The Bachelors

The Bachelors



“Welcome to ‘The Bachelor Voyage,’” Gabrielle spoke as the ship began to pull away from the marina. “My name is Gabrielle and I am your Cruise Director. If there is anything at all that you need, please feel free to ask. I will do everything in my power to make this a successful cruise.”

“Wow,” Joe purred as he looked her over. “You sure she can’t join in?”

“You’ve already got to 10 to pick from, mate,” Sav smirked.

“Yeah, but… man. She’s gorgeous.”

“Oi,” Malvin joined them. “Where’s Phil?”

Everyone at the table broke out into laughs, chuckles and sniggers.

“Playin’ piano the ‘ard way at the moment, I presume,” Joe took a drink of his wine.

“Eatin’ sushi?” Vivian offered.

“Turning Japanese?” Rick joined in.

“Enterin’ the ‘Land of the Rising Cum,’” Sav couldn’t help himself.

“That was completely uncalled for,” Bethany slapped his arm as Julie laughed.

“In other words, ‘e found Amy?” Malvin seemed pretty pleased with himself.

“You did this? Man, I need to shake your ‘and,” Joe reached across the table. “You’re a genius.”

“Got’a take care of me boys, don’t I?” he winked before walking off.



Phil panted as he held tightly onto Amy. She smiled as she brought her sweat-drenched forehead down to rest on his.

“I can’t believe I’ve got you for the whole week,” he nibbled on her lip.

“Who should we thank for this?” she brushed her thumbs across his cheeks.

“I’m not sure, but I’ll give ‘em anything they want,” he smiled.



“And now,” Gabrielle looked across the dining room. “For the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Here are your eligible ladies, Joe!”

He grinned from ear to ear as the announcer took the microphone.

“Good evening, Mr. Elliott. I’d like to introduce you to the ladies,” she held her hand out as ten… extremely gorgeous women entered the room. Some were blonde, and some were brunette. Some were large breasted and some were not. Some were young… well, all of them were, but who the hell cared. They were there for him! All Joe knew was that the photographs did NOT do them justice!

“Wait a sec,” he pointed to the lady in a tight, red dress. “She looks familiar.”

“That would be Geri,” Rick nodded. “Yeah, now that you mention it she does.”

“Where from?” Vivian tilted his head as he watched her.

“First off, we have Annette from Fort Worth,” she paused as Annette took a few steps forward. “Annette is a net wizard by day and a Hooter’s girl by night. She loves music from the 70s and 80s and is crazy about NASCAR. When at home, she loves to kick back with a nice cold beer and listen to her favorite LPs.”

Annette walked forward and shook Joe’s hand. He smiled as he kissed it.

“Next, we have Wendy from Sweden…”

“Ay, we miss anythin’?” Phil slipped into his seat with Amy right behind him.

“Not really,” Sav kept his eyes on the stage.

“Hello, Amy. Bethany,” she shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you,” she smiled.

“Julie Campbell,” she followed.

“Hi,” she nodded.

“Ya know somethin’, in this light Geri looks like…” Phil’s eyes widened as he recognized her. “Oh, shit!”

“What?” Sav, Vivian and Rick all sat up.

“The Internet. ‘Geri’s Pleasure Palace’ I think.”

“That’s it!” Rick yelled out.

“You mean,” Sav began laughing uncontrollably. “We may’ve set our mate up with an Internet porn Queen?”

“Good call,” Amy grinned as they all laughed.


The Bachelors



Joe walked through the room and mingled with his ‘women’ as the others sat back and talked.

“So who have you all voted for?” Amy looked down at her wager form.

“I made me wager before I recognized Geri,” Sav pouted.

“You’re terrible,” Bethany giggled.

“Cari,” Phil looked over her shoulder.

“Maria,” Vivian followed.

“Ug, you’re kiddin’,” Julie made a face. “I think it’ll be Wendy.”

“No way,” Rick shook his head. “Diane.”

They all began bickering as Amy looked up at Bethany.

“I like Margo, myself,” she leaned in to look at the wager sheet.

“Hmmm,” Amy looked up to where Joe was. She found him speaking to Gabrielle. “What the hell, I’ll pick Geri.”



“Hi, Joe,” April interrupted his conversation with Gabrielle. “Can I speak to you?”

“Sure,” he smiled at her.

“Um…” she growled at Gabrielle. “Alone?”

He sighed as he looked up at Gabrielle. “Duty calls. I’ll talk to you later?”

“Sure thing, Joe,” she nodded before walking off to the kitchen to check on dinner.



“I’d like to walk out on the deck, you coming?” Amy asked Phil.

“That sounds brilliant,” he winked at her before taking her hand.

“That does sound good,” Sav followed by taking Bethany’s hand.

She smiled shyly as she followed him.

Julie looked at Vivian and cleared her throat.

“What? You want me to get seasick?”

She rolled her eyes before walking off by herself.

Rick looked around for a moment before deciding to mingle with some of the women.



Amy stopped and placed her hands on the railing as she looked out at the ocean. Phil stood beside her and smiled as he took in her sight. He couldn’t believe that she was really there with him. It felt as if he were dreaming.

Her dark hair was even longer than he remembered. It flew in the breeze, exposing her face entirely. Her skin was perfect and seemed to glow in the light of the sunset. Her beautiful eyes always seemed to be hiding an ornery smile. Her perfect little nose… Her lips… God, he missed her lips.

“What are you staring at?” she smiled at him.


She batted her eyes at him as she grinned. “What about me?”

He thought for a moment as he searched to find the words. He then took her hands and looked into her eyes. “You’re so beautiful… I’ve fallen asleep every night for the past six months seeing your face. I’ve dreamt about you more times than I can count. I’m crazy about you.”

She sighed as she searched his eyes. “Phil,” tears filled her own. “How can we possibly make this work?”

“I don’t know,” he chuckled. “But I can’t leave here without us at least trying.”

She closed her eyes as he wrapped her arms around her and kissed her shoulder.

“Please, Amethyst,” he whispered. “I’m in love with you.”

She smiled as she rested her cheek against his. “I love you too, Phil.”

She felt his body relax as his grip around her tightened. “Is that a yes?” he pulled back to look at her.

“Yes,” she leaned in for a kiss.



“Have I thanked you for this?” Bethany looked out on the ocean.

“Yes, and you should stop!” Sav laughed as he rested his arm around her shoulders.

“Can I ask you a question?” she looked up at him.


“What exactly do you expect to happen between us this week?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean… don’t you think our… dating… could turn awkward once we return home?”

“I... never thought of that,” he looked out at the waves. “We’ve always seemed pret’y comfortable around each other. You think it might get that way?”

“It depends on what happens, I suppose,” she waited.

“Well, we could just move your things into me room once we get ‘ome,” he teased her.

“Aren’t you getting a bit ahead of yourself,” she smiled.

“You’re right, I should take things one step at a time,” he leaned in and kissed her.



The dinner bell began to ring calling everyone to dinner. Joe walked out of the janitor’s closet and adjusted his belt before smoothing down his hair. He stopped by a mirror in the hall and wiped the lipstick from his mouth and neck before making his way back to the dining room.

The Bachelors



Phil and Amy were the first to appear for breakfast the next morning. They were catching up on stories from the past few months when Sav and Bethany joined them.

“Nice to see you’ve emerged t’day,” Sav smirked.

“Did you ever get dinner last night?” Bethany grinned.

“Nope!” Phil smiled with a mouth full of fruit.

“How was dinner?” Amy asked before biting into some toast.

“Eventful,” Sav chuckled. “Joe sat at a table with all 10 of the ladies while we sat ‘ere.”

“I bet he was in heaven,” she giggled.

“Yeah, well… t’day ‘e makes the first cut,” Phil raised his eyebrows.

“Where is he, anyway?” Bethany asked.

“Let’s see… it’s 9:00? Bed,” Sav answered.



He blinked a few times as the light poured into the room. It didn’t seem like it should be daytime already. After all, he had only been asleep… four hours? “Bloody ‘ell,” he mumbled as he rolled over and pulled a pillow over his head.

The sound of moaning filled his ears as he froze and tried desperately to figure out who the hell he ended up with last night. Was it Cari? She and Geri were both at the bar last night, doing body shots with him. Or was it Meghan? He vaguely remembered a long make out session with her while on the upper deck around… 2:00 AM.

He slowly lifted his pillow and focused through hazy eyes at the red hair. “Rose?” he whispered. Where the hell did she come from?

“Mmm,” she lifter her head and then dropped it again.

Without another word, he quietly slipped out of the bed and made his way to the shower.



The contestants slowly took their places around the table and waited for Joe to show up.

“Looks like someone wore him out,” Geri sniggered as she pointed to Rose’s empty seat.

Annette rolled her eyes and huffed.

“You have a problem with that?” April smarted.

“I just don’t understand how all of the white trash happened to slip through the screening process,” she glared at Geri.

“I know you weren’t talking to me,” Geri stared her down as she took a sip of her juice.

“You type of girls really make it harder for us,” Wendy spoke in her broken English.

“And exactly what is my type?” April asked.

“And who are you referring to?” Meghan asked.

“Let’s not make this into a contest please,” Maria asked.

“What?” Diane spat. “It IS a friggin’ contest!”

The table erupted into a huge argument as Joe finally entered the dining room.



“This outta be good,” Rick sat next to Amy.

“What is that ship doing?” Bethany pointed out the window.

“Fishing,” Sav chuckled.

“Huh?” Amy looked at Phil.

“They’re waitin’ to catch the lass that gets the plank,” he smiled at her. “There’s a net.”

“Good lord, they’ve thought of everything.”

The Bachelors




“Good morning, ladies,” Joe looked around as he took his seat.

They all quieted as they waited.

“I’ve ‘ad a chance to speak to each of you last night. I even got to spend some time with a few of you…”

April winked and smiled at him.

“I’ve decided to make only one cut this mornin’ and it’s going to be… Margo.”

Margo’s eyes widened as her mouth dropped open.

“See what I mean?” Annette yelled at Geri. “You friggin’ whores are gonna ruin it for the rest of us!”

Joe jumped back as the claws went flying and Geri leapt across the table to smack Annette across the face. He smiled as he watched them for a moment.

“Ladies!” Gabrielle jumped right into the middle of the commotion. “If you don’t start actin’ the ladies, I’m gonna throw you off meself!”




“Well, then,” Amy’s eyes widened. “Gabrielle’s quite the feisty one, isn’t she?”

“Sure seems like it,” Bethany looked over to see Joe’s reaction.



“Uh… thanks, Gabbs,” Joe nodded.

“The ship is waitin’, Joe,” she pointed out the window.

He nodded before looking at Margo. “Sorry.”

“Why?” she watched him.

“I just don’t think we… clicked,” he shrugged his shoulders.

She nodded before looking at Gabrielle. “Okay.”



“What is that man thinking?” Julie crossed her arms.

“He’s not,” Amy looked confused. “Surely he wouldn’t pick a girl who has been all over him,” she looked at Phil.

He only shrugged his shoulders.

They all looked toward the window as Margo jumped off of the ship and into the waiting net, screaming all the way down.

“This is definitely going to get interesting,” Bethany’s wiggled her eyebrows.



“Joe, can I speak to you for a moment?” Gabrielle tapped him on the shoulder.

“Sure,” he smiled as he followed her to the galley.

“I have to ask you… why did choose Margo?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I asked ‘er if she liked ‘Mott the Hoople’ and she said ‘Who?’”

She couldn’t help but smile. “I see where your priorities are.”

“Question is… what do I do next? I may end up gettin’ killed with this lot.”

“Just… think about it. Would you really want to date a woman who is so eager to get you into bed?”

His eyes widened. “Depends.”

She again laughed. “Well, it’s your choice. You should do what makes you happy.”

There was silence as they stared at one another.

“Gabrielle,” a waiter stopped beside them. “The Captain asked when the next cut will be.”

She turned to Joe and waited.

“In the mornin’, I’ll make two.”

She nodded to the waiter and then returned to Joe. “Have a good day, then.”

“You too,” he watched her walk away.

The Bachelors



“Oh, you poor thing,” Diane patted Rick’s back as he sighed.

“It’s okay, I’ll make it through. One day at a time,” he nodded.

“You are… so brave,” she watched him with tears in her eyes. “If you need… anything. Just let me know.”

He nodded before sighing dramatically. “Thank you, Diane,” he patted her hand.

“Excuse me, Diane?” Wendy stopped beside the deck chairs they were sitting in. “Joe asked to speak with you.”

“Thank you,” she returned to Rick. “And I mean anything,” she kissed his cheek before walking off.

“Thanks again, Diane,” he turned to Wendy, and sighed.

“Are you okay, Rick?” she took Diane’s place at his side.

“Oh… just depressed. Me wife and I are separated at the moment and… well… it’s just so… romantic ‘ere.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” she hugged him.



Phil watched as Amy practiced her music on the keyboard in her room. She didn’t even have music before her; she simply played from memory as her fingers gracefully stroked every key.

“What is that?” he asked from lying across the bed.

“Beethoven,” she smiled. “Moonlight Sonata Number 1.”

“Is that what you’re playing at dinner t’night?”

“Yes,” she continued to play as she spoke. “And then tomorrow I’m doing a ‘Joe’s Favorites’ medley.”

“Oh,” he smirked. “That should be… interesting.”

“To say the least,” she rolled her eyes.

“So… what are you plans after this?”

“The cruise? My sisters and I are meeting my parents in Okinawa for their 40th wedding anniversary.”

“Wow, that sounds like fun.”

“It will be great. I love visiting with my aunts. They remind me so much of me and my sisters,” she stopped as an idea hit her. “Can you go?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Uh… yeah.”

“Would you want to? I mean… you’d be meeting my mother’s entire family.”

He smiled at her. “I’d love to, Am.”

She grinned as she pushed away from the keyboard and jumped onto the bed with him. “I’ll call and see if there’s room on the jet then.”

“Okay,” he pushed her hair out of her face as she leaned over and kissed him. “As long as you translate for me.”

“I think that can be arranged.”



Sav and Bethany held hands as they walked around the upper deck, peering into the various little gift kiosks set up.

“Look at that,” she pointed a little novelty shop with various Asian gifts.

“I wonder what that says?” Sav looked at a frame with oriental writing around it.

“Do you think Amy could translate it?”

“If it’s Japanese,” he shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, either way, I want it. It’s beautiful.”

“Then it’s yours,” he smiled as he reached his hand into his pocket. “You and Amy really seem to be gettin’ on.”

“She’s a great person. Very intelligent,” she could tell by the look on his face that he was thinking of a sarcastic line.

“Then what’s she doin’ with Phil?” he sniggered.

She only shook her head and smiled.

The Bachelors



“All right,” Joe looked around the table of women. “There’s only one way I can think of for us to get to know one another quickly. And that’s by playin’ drinking games,” he nodded at the waiters standing by.

“But… what if we don’t drink?” Maria asked.

“Your choice of drink is up to you,” he nodded.

The girls looked around at one another as a tray full of liquor bottles was placed in the middle of the table. Another waiter passed around shot glasses and drinking glasses. “We are taking orders from the bar now.”

Gabrielle held her hand over her mouth as she tried desperately not to laugh. “Is he always this… creative?” she asked Malvin.

“Aye, lass. Scary, ain’t it?”



Vivian sat at the table and smoked a cigarette as Julie sat next to him with her arms crossed. Soon, Phil and Amy joined them.

“Wow, you look great,” Julie complimented her black Mandarin-style silk gown. Her hair was pulled up in a bun and held into place with a studded chopstick.

“Thank you, you too,” Amy smiled at her.

“What’s that?” Phil pointed to Joe’s table.

“Joe calls out a question and if any of the women’ve done it, had it or said it, they drink.”

“So I’m playing for a bunch of drunks?” Amy made a face at Phil. “Yay, me.”

“C’mon, I’ll walk you up,” he laughed as he placed his hand at the small of her back.

“That ought to make for pret’y puke,” Sav pulled a chair out for Bethany.

“Joe never ceases to amaze me,” Rick joined them as well. “That’s a brilliant ideer.”

Everyone turned to him with raised eyebrows.



The only women left by the end of dinner were Geri, Annette and Cari. The others had either given up or thrown up. Amy finished her set and rose from the piano, only to be applauded by a very drunken Joe.

“Thanks, Joe,” she giggled as she joined the others at their table.

Everyone was huddled over, looking at something.

“Just the person we wanted to see,” Sav smiled as he handed her the photo frame.

“What’s this?” she smiled as she held it up to the light.

“We were wondering if this was Japanese,” Bethany smiled.

“It is,” she grinned.

“So what does it say?” Sav waited.

“They’re good luck symbols. This one,” she pointed, “is prosperity. This one is longevity. And this one,” she smiled at the both of them, “is love.”

“Oh,” they both sat quietly.

“Now all you need to do is ‘ave your picture taken while we’re ‘ere,” Phil grinned.

The Bachelors



Bethany opened her eyes and realized that the ship was no longer moving. She sat up and looked out of the window for a moment before picking up the phone.

After four rings, Sav answered. “Yeah?”

“Just making sure you didn’t leave without me.”

“Not a chance,” he smiled to himself. “I’m just enjoyin’ the peace and quiet while I can.”

“I know what you mean,” she paused as he heard a thud on the wall from his room. “What was that?”

“I’m not sure who Joe ended up with last night, but they’ve been at it for hours.”

“Isn’t that against the rules?” she laughed.

“Rules? What rules?” he chuckled. “I’ll meet you at breakfast in thirty minutes.”

“Make it forty.”




Joe covered his head with three pillows, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t drown out the knocking of the adjacent wall.

“Christ!” he yelled out. “Phil, it’s gonna fall off if you don’t give it a rest, mate!”

The ringing phone completely set him off. “What?” he roared.

“Uh… one would think you’d be in a good mood,” Sav spoke slowly.

“I wish!” he whined. “I ‘avn’t gotten a moments peace since I came to bed!”

“You mean… that’s not you?”

“Fuck no! It’s the fuckin’ tantric twins in the next room!”

“Wow,” is all he could say. “Uh… you wanna meet us for breakfast?”

“Might as well!” he hung up and staggered to the shower.



“Okay, I’m done for,” Phil panted as he wiped the sweat from his face.

“You’re sure this time?” Amy smiled as she struggled to catch her breath.

“As long as you don’t try to take a shower again,” he grinned before nipping at her shoulder.

“Maybe I should go back to my room then?” she sat up.

“You wouldn’t dare,” he pulled her back to the bed.



“Mmm,” Rick opened his eyes for only a moment before closing them and smiling. He draped his arm around Diane and pulled her closer before nuzzling his nose against her ear. His smile widened as Wendy’s arm draped around him and she pulled him closer to kiss his ear.



“Where is everyone?” Geri sat at the breakfast table and looked around.

“I’m not sure,” Annette noticed the empty tables as well.

“Hey, did anyone hear the banging all night?” Rose asked.

“Yeah!” April nodded. “What was that?”

“I think it was that blond guy and his girlfriend,” Maria grinned.

“Guess it pays to date a musician, huh?” Meghan wiggled her eyebrows.

The Bachelors



“I saw that,” Julie spat.

“What?” Vivian looked at her.

“You were starin’ at the ‘Porn Queen’s’ arse,” she crossed her arms.

“Whatever,” he rolled his eyes.

“Has he tossed anyone yet?” Sav and Bethany joined them.

“No, he’s not even ‘ere yet,” Vivian pointed.

“Yay,” Bethany clapped her hands together as she sat in the chair.

“Where is ‘e?” Phil slowly sat down at the table as Amy followed.

“There,” Sav pointed.

Joe scowled at Phil as he slowly walked over to take his place at the ‘Bachelor’s’ table.



After a quiet breakfast, Diane and Wendy finally joined the group while Rick joined the couples.

“Well, well, well,” Phil grinned.

“You tryin’ ‘em out for Joe?” Vivian followed.

“Nah, they’re not ‘is type,” he shrugged his shoulders before sipping on a cup of coffee.

The men at the table fell back into their chairs laughing as the women were left to guess what the joke was.



“Joe,” Gabrielle pointed to her watch.

He nodded his head before looking around the table. “It’s time to make another cut.”

The women quieted as they waited.

“I’ve decided to make a move toward peace. There are two of you who have caused the others to become… hostile at times. So, I think it would be best to start over.”

April’s eyes widened as she watched him.

“Rose… April…” he paused. “Goodbye.”

The table filled with chattering as the assistants escorted the two women to the deck. Since the ship was in port, there was no fishing boat standing by. Instead, the Florida Coast Guard was waiting to fish them out of the water.



“So, how long are we ‘ere for?” Phil asked.

“There’s a contest thingie at lunch, so not long,” Bethany glanced at her watch.

“Wanna see if we can find a health food store?” Amy asked him.

“What for?” Vivian asked.

“Soynuts,” they both answered.

”I am so in,” Rick nodded.

“I’ll pass,” Sav wrinkled his nose.

“I’ll go,” Vivian looked at Julie.

“So? Go,” she rolled her eyes and looked away.

Bethany raised her eyebrows and looked at Sav. “What do you want to do?”

“Take a walk?”

“Sure,” she smiled.

The Bachelors



“All right, ladies,” Gabrielle spoke from the lounge in the upper deck. “We’re going to play ‘Joe’s Rock & Roll Jeopardy.’ We are going to draw three names out of a hat to participate. The four remaining bachelorettes will partake in another contest after dinner tonight.”

“This should be interesting,” Vivian rubbed his hands together.

“Uh… not really,” Amy looked around. “Why don’t we go to the casino?” she asked Bethany and Julie.

“Sounds good,” the women were off in a flash.



“ In February of 1971, while in the US to promote his album, “The Man Who Sold The World", this musician began to develop the imaginary character "Ziggy Stardust,” Joe read the question.

Cari buzzed in. “Who is Mick Jagger?”

“No,” he barked.

Meghan was next, “Who is… Marilyn Manson?”

Joe’s mouth dropped open as he stared at her.

“Oh… what’s his name…” Maria jumped up and down. “Oh! Who is David Bowie!”

“Thank God,” the men watching them mumbled under their breaths as they watched.

“This is pure fuckin’ torture,” Sav growled.

“Next question,” Joe sighed before reading. “’All The Way From Memphis,’ ‘Sea Diver,’ ‘Marionette,’ ‘All The Young Dudes.’”

The ladies all looked around, speechless.



“So,” Amy smiled at Bethany. “How’s it goin’?”

“It’s… good,” she nodded her head.

“Just good?” Julie waited.

“It’s… really good,” she grinned.

“Care to elaborate?” Amy slipped a coin into the slot machine.

“As long as you clear up a few things for me,” she grinned.

“Such as?”

“Did you two… really have sex… ALL last night?”

Amy’s face blushed as a huge grin spread across her face. “Well, we did take a few breaks.”

They all giggled.

“So? Your turn,” Julie pointed to her.

“We’ve kissed. A lot,” she looked away. “He’s a great kisser.”

“And? Any sparks?” Amy looked away from the machine.

“Oh God, yes. I’m just not sure about him,” she bit her lip. “This is a huge step for him.”

Amy looked at Julie and smiled. “I think he just needs a little… nudge.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Nudge? Like what?”

“C’mon,” she led them off.



“That’s it!” Joe threw the cards down. “All of you! Off the boat!”

“But Joe, we need to call the boat first,” Gabrielle laughed while speaking to him.

“I don’t care! Call it! Just… ugh!” he walked off.

“What did we miss?” Bethany looked around.

Phil jumped up and grabbed Amy by the shoulders. “Who is ‘Ziggy Stardust?’”

“David Bowie?” she watched him carefully.

“Thank you!” he quickly hugged her.

Julie raised her eyebrows and looked at Vivian.

“Long story,” he shook his head.

The Bachelors



Amy was finishing up her makeup when Phil stuck his head into the room. “Change of plans.”

“Oh?” she looked up.

“Mal called a meeting.”

“I didn’t think you were doing business here,” she watched him while applying her lipstick.

“Yeah, ‘ow many times ‘as Nate called?”

“Kiss my ass,” she laughed.

He smiled as he slid his hands around her hips. “God, you look great.”

She hummed as she rested her body back against his. “I could really get used to this.”

He let out a long sigh before kissing her shoulder. “Me too.”

“I love you, Phil.”

He slowly looked up into the mirror and smiled. “I love you too.”



“Who is it?” Bethany called out from her bathroom.

“The boogie man!” Sav chuckled.

She quickly looked around before throwing her robe over her dress and rushing to the door. “Yeah?” she cracked it open.

“You decent in there?” he grinned as he peeked through the crack.

“Back off,” she giggled.

“Aw, man!” he teased her. “Got called to a meetin’. Why don’t I meet you at dinner?”

“Sounds good,” she nodded.

He caught her eyes and stopped for a moment. She had on a bit more makeup than she usually wore, and it made her green eyes look… amazing.

“Rick? What’s wrong?”

“You’re beautiful,” he spoke softly.

“Thank you,” she bit her lip. Wait ‘til you see me at dinner, then.

“Well… uh, I’ll see you in a bit,” he reached in and gave her a quick kiss.

“In a bit,” she repeated as he walked off.



“Right,” Malvin quickly began the meeting. “We’ve gotten way more press with this lit’le game than we thought we would. As soon as we get back to Spain, we’ve got interviews,” he passed out the interview schedule.

“Very cool, man,” Joe chuckled as he read over the calendar.

Phil’s face dropped as he read on. He stopped and ran his fingers through his hair, an obvious sign to Malvin that something was wrong.

“What is it?”

“Um…” he thought it over in his head. He never had to do this before. It never was an issue. He had a job to do and he did it. He didn’t have to arrange his schedule around a relationship. What the hell was he going to do?

“Phil?” Sav watched him.

“Nothin’,” he waved them off.

“You’re sure?” Vivian watched him as well.

“Would you fuck off? I’m fine!” he laughed before taking a drink of his water.

The Bachelors



Rick watched as Phil stared up at the stage. He turned to Sav and whispered. “What’s up?”

“I’m guessin’ it’s got somethin’ to do with Miss Amethyst,” he raised his eyebrows.

“Well yeah, but what?”

“Do I look like Miss Cleo? Ask him!” he laughed before looking around the room. His entire body froze as he caught a glimpse of Bethany… in a tight black dress with spaghetti straps.

“Um… Sav? You’re attractin’ flies, mate,” Vivian patted his shoulder.

“Yay,” Julie softly clapped her hands together. She then turned to the stage and shot a thumbs-up in the air.

Amy smiled as she sat down to the piano.

“This seat taken?” Bethany smiled.

“Uh… course not,” Sav fumbled around as he pulled the chair back for her.

Everyone at the table began to laugh… except for Phil, who was busy watching Amy.

After everyone settled down, Sav draped his arm around Bethany’s shoulders and whispered into her ear. “You look great.”

“Amy let me borrow it. You don’t think it’s too tight?” she smiled as she looked up into his eyes.

“Not at all,” he kissed her.

“Ahem,” Rick teased them. “We’re tryin’ to eat ‘ere!”



Joe immensely enjoyed hearing his favorite songs played as piano music. And with each drink he finished off he came closer and closer to accompanying her. By his fifth drink, he was singing along with her… with a microphone.

“Now this is karaoke!” Vivian held his sides as he laughed.

Amy could hardly play from laughing. By the end of her set, she herself needed a drink. She took a long drink of wine and then headed off to find her handsome man.

“That was great,” Phil laughed as he quickly kissed her.

“And to think I almost turned this down,” she sat on his lap.

“That really was good, Am. Pure entertainment,” Rick smiled at her.

“I try.”

“Oh, I wanted to thank you,” Sav winked at her.

“You are very welcome,” she smiled at Bethany. “And I expect to get that dress back crumpled up in a ball.”

Sav’s eyes widened as Bethany burst out with laughter.

“Can we talk?” Phil asked out of the blue.

Amy looked at him, a bit confused. “Sure.”

Sav looked between them and began to put two and two together. “Um… Phil.”

“Hold on a sec, mate. I need to…”

“I need to ‘ave a word with you first,” he stressed as he nodded toward the bar.

He sighed as Amy rose to her feet and he walked away.

“What is that about?” she looked around the table.

“We were hoping you’d know,” Vivian shrugged his shoulders.



“What is it, mate?” Phil asked.

“I’ll take your interviews,” he spat.


“Don’t break your plans with Amy. I’ll take your interviews.”

“I can’t ask you to do that, mate.”

“You didn’t.”

He sighed. “Sav, look…”

“You look, Phil. I’ve been there, remember?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“You need to be with her. That’s what is important, yeah?”

“I don’t know anymore.”

“I think you do,” he patted his shoulder and smiled. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

He finally smiled as he relaxed. “Thanks.”

“So, what are the plans?”

“Goin’ to Okinawa to meet ‘er family.”

“That’s a huge step,” his eyes widened. “Sure you’re ready for that?”

He looked over at Amy and smiled. “Oh, yeah.”
