Decade of Ulver"(OFF.) '03 20min. (1st) 5/5

Ulysses Siren- S.F., CA. 4/21/2006 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Unanimated '"Life Demise..." Promo 5min 4/4

Uncanny Sweden '93 15min 4/2

Uncanny Promo '92 5min 4/5

Unchrist- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 2/24/2007 20min. (mas.) 5/4

Uncreation Albacete Spain 6-23-94 (Off.) 20min 4/5

Undercroft Chile 7-8-94 35min 3/4

Undercroft Buenos Aires ARG 5-95 (2nd gen.) 40min 4/4

Union Underground- Sunrise, FL. 11/11/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Unleashed Berlin GER 10-29-93 30min 3/3

Unleashed Raleigh, N.C. 2-17-93 45min 4/3

Unleashed Houston TX 5-22-94 55min 5/4

Unleashed Soundcheck Houston TX 5-22-94 20min 5/4

Unleashed Gudwigsberg, Ger 6-12-91 25min 3/3

Unleashed Orlando FL 9-12-91 (2nd gen.) 25min 5/3

Unleashed Philadelphia 9-17-91(1st gen.) 10min 5/5

Unleashed Philadelphia "-inter" 9-17-91(1st gen.) 15min 5/5

Unleashed Philadelphia 9-17-91(2nd gen.) 35min 5/5

Unleashed '"One Insane..." Promo 5min 5/5

Unleashed- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (little shaky sometimes) 2/27/2007 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Unleashed "Before..." Promo 5min 5/5

Unmerciful- Urbana, IL. 7/20/2007 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Unorthodox Miami, FL 5-22-97 (Master) 60min 3/4

Unorthodox Brandywine, MD 6-19-93 (1st gen.) 30min 5/5

Unsane Ft. Lauderdale FL 3-31-97 (Master) 50min 5/5

Unsane- "Scrape" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Unwritten Law "Superman" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Unwritten Law- Hallandale, FL. 10/10/1998 25min.(mas.) 5/5

Urge Overkill Chicago IL TV 6-93 45min 5/5

Urgh A Music War docu. w/D. Kennedys/Devo/Cramps/ x/j. Jett+more! 40min 4/5

Urgh: A Music War-(w/D. Kennedys/ Cramps/Devo/999/X/W.O. Voodoo+more!) '82 115min. (mas.) 5/5

Usurper Westland, MI. 11/9/97(little dark) 45min.(1st) 5/4

Usurper N.Y.C. 11/13/1997 35min.(2nd) 5/5

Usurper- Montreal, CAN. 8/6/99 20min.(2nd) 5/3

Usurper- Milwaukee, WI. 7/24/1998 45min.(1st) 5/3

Usurper- Rotterdam, HOL. 11/27/1998 40min.(1st) 5/4

Usurper- N.Y.C. 10/8/2000 40min. (2nd) 5/4

Usurper- Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/2003 20min. (1st) 5/3

Usurper- Chicago, IL. 9/17/2005 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Vacant Grave Inter./Live/Rehersal St. Louis 11-88 100min 4/4

Vader Fagersta, Sweden 2-13-93 30min 5/3

Vader Davie FL 2-25-97 (1st gen.) 35min 4/4

Vader N.Y.C. 3-23-97 (1st gen.) 45min 5/2

Vader N.Y.C. 3-23-97 (Dif. Angle) 35min 4/2

Vader El Paso, TX 3-2-97 (2nd gen.) 35min 5/4

Vader Brooklyn, NY 5-14-93 30min 5/4

Vader Detroit, MI 5-21-93 (1st gen.) 30min 4/2

Vader Detroit, MI 5-21-93 (diff. ang) 30min 4/3

Vader Anaheim, CA 6-13-93 (2nd gen.) 35min 5/2

Vader "Dark Age" Promo 5min 4/5

Vader San Diego, CA. 3/7/1997 20min.(1st) 5/4

Vader- "Kingdam" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Vader- "The Beast" home video 2004 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Vader- Quebec, CAN. 3/97 30min. 3/4

Vader- inter.+live EURO MTV '96 10min. 4/5

Vader- Rotterdam, HOL. 2/1/1998 65min.(2nd) 4/4

Vader- "Vision and Voice" home vid. POL. 3/25/1998 50min.(1st) 5/5

Vader- Madrid, SPAIN 4/17/1998 25min.(2nd) 4/2

Vader- Tampa, FL. 6/19/1998 35min.(2nd) 5/3

Vader- Worcester, MA. 6/30/1998 35min.(1st) 5/5

Vader- inter.+live+"Incarnation" promo JAP. TV 8/31/1998 10min.(1st) 5/5

Vader- Detroit, MI. 3/9/1999 40min.(1st) 5/3

Vader- Asbury Park, N.J. (low vocals) 3/13/1999 30min.(2nd) 5/4

Vader- S.F., CA. 3/27/1999 45min.(1st) 5/5

Vader- soundcheck Montreal, CAN. 10/25/2000 10min. (1st) 5/4

Vader- Montreal,CAN.(some sound drops 1st 10min) 10/25/2000 45min. (1st) 5/4

Vader- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/4/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Vader- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (dif. ang.) 11/4/2000 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Vader- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 11/4/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Vader- San Francisco, CA. 11/11/2000 45min. (1st) 5/4

Vader- San Jose, CA. 11/12/2000 25min. (1st) 5/4

Vader- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/22/2001 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Vader- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 7/22/2001 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Vader- Eindhoven, HOL. 9/6/2002 45min. (1st) 5/3

Vader- S.F., CA. 11/24/2002 40min. (1st) 4/4

Vader- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 10/29/2003 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Vader- Sacramento, CA. 4/21/2005 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Vader- S.F., CA. 4/22/2005 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Vader- Santiago, CHILE 3/25/2008 65min. (mas.) 4/3

Vader Detroit, MI 5-21-93 (dif. ang.)(1st) 30min 4/3

Vaginal Massaker Neudobern GER 3-12-94 20min 3/2

Vai, Steve- "I Would..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Vai, Steve- "Alien Love Secrets" home video '95 40min. (2nd) 5/5

Vai, Steve- inter.+live JAPAN TV 1/21/2000 10min. (1st) 5/5

Vai, Steve- Sunrise, FL. 7/21/2001 65min. (mas.) 5/5

Van Halen U.S. Fest. San Bernardino, CA. (off.) 5/83 120min. 3/5

Van Halen Don Kirshner 79-81 20min 3/5

Van Halen Toronto '95 (Off.) 100min 5/5

Van Halen- "You Really Got Me" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Van Halen- autograph session AUSTRALIA 4/16/1998 10min. 4/4

Van Halen- San Jose, CA. 8/10/2004 130min. (mas.) 5/5

Van Halen- Sacramento, CA. 8/11/2004 130min. (mas.) 5/5

Various death, gore and crashes from global satellites '94-95 25min 5/5

Varukers- U. K. '87 20min.(2nd) 4/4

Varukers- Garner, N.C. (little obstructed sometimes) 9/19/1995 15min.(1st) 5/4

Vehemence- S.F., CA. 8/16/2002 25min. (1st) 4/4

Velvet Revolver- inter.+live clips+promos PORT. TV '05 25min. (1st) 5/5

Velvet Revolver- Rock AM Ring GER. TV '07 70min. (mas.) 5/5

Vengeance Rising- "No Budget Video" home video '90 90min. 4-3/4

Venom '"Live '90" Home Video (1st gen.) 55min 5/5

Venom Alive in 85 Home Video '85 60min 5/5

Venom San Diego, CA. (upgrade!!!) '85 15min. 3/3

Venom Canada TV inter. '86 15min 4/5

Venom "7th Date..." Home video (off.) U.K. 86 (1st gen.) 60min 5/5

Venom Metal City UK show '86 (Off.) 20min 4/5

Venom '"7 Gates..." Promo 10min 4/5

Venom Bloodlust" Promo 5min 4/4

Venom '"Witching Hour..." Promo 5min 5/5

Venom inter.+live Euro MTV 5/25/1996 10min. 4/5

Venom Milwaukee, WI. 7/26/1997 70min.(1st) 5/3

Venom Milwaukee, WI. (dif. ang.) 7/26/1997 75min.(1st) 5/2

Venom- "Seven Gates" live promo (dif. version) ' 5min. 5/5

Venom- "E.C.T." home video ' 10min. (1st) 4/5

Venom- "The Second Coming" home video ' 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Venom- inter.+live GER. VIVA TV 2/98 15min.(3rd) 4/5

Venom- "Video Nightmare" home video '85 15min. (mas.) 5/5

Venom- Norje, SWED. 6/9/2006 70min. (1st) 4/4

Venom San Diego CA 4-19-85 15min 2/3

Venom Interview+Promo U.K. TV '86 15min 3/4

Venom '"The Second Coming"home video '96 50min 4/5

Verbal Abuse '"Set Me..."Promo German TV '91 5min 4/5

Vergelmer Atividaberg, SWED 3-29-94 25min 3/4

Veruca Salt- German TV 8/16/1997 35min.(1st) 5/5

Veruca Salt- Miami, FL.(little shaky sometimes) 7/23/2000 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Verve Pipe- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/3/1999 35min.(mas.) 4/4

Vibrion Ludwigshafen GER 6-11-94 20min 3/2

Vibrion Berlin GER 7-3-94 15min 4/4

Vibrion '"Immoral" Promo 5min 4/5

Victim's Family New York City 6-22-94 15min 5/4

Victim's Family Jacksonville FL 7-7-94 30min 4/4

Victim's Family '"Mary's..." Promo 5min 4/4

Videodrone- "Ty Jonathan..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Videodrone- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/3/1999 30min.(mas.) 5/4

Vile- S.F. , CA. 5/29/1998 35min.(1st) 5/3

Vile- S.F., CA. 8/30/1998 25min.(1st) 5/3

Vile- Concord, CA.(little dark) 10/17/1998 35min.(1st) 5/4

Vile- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/13/2004 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Vile- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 3/13/2004 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Vile- Rotterdam, HOL. 3/26/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Viogression Montreal 11-19-91(1st gen.) 20min 5/3

Violence "World in..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Violence Houston TX 12-10-88 30min 4/3

Violence Philadelphia 7-10-88 60min 4/4

Violence Houston TX 8-14-88 25min 4/4

Violence Detroit '89 20min 4/4

Violence Philadelphia '90 30min 4/3

Violence inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Violence '"World In..." Promo 5min 5/5

Violence- Milwaukee, WI. 7/27/2002 30min. (2nd) 5/3

Violence- S.F., CA. 10/31/2002 70min. 4/4

Vio-lence- "Blood and Dirt" home video '06 215min. (mas.) 5/5

Violent Children Live in studio 7/4/87 (off.) 20min 3/4

Violent Plague Middletown, NY 7-16-89 20min 4/4

Virgin Steel- Asbury Park, N.J. 4/5/2002 40min. (1st) 5/4

Virgin Steel- Springfield, VA. 5/11/2002 115min. (1st) 5/4

Virgin Steele- N.Y.C. (soundboard) 3/24/1984 50min. 4/5

Visceral Bleeding- Rotterdam, HOL. 5/14/2005 25min. (mas.) 5/3

Visciouspere- "Angry" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Vision Of Disorder NYC 3-11-94 30min 4/4

Vision of Disorder Northampton, MA. 2/7/1998 45min.(1st) 5/5

Vision of Disorder- "Through..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Vision Of Disorder- St. Louis, MO. (OFF.) 9/4/1997 50min. (1st) 5/4

Vision of Disorder- inter.+live Tokyo, JAPAN TV 11/28/1998 25min.(1st) 5/5

Vision of Disorder- N.Y.C. 5/16/1999 55min. (2nd) 5/4

Vision Of Disorder- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/27/2000 50min.(mas.) 5/5

Vision Of Disorder NYC 12-23-95 (1st gen.) 20min 5/4

Vital Remains Montreal CAN 11-11-95 (Dark)(1st gen.) 45min 4/4

Vital Remains Detroit 11-16-91 35min 4/3

Vital Remains Salsbury, MA 5-12-93 30min 5/4

Vital Remains Aurora, IL 5-30-93 (1st gen.) 30min 5/4

Vital Remains L.A. CA 6-12-93 40min 5/3

Vital Remains Worcester MA 6-9-96 (1st gen.) 40min 2/3

Vital Remains Corona, CA. 4/19/1997 55min.(1st) 5/4

Vital Remains Providence, R.I. 7/19/1997 40min.(1st) 5/2

Vital Remains- inter.+live Katowice, POL. (OFF.) '07 75min. (mas.) 5/5

Vital Remains- San Diego, CA. 4/18/1997 20min.(2nd) 4/3

Vital Remains- Providence, R.I. 3/10/1998 40min.(1st) 5/4

Vital Remains- Asbury Park, N.J. 3/13/1999 20min.(2nd) 5/4

Vital Remains- Worcester, MA. 5/1/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Vital Remains- Pennsauken, N.J. 3/10/2000 40min. (2nd) 5/2

Vital Remains- San Jose, CA. 10/22/2000 45min. (1st) 5/4

Vital Remains- San Jose, CA. 7/13/2001 45min. (1st) 5/4

Vital Remains- Branca, PORT. 9/22/2005 85min. (mas.) 5/3

Vital Remains- Modesto, CA. 4/10/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/3

Vital Remains- Concord, CA. 4/14/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Vital Remains- Sacramento, CA. 4/16/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Vital Remains- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 5/20/2006 45min. (mas.) 5/3

Vital Remains- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 6/3/2006 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Vital Remains- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 10/4/2006 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Vital Remains- Nashville, TN. 4/7/2008 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Vital Remains Pennsauken NJ 10-31-90 (1st gen.) 30min 5/5

Vital Remains Milwaukee 7-27-96 35min 4/4

Vital Remains (w/Glen B.!)- S.F., CA. 5/18/2004 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Vital Remains (w/Glen Benton)- Milwaukee, WI. 7/26/2003 35min. (1st) 5/4

Vixen- MTV '89 10min. 5/5

Voi Vod Houston TX 12-10-88 (2nd gen.) 65min 4/3

Voi Vod Berkeley CA 5-1-96 40min 5/4

Voi Vod Detroit '89 65min 4/4

Voi Vod inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Voi Vod Asbury PK NJ 9-24-93 60min 4/4

Voi Vod A. Domine" Promo 5min 5/5

Voi Vod '"Clouds In" Promo 5min 5/5

Voi Vod '"Insects" Promo 5min 5/5

Voi Vod '"Psychic Vacum" Promo 5min 5/5

Voi Vod '"Ravenous Medicine" Promo 5min 5/5

Voi Vod '"Tribal Convictions" Promo 5min 5/5

Voi Vod Voi Vod" Promo 5min 5/5

Voi Vod Canada TV '89 (off.) 40min 4/5

Voivod "Inner..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

Voivod St. Louis MO 12-3-96 (Official)(2nd) 40min 5/3

Voivod Milwaukee 7-27-96 (1st gen.) 35min 4/3

Voivod Long Bch. CA '86 15min 3/3

Voivod- "Tower" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Voivod- Toronto, CAN. 9/5/99 35min.(1st) 5/3

VoiVod- Atmooz, SWITZ. 11/6/1987 25min. 3/3

Voivod- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 2/4/1990 65min. (mas.) 5/3

Voivod- Montreal, CAN. 4/22/1998 55min.(1st) 5/5

Voivod- Canberra, AUSTR. 10/28/2000 65min. (2nd) 5/4

Voivod (w/J. Newsted!)- Montreal, CAN. 6/14/2003 35min. (1st) 5/4

Vomit Remnants- Lorain, OH. 4/27/2001 30min. (1st) 5/4

Vomit Remnants- Baltimore, MD. 5/30/2004 45min. (1st) 5/4

Vomit Remnants- Rotterdam, HOL. 5/14/2005 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Vomit Spawn Tampa FL 7-2-95 5min 4/2

Vomitory- Barelona, SPAIN 5/16/2002 40min. (2nd) 5/3

Vomitory- Lodz, POL. 10/2/2002 20min. (1st) 5/4

Vomitory- Rzeszow, POL. 10/7/2002 30min. (1st) 5/4

Vomitory- Gdansk, POL. 10/9/2002 30min. (1st) 5/4

Vomitory- Tilburg, HOL. 12/4/2004 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Vomitory- Tilburg, HOL. (dif. ang.) 12/4/2004 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Voodoo Glow Skulls- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (dif. ang.) 10/23/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Voodoo Glow Skulls- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 10/23/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Voodoo Glow Skulls- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 10/23/2000 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Vulcano Brazil '86 40min 4/4

Vulcano- Sao Paulo, BRAZ. 1/31/1999 20min. 3/3

Vulgar Degenerate Germany '94 10min 4/2

W.A.A.F. TV Show MAw/Korn,Drain, Helmet,Veruca Salt '97 30min 5/5

W.A.S.P- Boynton Beach, FL. 8/22/2001 55min. (mas.) 5/4

W.A.S.P. "Black..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

W.A.S.P. "Live at the Lyceum, London" home video '84 30min.(mas.) 5/5

W.A.S.P. Kawasaki, JAPAN TV 9/97 10min. 5/5

W.A.S.P. inter.+live +promo GERMAN VIVA TV '97 35min. 4/5

W.A.S.P. inter.+"Classic" live promos U.K. MTV 2/13/1997 25min. 4/5

W.A.S.P.- "Videos in the Raw" home video ' 50min.(3rd) 4/5

W.A.S.P.- inter.+"I Wanna..." promo CAN. TV '84 5min. 5/5

W.A.S.P.- Montreal, CAN. '86 60min. 3/4

W.A.S.P.- inter. CAN. TV '92 15min. 4/5

W.A.S.P.- Toronto, CAN. 7/24/1989 85min.(1st) 5/3

W.A.S.P.- Secaucus, N.J. (OFF.) 8/29/1998 65min.(3rd) 4/4

W.A.S.P.- Scranton, PA. 3/2/2000 65min. (1st) 5/4

W.A.S.P.- L.A., CA. "The Sting, Live..." (OFF.) 4/22/2000 70min. (3rd) 4/5

W.A.S.P.- Milano, ITALY 6/9/2001 55min. (1st) 5/4

W.A.S.P.- Insbruck, AUSTRIA 6/2/2004 45min. (mas.) 5/4

W.A.S.P.- Kavarna, BUL. 9/6/2006 80min. (mas.) 5/4

W.B.I. Ludwigsfelsd GER 7-1-94 15min 4/3

W.W.III Fest Report Canadian TV '85 5min 3/4

Wacken 2000 Festival home vid- w/Hypocrisy/Stratovarius/A.Witch+more! '00 85min. (1st) 5/5

Wacken Fest. report-w/C. Corpse/ Motorhead/C.O.Bodom+more! GER. TV '04 25min. (1st) 5/5

Wacken Festival- "Armageddon Over Wacken" home video '04 285min. (mas.) 5/5

Wacken Fest-w/B. Guardian/ O.M. Child/Gorgoroth/Benediction/ ' '

Wacken Fest-w/Sentenced/ I. Earth/Hypocrisy+more! GER. TV 8/7-8/98 55min.(2nd) 5/5

Waco Jesus- "Just Killers" fest. EUROPE '04 15min. (mas.) 5/3

Waldrock Fest. Report-(inter.+live S.O.D./M. Fate/Sepultura) Euro TV 7/3/1999 20min.(1st) 5/5

Wall Of Voodoo- "Mexican Radio" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Walsh, Joe- Hallandale, FL. 2/3/2001 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Walsh, Joe- Hallandale, FL. (OFF.) 2/3/2001 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Wardog '"Broken" Promo 5min 5/5

Wargasm "Dread Nought...." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Wargasm Brooklyn NY 3-22-86 25min 4/3

Wargasm Alentown PA 6-23-91 40min 4/4

Wargod L.A. CA 12-29-85 30min 3/3

Warlock Miami 4-1-88(3rd gen.) 10min 4/4

Warlock Brooklyn, N.Y. '88 35min. 4/4

Warlock- ECT U.K. TV 6/14/1985 10min. (2nd) 5/5

Warlock- Munchen, GER. (OFF.) 8/19/1985 20min. (2nd) 5/5

Warlock- Loreley, GER. (OFF.) 9/14/1985 30min. 4/4

Warlock/Doro '"Rare Diamonds" home video '92 (off.) 25min 4/5

Warlord Live In Studio '84 40min 4/3

Warlord- Itzehoe, GER. 7/31/2002 65min. (2nd) 5/4

Warmoon- Silver Lake, CA. 5/6/2006 30min. (mas.) 4/4

Warsore- JAP. '99 20min. 2/2

Warsore- reh. JAP. 11/25/1999 15min. 3/2

Warsore- JAP. 11/27/1999 30min. 3/2

Warsore- JAP. 11/30/1999 60min. 4/3

Warzone N.Y.C. 7/1/1986 20min. 2/3

Warzone N.Y.C. 12/17/1995 50min. 4/4

Warzone- "Sound of..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Wasted Youth "Good Day..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Watain- Oslo, NOR. 7/2/2005 45min. (mas.) 5/2

Watain- Tampa, FL. 5/19/2007 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Watain- Tampa, FL. (OFF.) 5/19/2007 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Watain- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 5/20/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Watain- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 5/20/2007 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Watain- Paris, FRA. 10/16/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/3

Watch Me Die- S.F., CA. 5/18/2004 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Watchtower "The Eldritch" promo ' 5min. 4/5

Watchtower Brooklyn N.Y. 12-22-89 50min 5/4

Watchtower- Bullington, GER. 7/00 55min. 4/3

Watchtower- Austin, TX. 1/16/1987 70min. 3/4

Watt Mike Much Music TV 5-95 60min 5/5

Weezer Ft. Lauderdale FL 12-9-96 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Weezer David Letterman Show '95 5min 5/5

Weezer- "Hash Pipe" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Weezer- inter.+live+promos Spotlight show CAN. TV '01 20min. (1st) 5/5

Weezer- Fargo, N.D. 5/2/2002 60min. (1st) 5/4

Wehrmacht Portland, OR 8-24-87 35min 4/3

Wehrmacht Rehearsal '87 20min 4/3

Wehrmacht Portalnd, OR '88 60min 4/4

Weltenbrand- "People of the Night" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Wendy O Williams Tonight Show ' 10min. 4/5

Wendy O Williams "Live from London" (off.) '85 55min. 5/5

Wesley Willis Fiasco documentary home video ' 35min.(2nd) 4-5/5

Wesley Willis Fiasco MI 6-26-96 (2nd gen.) 60min 4/4

Whiplash Detroit 2-17-89 60min 4/4

Whiplash N.Y.C. 5-17-86 15min 3/3

Whiplash German TV '89 30min 4/4

Whiplash- Deventer, EUROPE 4/21/1988 55min.(4th) 3/3

Whiplash- Horst, HOL. 4/24/1988 70min.(4th) 4/4

Whiplash- Asbury Park, N.J. 3/13/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Whiplash- Pennsauken, N.J. (low vocals) 3/10/2000 30min.(2nd) 5/4

White Stripes- Rock AM Ring GER. TV 6/07 55min. (mas.) 5/5

White Zombie Jaxonville FL 2-12-96 (2nd. gen.) 70min 4/4

White Zombie Marlboro, MD 2-14-94 65min 5/2

White Zombie L.A. CA 6-29-92 30min 4/4

White Zombie West Palm Bch. FL 7-24-95 (1st gen.) 65min 4/4

White Zombie Norwalk CT 8-10-93 45min 5/4

White Zombie Washington D.C. '89 45min 4/4

White Zombie Cincinnatti, OH '93 (Off) 30min 4/5

White Zombie D. Letterman '95 5min 5/5

White Zombie Electric..." Promo 5min 5/5

White Zombie- "I'm Your..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

White Zombie (w/Iggy P.)- "Black Sunshine" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Whitehouse Chicago, IL. '93 25 min. 4/5

Whitesnake- Buffalo, N.Y. '90 85min. 4/4

Whitesnake- Milan, ITALY 11/23/1997 35min. 3/4

Who- London, U.K. (OFF.) 11/27/2000 95min. (mas.) 5/5

Who, The- West Palm Bch., FL.(little shaky sometimes) 9/24/2000 135min. (mas.) 5/4

Wicked Innocence Denver CO 9-30-94 40min 5/3

Willis, Wesley- "The Daddy Of Rock and Roll" home vid. '01 105min. (mas.) 5/5

Willis, Wesley- inter.+auto. session Garner, N.C. 9/13/1999 15min. (1st) 5/4

Willis, Wesley- Garner, N.C. 9/13/1999 85min. (1st) 5/4

Windfall S.America '96 (1st gen.) 20min 4/4

Windfall Bietigheim, GER. 5/3/1997 10min. 3/4

Winter Promo ' 5min 5/5

Winter N.Y.C. 6-25-90 30min 4/4

Witch Hammer- Sarpsborg, NOR. (OFF.) 12/93 30min. 4/5

Witchery- Lorain, OH. (OFF.) 7/10/1999 20min.(1st) 5/4

Witchery- N.Y.C. 7/11/1999 35min.(2nd) 5/4

Witchery- Montreal, CAN. 7/15/1999 25min.(3rd) 5/4

Witchery- Worcester, MA. 7/16/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Witchery- Houston, TX. 7/23/1999 35min.(1st) 5/3

Witchery- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/26/2001 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Witchery- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 11/26/2001 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Witchfynde- Asbury Park, N.J. 4/5/2002 25min. (1st) 5/4

Withdrawn Nashville, TN 11-24-95 10min 5/4

Withdrawn Murfreesboro TN 5-18-96 20min 5/4

Withered Earth- Detroit, MI. 5/22/2001 25min. (3rd) 4/4

Withstand Albany,N.Y. 5/9/1997 45min. (1st) 5/4

WIZO- Vienna, AUSTRIA 2/5/2005 20min. (1st) 5/2

WIZO- Wien 6/2/2005 20min. (mas.) 5/2

Wombbath Sala SWED. 4-24-92 30min 5/4

Woodstock- various riot/looting news clips 7/25/1999 10min.(mas.) 5/5

Wool Seattle WA 11-9-94 30min 4/4

Wool Promo '94 5min 5/5

World Of Death ' 90min 5/5

Wormed- Rotterdam, HOL. 5/14/2005 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Wrathchild- "Stakk Attakk" promo ' 5min. 4/4

Wrequiem (Pre Crow Bar) Houston TX 11-4-89 40min 4/4

Wretched Maryland 2-11-96 30min 5/4

Wuornos, Aileen- "The Selling Of A Serial Killer" docum. '92 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Wykked Wytch-(w/D. Empire mem. ) Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 6/14/2001 35min. (mas.) 5/4

X Cops 3 song bootleg ' 5min. 4/3

X Cops Promo 5min 5/5

X Cops Berkeley, CA. 7/14/1995 65min. 4/5

X Cops- inter.+live clip GER. TV '95 10min. 4/5

X-Cops Chicago, IL 7-1-96 (2nd gen.) 70min 5/3

Xecutioner Tampa, FL 1-1-86 15min 1/4

Xenomorph Detroit, MI 5-13-94 (1st gen.) 35min 5/3

Xysma Finland 2-2-91 30min 4/4

Xysma Taby Swed 2-8-91 25min 4/4

Yacopsae Germany '94 10min 3/2

Yattering- "Creative Chaos" live (OFF.) '02 50min. 3/3

Yog Sothots Quebec, Canada 10-31-87 30min 4/4

Young Gods The W. Palm bch. FL 4-28-96 (1st gen.) 30min 5/4

Youth of Today Houston, TX '88 20min 4/3

Youth of Today '"Making of "No More" Promo 15min 3/4

Youth Of Today '"No More" Promo 5min 5/5

Zero Nine- Helsinki, FIN. TV '86 35min. 4/5

Zodiac Killer- "Case Reopened" cable TV show '99 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Zodiac Mindwarp "Backseat..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

Zoetrope Cananda TV '88 30min 3/5

Zombie '90 Extreme Pestilence Movie 75min 4/4

Zyklon- Oslo, NOR. 4/13/2001 40min. (2nd) 5/3

Zyklon- Cleveland, OH. 12/9/2001 35min. (2nd) 5/3

Zyklon- Barcelona, SPAIN (some glitches) 2/24/2004 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Zyklon- Josefov, CZECH. 8/11/2007 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Zyklon B Chicago 1-29-88 45min 4/4