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ROCKY'S THEME-The Rocky Road to being Mayor

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
The G Man
Bronx democrat
Pignanelly For Mayor-Elect a paison!

Welcome to Rocky Sux and the ACLU SUX. Rocky Anderson is the City Clown and Mayor of Salt Lake City.

He has the distinct honor of taking a prosperous city and dropping it into the cess pool in less than a couple of years.

Rocky Anderson is also on the Board of Directors of the ACLU!

Also known as the "CITY CLOWN" Rocky Anderson can be seen hiring and firing women regularly in his administration.
Although Rocky Anderson claims to be an environmentalist. He is quiet about the fact that his family money came from the Anderson lumber Company. A company that provided builders wood from virgin land and old growth forests. Rocky Andersons money came at the expense of beautiful once lush forests.
There is talk that all good campaign volunteers that were female got the bedroom tour and touched his "bird".

We will be posting literature that was distributed by candiddate "Ross Anderson" We will make a list of what is achieved and wwhat is not

HINT, most was not

While Mayor Rocky Anderson is issued a citation for having an unregistered vehicle. Instead of apologizing to the people of SLC and the police department. He launches an angry and verbally abusive assault on the SLC Police Department.

While SLC Mayor ROCKY Anderson Opposes Others Having Cars & wants them to ride the inept slow buses & Trax.

SLC Mayor Anderson, The ELITIST that Rocky is chooss to drive a car
Since Rocky Anderson has become Mayor, the Job market has dried up in Salt lake City, Crime has skyrocketed and children are being plucked from their homes, sexual assault in Salt Lake City is leading the nation,SLC Mayora nd former ACLU Lawyer has tied the hands of the SLC police department. The system has fallen apart, while Rocky Anderson spends his time posing for magazines and hiring a "Romney" to a big salary in his office advising him on lightbulbs and making reccommendations that city residents ditch their cars and ride bikes

Rocky Anderson snubbed the Utah Gay Pride parade trying to suck up to Mormons.
But why would they trust this two faced man. The same man who held fund raising party at the Jewish COmmunity Center to cover his his support of Anti-Semitic organizations.

Rocky made a miraculous recovery that same Sunday to join the suspected kidnapper and others in a candlelight vigil at Liberty Park. The Kidnappping of Elizabeth Smart was devastating to Salt Lake City. Rocky did nothing to solve that crime. Instead he went on the offensive against the Salt Lake City Police Department. He opposed SLC the police department flying old glory on thier cars. The last 4 years for salt lake city have been dismal. Main Street has become a ghost town. Rocky has given grants to downtown businesses that support his campaign.

Liberty park and other city parks were havens for free speech expression before Rocky Anderson took over as Mayor
Since that time Rocky has lied and deceived artists by kicking them out of the Farmers Market in Pioneer park and initiating a $50 license fee for artists to show their art in the downtown area. He is the only SLC Mayoral canidate allowed to speak at the Farmers Market. He speaks at no cost while others are barred from exercising thier first ammendment right.