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~NSW SIEGREN FOR 2004 & Over 11 V Ratings~


We are very proud of this home bred litter, it was the only litter we got from R. King Macedon (A.I) (Gil Crni Lotos x R. Lady Eva). Two bitches from this mating have gained their Australian Champion titles, Mishka and Aust Ch Rockdalestar Lorena. Lorena herself dam of a Multi V rated including V1 bitch.

Mishka is a Multi V1 rated, Reserve B.I.S.S, multi CC/Reserve CC and Multi In Show winner at specialty's, she has shown herself to be a force to reckon with. A compact powerful bitch, she loves the show-ring and demanding to be looked at. We had a lot of fun with this girl in the ring. Mishka has a strong temperament and is lovely to live with.

Due to us not finding in our opinion the right stud dog for Mishka, she had never been mated and we enjoyed the show ring until start 2006. 

In 2009 Mishka mated to Wenno of Nicholas Lion produced Australia's National winner! her G. sons and G.daughter are proving themselves in the ring and in the whelping box!!. Thank you Mishka.       

Mar 05 


Her show record speaks for itself at Specialty and All-Breed shows here are some of her critiques below.

Northern District Rottweiler Club  09/06   

 Judge:- Hetje Cashley-Harmsma (Netherlands)

Graded:- V4

Four years. Excellent type. Right size. Alert and social. Excellent head. Ears could be a little closer to the head. Dark eye. Complete dentition. Scissor bite with a few pink spots in pigmentation. Excellent top line. Nice strong neck. Very good chest and breast. Good under line. Very good angulation. Stands correct. Good feet. Good coat. Could have more marks on chest. Colour of marks could be a little warmer. Very good movement with a lit of nice behind.


Rottweiler Club of NSW Inc.  8-9/04/06 

Judge:- Pedro Pujals Prat (Spain)

Graded:- V3

4 year, good skull, the ears a little bit highly set, well carried, dark eyes, the cheeks need more fill, good muzzle, full dentition, tight scissor bite, good neck, good chest, good front angulation, good back angulation, good topline, good bottom line, very good movement.


Northern District Rottweiler Club  Sept 04 

Judge:- Bianka Miksic-kasun (Croatia)

V1 - (Open Class) Res Best Exhibit In Show

2 1/2 years, complete scissor bite, friendly and attentive, large, very good strength of bone, very beautiful type, very nice female head, with broad forehead, somewhat highset middle large ears, good carried, very good stop, dark brown eyes, good cheeks and full, very good muzzle, strong, dark lips, good gums, beautiful neck, excellent chest and quarters proportion, excellent back-line, straight short croup, straight front feet with closed toes, very good angles front and rear, very nice coat, good markings, could be a bit cleaner on the muzzle, very good muscles and substance, free fluent movement.


37th Rottweiler Club of NSW Inc  3-4 April 04.

Judge Herr Werner Walter (Gmy)  

   Graded:-V1 - Res CC - Aust Bred In Show

2 years & 2 months old, large, good bone strength, strong head, dark brown eyes, correctly carried ears, dark pigmentation, very well developed chest, straight in front, straight back, muscular rear, correctly angulated, far reaching movement, correct coat, red brown markings, scissor bite.


National  ~ Host ~ N.D.R.C 9-12 April 2003.

Judge Paul Fleige (Gmy)


Twenty six months old female. Large. Very good bone strength. Very well constructed. Quiet. Alert. Friendly. Very good head. Dark brown eyes. Medium sized ears. Dark lips - gum corners pink marbled. Dry neck. Straight back. Very good top and bottom lines. Excellent chest development. Straight in front. Strong feet. Correctly angulated. Very well maintained short coat. Medium to dark brown markings - clearly defined. Free movement - slightly close in the rear. Scissor bite.


34th ROTTWEILER CLUB of NSW Inc 11-13 April 03

Judge: Uwe Petermann (Gmy)     

  Junior Bitch Class  Graded:- SG1

15 month old, medium sized, very well built, alert and friendly. Very well built strong head with small high-set correctly carried ears, dark brown eyes, good stop, pigmentation of the gums dark, lips dark. Strong neck, very good forechest, very good width and depth of chest. Straight front, a little bit straight in pasterns. Very good neck line, short strong back, with correct croup. Very good angulation in the rear. Very good coat, medium brown clearly defined markings. Soft back while moving, otherwise very good action in front and rear. Scissor bite.


   34th ROTTWEILER CLUB of NSW Inc 3-4 Oct 02

Olga Grin (Russia)    

 Puppy Bitch Class  Graded:- VP2

Correct medium sized bitch, very nice female, typical female head, stop could be more pronounced, correct set ears, dark eyes, lips are dark, gums are dark. Very strong correct set neck, very good withers and chest development. Straight front, slightly flat toes. Very good bottom line and top line. Correct croup and rear angulation. Excellent coat. Very good markings. Good drive. Scissor bite, complete dentition.



Rockdalestar King Macedon (A.I) 

HD 2:2  Elb 0:0 eye/mouth cert

Int'l, Slo, Hun, Cro, Czech, Astn, Yug, Am, Can Ch, B.I.SS, Multi B.I.S, V1 ADRK Klubseiger 1999  

Gil Crni Lotos (Slov)

Slv, Slo Ch. Beni    IPO1 (Hun)
Bessy Von Haus Krammer (Slov)

Aust Ch.  Rockdalestar Attraction

Lionsgate's Eiko Von Simeberg   (imp Can) BST cl 2 /Heart/thryoid clr 
Aust Ch/V1 Rated Rockdalestar Princess
Rockdalestar Lady Eva

                       Aust/Sing Ch/BIS winner                          Rockdalestar King Darcy (Export)

BIS/Aust Ch. Rockdalestar Prince
Aust Ch. Rockdalestar Tasia
V1 and Multi V Rated Aust  Ch  

Rockdalestar Princess

BIS/Aust Ch. Rockdalestar Prince
Aust Ch. Rockdalestar Tammy