After The Cruise: Vivian & Julie



“I’m thinkin’ I need some major kisses,” Vivian knelt down on the front step.

“Do you have to go Daddy?” Lily pouted as she stood before him.

“Only for a few days, luv. Then we’ll all go back home together and spend lots of time playing.”

“Cheer up, Lil. We’re here at Granny’s. You know how you love her cooking,” Julie smiled at Vivian.

“Yeah, she always makes dessert, too,” he nodded at his wife. “Good ones.”

“Promise you won’t be long?” the little girl pleaded with her Daddy.

“I swear baby,” he kissed her cheek. “Now be good for Mummy and don’t pick on Una, got it?”

“I suppose,” she rolled her eyes before walking off.

“That was easier than I thought,” he huffed as he looked up at Julie.

“She’ll be fine. Una’ll be fine. We’ll be fine,” she reassured him with a long kiss. “Now go get your interviews finished up so we can all go home.”

“I’ll call when I get to London.”

“We’ll be at a footie match this afternoon. Just leave a message.”

“Fine, be that way,” he smiled before again kissing her. “Love you.”

“Back atcha!” she pushed him away. “Now go!”

“Fine! I will!” he huffed before grabbing his bags, smiling brightly, and walking out of the house.




Joe gave Gabrielle one final kiss before stepping out of the car and heading into the radio station. Vivian and Sav were waiting for him with smirks on their faces.

“Glad we could pry you away for a moment,” Sav chomped on a piece of gum.

“Yeah, how’s the girlfriend?” Vivian walked with both men toward the elevator.

“She is not my girlfriend,” Joe sighed as he pressed the button. “At least not yet.”

“Woah!” Sav laughed. “Movin’ quick these days, aren’t we?”

“Gotta keep up with Phil and Am,” Vivian grinned. “By the way, heard from ‘im lately?”

“No I’ aven’t, you?” Joe looked at Sav.

“Now that you mention it, no,” he shrugged his shoulders as the doors to the elevator opened.

“S’pose I’ll give ‘im a ring lat’er,” Joe pulled his cell phone out to catch a look at the time.


“Thank you so much for bein’ here,” the DJ spoke. “I suppose the first question I should ask is about the ‘Bachelor Voyage’ and how that went.”

“It was great,” Joe grinned from ear to ear. “A lot… different than I expected it to.”

“How so? Are you still in touch with the winner, Geri?”

“I’ve spoken to ‘er recently, yes. We’re not dating of course, but the entire process of the contest was brilliant.”

“And what of the other band members? Anyone find true love on the trip?”

Sav sat back and cleared his throat as Vivian sat up. “I did,” he waved.

“Tell us about ‘er then!”

“Well, she’s about… this tall,” he held out his hand. “She’s beautiful…”

“And did ‘e mention she’s the mother of ‘is children,” Sav added as all three of them laughed.

“What about you, Sav? You’re comin’ up on the first major tour since your lovely wife Mindee passed on. How are you copin’ with it, and are you currently seein’ anyone?”

He paused for a moment before answering. “You know, that’s a part of my life that I’m really not comfortable with sharing at the moment. I think I’ll keep my private life to meself for this interview.”

Joe nodded, respecting his decision immensely.


As they finished up the interview, Sav ran off to use the telephone. Joe and Vivian continued to speak to staff members of the radio station and sign autographs. Once they were finished, they met him at the door.

“You up for lunch?” Sav asked Joe.

“No, mate. Got plans,” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Thanks, though.”

“Just remember, we’re due at the airport at 6:00 in the AM,” Vivian reminded him.

He smiled as Gabrielle pulled up in her sporty silver car. “I’ll try.”




By the time his third interview of the day wrapped up, Vivian had started to become bitter. He was here in town with two other band mates. Joe only showed up for the first interview and Sav bailed after the second. Why was he the only one sacrificing quality family time?

He continued to pout as he stomped into his hotel room and kicked the door shut. He sighed as he walked over to the telephone and pressed the button to retrieve his messages.

Oi, Viv. Thanks for takin’ that interview t’day, mate. If I get one more question about Mindee I think I’ll go crazy. Anyway, call me when you’re ready for dinner. Later.”

He rubbed his face, feeling guilty for scolding Sav mentally just moments earlier. As he picked up the phone to dial his room, there was a knock at the door.

Expecting to see Sav, he threw the door open and quickly turned to grab his wallet. Instead, he heard the familiar giggles of his precious little girls.

“Hi, Daddy!”

“What th…” he spun around to see his family in the hallway.

“Surprise,” Julie grinned as the girls attacked their father with hugs and kisses.

“And a great surprise it is,” he grinned from ear to ear.

“I didn’t think you’d mind if we left Belfast a day early.”

“Not at all, baby,” he kissed her. “Actually, I think you read my mind.”


After the girls were asleep, Vivian went over his checklist of things to do before the flight back to LA. He glanced up to see his beautiful wife preparing for bed before reaching for the phone.

“Yeah?” Rick answered.

“Cheer up, could be worse.”

“My wife ‘as decided that we should just be friends,” he huffed.

“You are in a mega bummer, man!” Vivian spoke over the phone.

“Wouldn’t you be?” he huffed.

“Tell ya what, when Joe and I get there we’ll all go out for a ‘boyz night’ yeah?”

“Sure, why not?” he laughed.

“See? Just picturin’ those tig ol’ bitties is cheerin’ ya up.”

“Yeah. Or lack thereof. What about the last strip bar we went to…”

“Ah, man! That was a disaster! And thanks for remindin’ me, Joe’s not allowed to pick the bar this time!”

“Amen to that!”

“Then we’re set! See you in a few days.”

“Later, mate,” he hung up the phone and smiled as a pair of soft, warm arms wrapped around him.

“Are you sleepy?” Julie purred.

“Exhausted,” he clicked the lamp off before sliding into the bed.

“Then why don’t we get some sleep?” she kissed him.

“Yeah, okay,” he rolled her onto her back as she giggled lightly.




“Hello?” Bethany answered the telephone.

“Hey. How’s everything?” Sav asked.

“Pretty good. Tommy’s been a little grump, but he’s got a new set of teeth botherin’ him. That’s about it.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“What about you?”

“Well, Joe and Viv are on their way to LA right now. I’m stayin’ in London to cover Phil’s interviews and then I should be ‘ome t’morrow afternoon.”

“Great. I miss you.”

“You too, luv.”


“Supper tonight, right?” Vivian spoke to Joe as they walked through the airport.

“Yeah, I need to make a few phone calls first, though. I’ll be there in an hour or two.”

“Since when do phone calls take an hour or two?” Julie smirked.

“Since he an Gabbs started shaggin’ non-stop,” Vivian quipped as the couple started laughing.

“Piss off,” Joe mumbled.

“Mummy? What’s so funny?” Lily asked as they headed toward the waiting taxi.

“Never mind, darling,” she kissed her forehead while walking past her.


No sooner had Joe stepped into his hotel room, he ran to the phone.

“Hello?” Gabrielle picked up on the first ring.

“I miss you.”

She smiled as she turned the television off. “I miss you too.”

“Changed your mind yet?”

“Almost. Give me a day and we’ll talk about it.”

“Fine. I’ll call back in exactly 24 hours.”

“I’ll be here,” she laughed.





“This is great, Jewels, thank you,” Joe sat back from the table, completely stuffed.

“You’re welcome, Joe. I love the opportunity to make real food,” she pointed to the girls, who were throwing macaroni and cheese at one another.

“Hello!” Vivian pointed to his chest. “And what am I?”

“Oh, you’re so damned picky!” she spat as the telephone rang. “I’ll get it!” she scampered off.

“Women!” Vivian grumbled. “I don’t see why the four of you are so eager…”

“Joe, it’s Phil,” Julie handed him the cordless phone.

“Thanks,” he frowned before taking it. “Ello? Yeah? Yeah? No shit? No, really?” his face erupted into a huge grin. “Well, fuck me! That is totally cool! Yeah, of course mate! I will! You too!” he hung up and slapped his hands on the table.

“What?” Vivian waited.

“We’ve got ourselves a wedding to go to!” he quickly redialed the telephone. “Malvin, mate!”


“What are you thinking?” Sav stood in the doorway and watched as Bethany stared off.

“Huh?” she quickly looked up and smiled. “You’re home.”

“Miss me?” he teased as she ran into his arms and kissed him.

“Nah,” she giggled.

“So? What were you thinking?”

“Oh, just wondering if Phil and Amy were having a good time or not.”

“A blast,” he chuckled. “Joe called yesterday. Everywhere they go, she’s signin’ autographs and gettin’ comped meals. Tell you the truth, I think Joe may be a bit jealous.”

She giggled. “I’m glad they’re having fun.”

“Me too,” he kissed her. “Where are the boys?”

“Nap,” she batted her eyes at him. “Why?”

He grinned as he nodded toward the stairs. “A kip sounds mighty fine ‘bout now.”

They had taken one step toward the stairs when the phone rang. Sav sighed before answering. “Savage. Yeah. Really? Uh… sure. Yeah. Fine. Thanks, mate. Bye,” he hung up. “Wow.”

“What is it?”

“How would you like to take an emergency trip to Japan?”

“Emergency? Is everything okay?”

“Apparently so, because Phil and Amy are gettin’ married!” he laughed.

“Married?” her eyes widened. “Oh my God!”

“C’mon, let’s go pack and wait for Mal to call with our flight info.”


“Hello?” Gabrielle answered her telephone.

“Get packed,” Joe spoke coolly.

“I don’t believe it’s been 24 hours yet,” she giggled.

“Well no, but I just got invited to his last minute wedding and I need a date.”


“Seems as though Phil and Amy are tying the knot in two days. Care to go to Japan?”

“Japan? Now?” she sat up in her bed.

“Sav and Bethany will drop the boys off in Sheffield and they can meet you at the airport. What do you say?” he waited.

She thought it over for all of two seconds. “I’ll be there.”




“What are we gonna do with the girls?” Vivian read over Julie’s list of things to do before the others arrived for the flight to Japan.

“We sent the nanny on vacation since you were going to be home,” she sighed as she looked through her closet for something to pack.

“We could just take ‘em with us.”

“You do remember the flight from London, right?” she laughed.

“Yeah,” he grimaced. “God, Jewels. I just got ‘ome.”

“I know, baby. But it’s not like Phil ‘as much family to be there for him. And from the sounds of it, the Okinawan culture is very family orientated. We’re all ‘es got.”

“Ooh! Idea!” he reached for the phone.

“You scare the shit out of me when you do that!” she grabbed her chest.

“Hiya, short stuff. Sorry for wakin’ ya, but I’ve got a huge favor…”



“Long time, no see,” Vivian kissed Gabrielle’s cheek and smiled.

“You chaps do this all the time?” she spoke in a groggy voice as she referred to the long ride from England to LA.

“Not like weekly, no,” Sav grinned as he held tightly to Bethany’s hand and pulled her through the crowds of people.

“Oi! There you are!” Joe popped out from the restrooms.

“Hi!” Gabrielle’s entire face became aglow as he walked toward her.

“Glad you decided to join us,” he kissed her.

“I’ve never been to Japan,” she grinned.

Rory looked over the group, cooing and kissing over one another, before turning to his Uncle Rick. “Thank God I brought my headphones.”

“Me too, lad,” he let out a long breath. “Me too.”

“Alright, where are the Campbell lasses?” Malvin scanned their group.

“Julie’s with them at the gate. Thanks a lot, Mal,” Vivian shook his hand.

“You owe me big time, curly,” he nodded before carrying his bags to the gate.

“’Ave fun!” Joe waved as he flipped them all off.



Joe sighed before looking around at the other passengers of the jet. Besides the roar of the engines, there was dead silence. He then sat back and turned to his lovely companion.

“So?” Gabrielle nudged her awake.

“Huh?” she flashed her green eyes open and looked up at him. “What do you want?”

“Made your mind up yet?”

“What, they’re serving breakfast?” she yawned.

“No!” he rolled his eyes.

“What are you goin’ on about then?” she huffed.

“Never mind, go back to sleep,” he spat as she rolled away from him and pulled the blanket over her shoulder.

He looked across the aisle to see Rick, Vivian and Rory huddled over the boy’s portable DVD player, engrossed in a movie. That’s all he remembered before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.





Phil filled everyone in on the wedding plans during the 2-hour flight to Okinawa. He was happier than ever as he explained the customs and events that were about to take place.

Rory just sat back and watched his father until Phil noticed his quietness. “Ror? You all right?”

“I’m fine, Dad,” he nodded.

“You sure? I mean… it’s a lot to take in.”

“Sounds like it’s gonna be a trip,” he nodded.

“Yeah, well… you realize you’re the only part of my family ‘ere, right?”

Rory watched him, confused. “I guess.”

“That’s means that you’re gonna be a part of all of this. We’re all becoming one family. And you’re sorta like me best man.”

“Really?” his eyes widened. “Wow. That’s cool.”

He nodded. “It is, isn’t it?”


The house filled with chatter as the group entered the home of Amy’s grandparents. Phil quickly went to work on introducing everyone and those he didn’t catch were taken care of my Pearl, Emerald or Ruby,

“Where’s Amy?” the women looked around.

“Getting dressed for this evening,” Emerald pointed to the next room.

“Amy!” Bethany peeked in to get a look at her in her kimono. “Oh my God, that’s beautiful! You’re beautiful!”

“Thank you,” she hugged her. “Wait ‘til you see the ones I’m wearing tomorrow.”

“Ones?” Julie asked while peeking in.

“Yeah, I’ll have to make a few wardrobe changes. Good thing my mother knows how to tie an obi,” she pointed to the huge belt wrapped around her waist and tied in the back.

“Ready?” Phil stuck his head in.

“You look exhausted,” Amy ran to him.

“My brain is shit,” he sighed. “But I’ve got it. If we go first thing in the morning, we should be able to get the license.”

“Good,” she grinned.

“You look amazing, by the way,” he whispered.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she kissed him. “But you need to get dressed. I think Mom has your kimono laid out in her room.”

“Cool,” he kissed her again before walking off.





“Wow, Phil’s gone all out with this,” Vivian whispered to Joe as they all knelt around a banquet table in a very nice restaurant.

“I should hope so, he’s marryin’ the bird tomorrow,” he chuckled.

“You think he ‘as pants on under that robe?” Rick asked as everyone began to laugh.

Amy handed Phil a box, which he sat aside unopened. He then handed Amy a box, which she too left unopened.

Ruby leaned close to Sav and whispered, “it’s bad manners to open a gift in front of the giver. They’ll open them together after dinner.”

“Ah,” he nodded his head.

“Here’s one that I think you can open now,” Phil placed the small box in front of Amy.

She blinked her eyes a few times before slowly reaching for the box. She then looked up at her parents.

“Go ahead,” her father smiled.

She opened the box to see the beautiful engagement ring sitting inside.

“It’s beautiful,” Amy whispered as Phil slipped the ring onto her finger.

“Perfect fit,” he smiled brightly.

“That’s beautiful,” Joe nodded before reaching for his cup. “More sake!”


“I hope this is comfortable for you all,” Ruby opened the doors to the small cottage behind the house.

“It’s perfect,” Julie smiled as she looked out at the beach.

“You haven’t seen the bedding yet,” she giggled as she pointed to the futon mats on the floor. “You’re goin’ Japanese tonight!”

“Lovely,” Rick smiled at her.

“If you need anything, we’re right up the steps. See you all in the morning.”

“Night,” they all began to break up into their rooms.


“Even the guest rooms are beautiful,” Julie looked around as Vivian stared at the mat on the floor.

“Where’s the bed?”

“You spoiled little thing,” she giggled. “They’ve always had beds in the hotels, haven’t they?”

“Guess I need to go ask Phil how it’s done on the floor, don’t I?”

“Now darling, we have been on the floor before, have we not?” she purred before unbuttoning the front of her shirt.

“Now you’re talkin’,” he grinned.

“C’mere, big guy,” she slipped her finger down the waistband of his jeans.

“Just remember to be quiet, these walls are made of paper.”

“I’ll do my best,” she kissed him.





“Good morning!” Amy called out as the opened the door to the cottage.

“I can’t move,” Joe stared up at the ceiling.

“Try to sit up,” Gabrielle patted his arm.

“How in the hell do the Japanese live like this?” he whined.

“They sleep on the floor from birth, I suppose,” she smiled. “Come on, we really need to be goin’.”

“Ahhh!” Sav called out from the next room. “Me back’s out!”

“I hear ya!” Joe responded.

Amy’s laughter rang out through the cottage.

“Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere?” Julie walked out from her room.

“I just thought I’d stop by to tell you that Mom’s made a huge breakfast. You’d better get up there before Phil eats all the rice.”

“Cool,” Rick smiled as he pattered out of his room.

“Oh, and are the kimonos alright for everyone? Emmie and Bee picked them out.”

“They’re great,” Julie winced. “But why do the others have colorful ones and I have black?”

“Because you’re married,” she nodded. “My mother and grandmother will be wearing black as well as all of the married men. My sisters and cousins will be here at noon to help you all dress and to tie your obis. My mother, aunts and grandmother will all be dressing me.”

“Wow, I can’t wait to see this gown,” Bethany joined them.

“Am,” Phil peeked his head in with Rory behind him. “Ready? We need to get a move on.”

“Sure,” she smiled. “See you all later!”

“Later!” they waved before slowly making their way up to the main house for breakfast.


The Bradford sisters moved like a mad Kimono assembly line as they clothed all of the women and prepared them for the wedding. After each was finished dressing, two of their cousins began to work on their hair and makeup.

It took nearly 3 hours to clothe the 3 women and then themselves.

The men were a bit easier, when they weren’t commenting on one another’s ‘skirts’.

“The van’s here!” John’s voice echoed from the door as he once again managed to turn the house into utter panic.

Pearl’s voice was heard shouting in Japanese from behind a closed door as everyone headed for the shrine.


“This is so cool,” Vivian grinned as he and Julie posed for their portraits.

“I feel like we’re playin’ dress up with the girls,” she grinned.

Vivian’s smile quickly disappeared. “I feel like a shit for not bringin’ them. They’d have a ball.”

“We’ll make it up to them, baby. I promise,” she kissed his cheek before walking into the shrine.

Once inside, they began looking around at the room. Julie was in awe of the costumes that the servers and family wore.

“I feel like we’ve stepped back a few centuries,” Vivian pointed to the men at the altar who were holding samurai swords.

“Stop pointing, it’s not polite,” she giggled.

“Oh, there’s Emerald and Ruby,” he nodded. “Wow, I just realized they had three girls.”

“See? Not so bad. They do grow up, ya know.”

“Yeah, I’d just kinda like a boy, though.”

“Well, we have a 50/50 chance,” she batted her eyes.

“Really? You want another baby?”

“No time like the present, right?”

“Right,” he grinned before kissing her.


Joe looked around the Shinto temple and noticed all of the young women in red and white kimonos that stood at the back. He raised his eyes as he leaned over to Gabrielle. “Wonder what they’re doin’?”

“They’re maidens that will serve the Sake,” she read from a paper that Emerald had given her.

His eyes lit up as he smiled. “Now THIS is a wedding!”


“I can’t believe all of this was put together in a few days,” Bethany looked around at the small crowd of family members.

“I think a lot of it ‘as to do with Am’s popularity ‘ere in Japan,” Sav nodded. “It is cool, though.”

“Romantic,” she smiled.

“Very,” he agreed with her.


Rick sighed as he looked down at his hands and asked himself for the tenth time why he had decided to come to a wedding. And better yet, why on Earth did he come to a wedding alone?

“Do you mind if I sit with you?” Ruby appeared out of nowhere.

“Not at all, luv,” he stood for her.

“Thank you,” she sighed.

“Thank you,” he grinned. “You can translate for me.”

“I’d love to,” she giggled as people began to take their places.




Phil was standing at the entrance of the reception hall, waiting for his bride for the second part of their wedding ceremony. He had a smile on his face that could not be wiped away as he greeted his mates.

“Phillip, beautiful ceremony,” Sav shook his hand.

“I thought so,” he nodded.

“Amy looked stunning,” Vivian followed.

“I thought that too,” he laughed.

“Are you two going to be able to have a honeymoon?” Julie asked.

“We ‘aven’t really talked about it yet,” he shrugged his shoulders. “Guess we’ll wait ‘til after the tour.”

“You’ve been quiet,” Bethany nudged Rick and smiled.

“Huh?” he looked up from staring in the direction of the changing rooms for the bride. “Me? Quiet?”

“Got your sights on another Bradford sister?” Gabrielle grinned.

“Possibly,” he smiled shyly as the women walked him into the reception hall.

“Ruby definitely seems to have taken to you,” Julie grinned.

“It’s… possible,” he shrugged his shoulders.

“And now that her sister’s married to one of your band mates, you’ll have a reason to see her,” Bethany thought aloud.

“Yeah, I suppose,” he nodded his head.

“Aye, leave ‘im alone!” Sav pulled Bethany away to their seat.

“Yeah, the new bachelor doesn’t need a relationship so soon,” Joe barked as he pulled Gabrielle away.

“Aw, they’re pissed,” Julie waved them off. “Do what you want.”


The room was filled with about three times more people than there were at the Shinto ceremony. This time, they were seated at tables and waited as the bride and groom took their places at an arbor in the front of the room. There, a retired Protestant Marine Chaplain, a very old friend of Amy’s father, waited.

The Chaplain amended his ceremony and only spoke a few words about knowing the bride since she was born before going straight to the exchanging of the vows. The blessing and exchanging of the rings of course followed that, which was then followed by prayer.


“What, no Sake?” Joe whispered as Gabrielle stifled a giggle.


“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the Chaplain exclaimed.

“You mean I finally get to kiss ‘er?” Phil grinned happily.

“Go for it,” he nodded.

“All right,” Amy grinned as she stepped toward her new husband.


Sav sighed as he wrapped his arms around Bethany. “They’ve got a long road ahead of ‘em.”

“You know you’re now going to become Phil’s confident,” she kissed him. “You’ve been through what he’s about to endeavor.”

“Yeah, well… so be it,” he nodded.


“Is this seat taken?” Ruby pointed to the chair next to Rick.

“It is,” he nodded.

“Oh,” she looked around.

“It’s yours,” he grinned.

She quickly smiled at him before sitting down.


“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m extremely pleased to present Phillip and Amethyst Collen!”




“Flight 2959 to New York will be boarding in ten minutes…”

Amy sighed as she turned to Phil. “Gotta go.”

“Call me before your flight leaves for Spain?”

“I promise,” she smiled before kissing him.


“Are you okay with this?” Sav asked Bethany.

“I can handle the boys on the flight back to San Diego. Besides, your Mum and brothers will be there to keep ‘em busy.”

“I know, but… it’s a lot of flyin’. I mean you’ve got’a go back, take the boys ‘ome, then repack and be back in two weeks.”

“I’m a big girl, Rick. I can handle it,” she shut him up with a kiss.


“You’re sure you can ‘andle everythin’?” Joe asked Gabrielle.

“Nuala knows, right?”

“Yeah, I told ‘er last week.”

“I hadn’t made up my mind last week,” she cocked her eyebrow at him.

“Does it mat’er?” he chuckled before planting a huge one on her.


Rory, Vivian, Julie and Rick stood back with their luggage and watched the couples give their goodbyes.

“Ah, I can’t wait to get to my very own bed,” Vivian stretched his arms.

“It’ll probably be filled with two little ones tonight,” Julie smiled at him.

“That’s the best part,” he nodded his head.


“Oh, Rick!” Amy ran up to him with a piece of paper in her hand.


“I’ve been given strict orders by the little sis to give this to you,” she handed it to him.

He looked down to see Ruby’s phone number, cell phone number and email address. “Very cool, Am. Thanks,” he hugged her. “Take care.”

“I will,” she leaned down to kiss Rory’s cheek. “You take care of my hubby, will ya?”

He nodded his head while looking up at Phil. “I think that can be arranged.”


The three women gave each of their men a very long, breathtaking kiss before scurrying away through the security gates to get to their flight. They were left standing there, staring at the windows.

Julie decided to speak up. “Why don’t you all come to our house for dinner?”

“That’s a great idea, luv. Thank you,” Sav nodded.

“Yeah, thanks,” Joe followed.

“Thanks, Jewels,” Phil took one last glance before following them all toward the airport exit.

Rick took a long look at his note from Ruby before smiling and stuffing it into his pocket. “Hey, hold up!”



Next Story (Sav & Bethany)
Phil & Amy
Joe & Gabrielle
